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In about half a day, Yulan brought all the materials in place, and this time, Qin Yu entered the secret room to refine high grade Venerable Artifact, which took more than 7 days.

“Tie Hong, I think your temperament is good, and I am refining the high grade Venerable Artifact this time. I just missed a helping hand. You come with me to refine the treasure.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Tie Hong was hearing this, a touch of joy immediately appeared on his face, and he said respectfully: “Many thanks Master Qin for showing love, I will definitely help Master Qin to practice treasure.”

It is a great opportunity and honor for him to watch a high grade Venerable Artifact level trainer master refining treasure.

For more than 20 days, every once in a while in the secret room, there will be a terrifying coercion, which indicates that some treasure will be born.

“This is the 5th time that such powerful coercion has appeared, and I don’t know how the master Qin is refining, why can’t I leave the customs.” Tie Zhi said with some worry, walking around like a hot pot. The ants on the road are extremely anxious.

I originally thought that after two horrible fluctuations, Qin Yu would leave the customs, giving them the high grade Venerable Artifact that they had been greedy for so long.

But to this day, after the fifth horrible coercion, Qin Yu still has no sign of going out, let alone giving them a year for something even in dreams high grade Venerable Artifact.

“Don’t worry, Chen Zu only prepared the of materials and refined it. Even if ours failed, but with a lot of materials, it can still be refined.” Li Song unperturbedly said.

There are also some bloodshot eyes in the eyes of 2 people.

Obviously, in order to wait for Qin Yu’s refined treasure to be born, the two of them have not rested much for more than 2 days, and their faces are full of tired expressions.

“I think you two are a bit too anxious. Refining high grade Venerable Artifact is time-consuming and labor-intensive. How could it be so simple? You shouldn’t be too anxious.” Chen Zu jokingly said on the side, not in a hurry. sign.

However, he was also wondering, what exactly did Qin Yu and Tie Hong do in it, and they were so slow to come out. Could it be that they practiced 5 high grade Venerable Artifacts?

But just 3 days later, a terrifying coercion came from the secret room again. This coercion was even more tyrannical than before, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

“The sixth time!”

Chen Zu, Li Song, and Tie Zhi 3 great veteran all said in shock, didn’t expect even the 6th coercion appeared.

In the secret room, Tie Hong is also shocked. These days, he stands aside watching Qin Yu refining high grade Venerable Artifact. He never stops. Now it is the sixth time to refining high grade Venerable Artifact, and he is about to succeed. Up.

“It’s too terrifying. Refining 6 pieces of high grade Venerable Artifact in one retreat is crazy to the extreme.” Tie Hong said in amazement.

After Qin Yu refines a high grade Venerable Artifact, he will take a half-day break, adjust his state, and then continue to refine all the materials into a high grade Venerable Artifact.

In front of him, in Qin Yu’s majestic azure Spirit Fire, there is a huge monster floating. It looks like a sea beast, shaped like a huge icon, but it is different.

The huge icon Sea Beast was practiced by sacrifice, and strong water spirit waves were released from all over his body, bursting out dazzling rays of light, which was extremely powerful.

“Is this last Shui Cang icon finally finished?” Qin Yu whispered.

However, before Qin Yu had time to be happy, his within the body sent an extremely strong wave of volatility. According to daily experience, this is a sign of a breakthrough soon. Please Qin Yu’s heart with joy.

The Spiritual Qi of Qin Yu within the body has been constantly consumed and replenished through the day-to-day refining tools, and Qin Yu has also swallowed a lot of spirit pill and marvelous medicine to replenish physical strength.

Now, these accumulations have finally exploded completely. When Qin Yu is about to refine the sixth high grade Venerable Artifact, it will be a complete breakthrough.

Qin Yu took out a spiritual fruit that Yulan had brought back from the two houses, swallowed it down with a big mouth, and then concentrated on refining the last Shui Cang icon.

After Moyo one hour, Qin Yu successfully practiced the Shui Cang holy elephant sacrifice, and then grabbed it into his hand, feeling the waves on it like a warm jade, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s realm power has also completely penetrated to the realm of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and that within the body slowly exudes one after another tyrannical suffocation power.

“Congratulations to Master Qin. Not only did he refine 6 pieces of high grade Venerable Artifact, but also the cultivation base bring it up a level.” Tie Hong hurriedly stepped forward and said joyfully, his eyes full of worship.

After watching Qin Yu refining these days, Tie Hong finally understands the power of Qin Yu, 6 high grade Venerable Artifacts, which are refining endlessly.

This intensity is too difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

“Hehe, your performance during this period is also good, if you try for a while, maybe you can refine a complete high grade Venerable Artifact.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Tie Hong nodded with a smile, his eyes were also full of bloodshot eyes, and he was even more tired than Qin Yu.

Because in these days, he not only has to lay hands on Qin Yu and help Qin Yu refine the instrument, but he also stares at the Qin Yu refinement without any interval, and his energy is highly concentrated.

“If I can refine high grade Venerable Artifact in the future, I must go to Baima Island to visit Qin master, and with Qin master’s aptitude, I must be refining Emperor Artifact level weapons at that time.” Tie Hong said with a smile .

“Emperor Artifact? Hehe, maybe!”

Qin Yu indifferently smiled, and immediately instructed: “Take out this water blue icon and 3 Jiao Hai Cha. Give the water blue icon to Tie Zhi, and 3 Jiao Hai Cha to Li Song. In addition, let Yulan and Susu They come in.”

“Yes, Master Qin!”

Tie Hong tremblingly took the two treasures, and with an extremely respectful attitude, he walked out of the secret room and came out of the secret room, ready to give the treasure.

Chen Zu, Li Song, and Tie Zhi saw the door to the secret room opened. After Tie Hong walked out, the three immediately greeted him. Tie Zhi took the lead and asked: “Tie Hong, has Master Qin succeeded?”

“Old Ancestor, what are you talking about? Are you still doubting Master Qin’s abilities?” Tie Hong said without knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Qin Yu was more than successful. Instead, he produced 6 high grade Venerable Artifacts all at once, but Tie Hong didn’t say that’s all to help Qin Yu keep the secret.

A touch of embarrassment appeared on Tiezhi’s face. It was just a treasure of high grade Venerable Artifact, which made him worry about gains and losses, and said with a smile embarrassingly: “Isn’t your Old Ancestor in a hurry? Tell me, how is it?”

“Hehe, it was a success naturally. This is the high grade Venerable Artifact that Master Qin helped us refine by Tie Family. It can be given to Old Ancestor now.” Tie Hong laughed and took out the Venerable Artifact to Tie. orange.

Tie Zhi saw the Shui Cang holy elephant, his eyes straightened suddenly, even if he did not touch, he could feel the huge fluctuations in the Shui Cang holy elephant.

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