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“Chen Zu, kill him!”

Qin Yu’s indifferent voice, with an extremely sharp killing intent, suddenly resounded in the sea like a billowing thunder, Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, the hearts of all the shocking people were all shaken together.

I didn’t expect, Qin Yu not only succeeded in sneak attack, but also really wanted to kill him!

After Chen Zu heard Qin Yu’s scolding, his heart also violently shook, and immediately there was a hideous expression on his face, and the aura all over his body became fiercely restless.

The strength of Zhuoqi is strong. If he is on weekdays, even if he has a high grade Venerable Artifact, he may not be able to kill Zhuoqi, but now, it is the only chance.

If you let go of the boiled fish clan, the Haijiao clan will be swept back in the future, and this boiled claw will inevitably kill the marine fish clan and increase revenge against the marine fish clan.

But if you get rid of the boil, the marine fish clan will be less stressed in the days to come.


The thoughts got to this point, Chen Zu directly took out the Blue Ling Heavy Water Peak, and an extremely irritable air floated from under his feet, madly injected into the Blue Ling Heavy Water Peak.

Immediately, I saw Chen Zu’s arms suddenly grabbed the Lanling Heavy Water Peak and lifted the huge Blue Spirit Heavy Water Peak. Fiercely took a step forward, and moved towards the fallen fiercely fell down.

At this moment, Chen Zu’s killing intent was extremely strong!

Divine Soul was stimulated by Soul Devouring mirror, fiercely hit hard, and the whole person’s brain was stabbed. Divine Sense seemed to be cut apart, losing the power of balance and falling seabed quickly.

When he was running his power and forcibly expelling the tingling meaning in his mind, his front was suddenly black, and Chen Zu picked up the blue spirit heavy water peak, and fiercely moved towards him and fell down.


In this scene, I was completely scared to face deathly pale, and a cold sweat started directly behind him.

However, before he had time to react, Lan Ling Heavy Water Peak smashed onto him with an endless and mighty power.


Under the power of horror, all the bones of the boiled bones were directly smashed and burst, and the heart-piercing voice roared from the mouth of the boiled boil, which was extremely miserable.

Zhu Xiao was stained with a large amount of blood, and directly lost half of his life.

A very terrifying blow! “

This scene caused all the people present to change their complexions, and their eyes twitched fiercely.

Stronger than boiled down, the realm of the 9th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm was almost wiped out by Chen Zu’s blow.

“Protect Lord Boo Xiu!”

All around the sea dragon clan were all startled, and they hurriedly wanted to move towards Zhuo Xiao, and wanted to save Xiu Yu!

However, at this time, Li Song and Tie Zhi two people came forward one after another.

“Who dares to attack, we will kill whoever!”

The 2 people became extremely strong at this moment, and the body was also surging with a strong killing intent, staring at the other people of the Haijiao clan, the power in the body violently rioted, and a strong killing light bred in the pupils.

Under the obstacles of everyone, the Haijiao Clan not at all succeeded, and Chen Zu took advantage of this gap and once again used the blue spirit heavy water peak to fall down, directly blasting the boiled 箜 into mud.


Above the seabed, the sea surged and burst violently, and the terrifying waves swept layer by layer, moving towards all around spreading, forming a terrifying aftermath.

Everything all around was shattered by this huge wave, completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

“Boiled 箜 is dead!”

Seeing the boiled 箜 that was obliterated by Chen Zu and smashed into sludge, whether it was the powerhouse of the sea fish family or the sea fish family, all went crazy.

As the No. 2 character of the Haijiao clan, Zhuo Qi is extremely terrifying. Every time he leads a team to attack and kill the Haiyu clan, he will return in a big victory, but now he finally died in the hands of Chen Zu.

The Haijiao clan and the others watched the death of the battle, and there was a violent tremor in their hearts, and a sense of fear was born in their hearts!

Many of its warriors hurriedly backed away, as if the Buddha had lost the backbone.

“Bao Yu is dead, so you don’t need to be jealous, and you will try your best to hunt down everyone of the Haijiao Clan and kill them quickly so that they will never bully our Haiyu Clan in the future.”

“In the past few decades, the sea fish clan’s oppression of our marine fish clan has all been retrieved today, and they must be doubled in return!”

After killing the boiled dragon, Chen Zu suddenly turned around, a pair of scarlet eyes released a strong cold light, and moved towards the powerhouse of the sea fish clan to give orders.

“Kill, kill the Sea Jiao Clan!”

“Kill the Haijiao tribe, and avenge our tribe!”

Under the stimulation of Chen Zu’s words, everyone from the Sea Fish Clan roared!

Suddenly, 10000 intense fighting intents suddenly broke out on the marine fish clan. The entire Black Demon Sea seemed to boil in this brief moment!

On the contrary, it was the previously incomparably tyrannical sea dragon family. At this moment, each and everyone was in a panic. Many sea dragon family saw that the situation had gone, and they had already begun to escape in 4 places.

Their Ninth Prince Ao Lie was killed in battle, which was originally a strong blow to them. Now, coupled with the killing of Zhuo Xiao, this time, the Sea Jiao tribe’s military spirit is completely disintegrated.

2 In clan warfare, strength is one aspect, and military spirit is also one aspect!

The Haijiao tribe, who had lost their military spirit, were directly defeated and became the target of being slaughtered by the marine fish tribe. The marine fish tribe directly chased out several tens of thousands of li and killed them one day one night.

And this one day one night, in this area of ​​the Black Demon Sea, the dark water turned into blood red.

In the sea water, there are even more corpses of the Haijiao tribe.

After more than a day, Chen Zu returned to the marine fish clan with people, his body was stained with a lot of blood, and his eyes were full of intense excitement.

“Master Qin, this time is going to be many thanks to you, let us eradicate the threat for many years.” Chen Zu strode to Qin Yu, laughed and said with a smile.

Zhuo Yu was killed, Ao Lie was killed, the expert of the Haijiao clan suffered numerous casualties, the army was also obliterated, and the Haiyu clan was completely victorious.

“This is all your own contribution to the marine fish clan, there is no need to thank me, and since the matter is over, then it is time for me to leave.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“What, Master Qin is leaving?”

Chen Zu hearing this, a surprised expression appeared on his face, and hurriedly said: “Master Qin, why should you leave in a hurry? Why don’t you stay for a few more days and let us entertain your benefactor.”

Qin Yu shook the head slowly and rejected Chen Zu’s idea.

I came out to hunt Ao Lie this time, mainly to obtain Azure Dragon Bloodline. Now that the goal is achieved, it is natural to leave and return to Baima Island.

Moreover, Qin Yu hurriedly left under the attack of Gu Xiu that day.

Now, a month has passed, and I don’t know how the situation on White Horse Island is. Qin Yu wants to rush back to White Horse Island as soon as possible to avoid any incidents.

On the battleship, Qin Yu stared in the direction of Baima Island, with a hint of worry flashing in his eyes, and immediately instructed: “Xu Sheng Old Brother, you are still driving the boat this time. I’ll take care of Ao Lie’s Corpse.”

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