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Yuan Hong was scared off by Qin Yu7, which made the scene embarrassing for a while. The people in the entire great hall moved towards Qin Yu and cast horrified glances, completely didn’t expect such a result.

From now on, if Yuan Hong sees Qin Yu again, he is afraid that he will immediately remember what happened today. Qin Yu will become the devil and shadow in Yuan Hong’s heart, making Yuan Hong panic all day long.

In fact, Qin Yu didn’t even think about this scene.

His own injuries were too serious, scaring Yuan Hong, and he had to do it completely, but didn’t expect had a miraculous effect.

Although Qin Yu can stimulate the seal of good fortune, it is more of a deterrent. If this blow goes down, Qin Yu himself will not feel good.

Now, there is only one person left in the entire great hall, Gu Xiu, who is fighting fiercely with Bai Heng. These two people have fought several times, their strength is evenly matched, and the fight is extremely fierce.

After the fight, Gu Xiu gave Qin Yu a fiercely with a bad expression. If it weren’t for Qin Yu, he would have succeeded long ago, so why fall to the current end.

Seeing that Wang Xue, the king of the Ten Palaces, was in this inner hall, he was helpless, which made him extremely angry.

“Hmph, Bai Heng, today this Eminence will kill you even if it is dead. His Qin Yu can be crazy, I can also be crazy, see if you can stop it.” Gu Xiu said fiercely.

The breath on his body suddenly burned, and the bloodline essence poured out majestic within the body, suddenly became extremely fierce, and the battle strength soared exponentially.

“Not good, this guy burns Bloodline’s origins and jumps the wall in a hurry.”

Feeling the powerful coercion that burst out of Gu Xiu’s body, all the people present changed. Obviously, this Gu Xiu was also imitating Qin Yu and went completely crazy.

It’s just that Qin Yu cultivation is crazy Demon Art, but Gu Xiu burns bloodline blood essence. The former does not shake the foundation, while the latter may not be promoted in this life.

“You can be crazy, and I can be crazy naturally too. Let’s see who died here today.”

The fiercely trembling of Bai Heng’s eyes also ignited the blood essence. The terrifying power was like an ocean, erupting from within the body and swept the entire great hall.

At this time, both of them are completely irreconcilable!

“Tiecheng Elder, you can help Baiheng Island Lord. In addition, you two should also take action. Attack the dog from the side and remember not to get too close.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

Tie Cheng is an expert of the 9th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm. Although he is not Gu Xiu’s opponent, he can also help a little bit. As for Yulan and Xu Sheng, they can attack from the side and cause some trouble for Gu Xiu. .

Now, as long as Ancient Xiu is completely resolved, this crisis will be considered to have come to an end, and it is absolutely impossible for Ancient Xiu to escape.

The three people knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately nodded their hands. With the silhouettes of these three people, the battle was immediately turned around, making Gu Xiu fall into a disadvantage.

“Qin Yu, this Gu Xiuyin is vicious, even if we besieged him, we are afraid we will have to pay a high price, and it is very possible to escape.” Bai Susu whispered.

After all, Gu Xiu is the identity of Asura, and the strength itself is much stronger than Human Race. It is even more terrifying and by fair means or foul when killed.

Hearing this, Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly. Gu Xiu killed him this time, causing too much trouble. If there is another time, the whole Baima Island will not be peaceful.

Therefore, Gu Xiu must not be allowed to escape this time.

“There is a way to think about it, but it takes a little time to prepare, so let’s take out all the treasures on your body, and I will pick some useful things.” Qin Yu said.

Gu Xiu dared to enter the heavily guarded Island Lord’s mansion alone. It was not a momentary impulse, but a feeling of intrepid strength. Therefore, even if he was besieged and defeated by everyone, he was afraid that there would be a way to escape.

What Qin Yu has to do is to completely obliterate Gu Xiu, so that Gu Xiu has no way to escape and is completely buried here.

Moreover, although I don’t know where Wang Xue was sealed, I had to guard against any restrictions that were triggered and release him.

After all, the war here is so fierce, there are horrible storms everywhere, and no one can say that there will be unpredictable consequences!

So, prepare more for you to prevent accidents!

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Bai Susu hurriedly took out his storage bag and poured out a lot of things. Qin Yu picked up some gold stones and the like.

After Qin Yu took out these golden stones and the like, they quickly smelted them to create a simple formation of one after another in his hands, and immediately plunged into the ground and began to deploy the formation.

“Although the technique is simpler, but there is no way at this moment, Chi Rong, you mobilize all the corpse puppets to help me set up the formation.” Qin Yu instructed.

Hey, hey, dong!

As Qin Yu’s voice fell, eleven puppets descended around Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu didn’t let them participate in the war at all, but moved quickly, moving towards each gold-stone formation, infused with Spiritual Qi.

Qin Yu is standing in the center of the array, biting the tip of his tongue, spitting out a sip of blood essence in his palm, and quickly changing his palm prints, performing one after another mysterious technique.

As Qin Yu’s technique changed, the blood essence in the palm of his hand turned into a thread of blood, spreading, connecting the eleven corpse puppets and the formation, and finally a perfect blood pattern formation was arranged.

After setting up the Formation, Qin Yu within the body’s power has been consumed a lot, and the breath that had been restored once again wilted.

“Good mysterious array!”

Bai Susu saw Qin Yu set up Formation, and asked expectantly: “This formation should be able to obliterate Gu Xiu, right?”

“If there is no accident, it would be enough. With the blessing of eleven corpse puppets, coupled with the formation, this bloodline formation will stop the expert of Wheel Sea Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Peak. It is not difficult.” Qin Yu explained. Tao.

If it weren’t for time constraints, Qin Yu itself was an arrow at the end of its flight. The formidable power of this bloodline array would be improved by deploying stronger means.

“What, this big bloodline formation can stop the expert of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm?” Bai Susu said in astonishment, his face full of incredible color.

I originally thought that Qin Yu arranged the array to help kill the enemy and that’s all, but didn’t expect this blood pattern array to be so powerful that it could stop the expert of Wheel Sea Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Peak.

In this way, wouldn’t Gu Xiu be dead!

When Qin Yu set up Formation, Gu Xiu was forced to retreat by four people. Half of his body was blood dyed red, and his breath plummeted.

Especially after burning his own Bloodline blood essence, his power was about to be exhausted, and Gu Xiu completely turned into an arrow at the end of its flight, almost losing his resistance.

“Gu Xiu, this is your land of burial today!” Bai Heng stared at Gu Xiu and said with a cold voice, bursting out the strongest killing intent from the soul.

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