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There are 3,000,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stones in the storage bag. Qin Yu previously obtained nearly 1.3 billion from Guo Si. In addition, Qin Yu itself has more than 9 remaining, and it has 100000000 middle grade Spirit Stones.

This is an extremely huge astronomical number, and even the entire City Lord Mansion can be purchased!

Qin Yu selected the ore in another storage bag in person, and classified various spiritual medicines, ore, and special heavenly material earthly treasure.

Some heavenly material earthly treasure such as ore, Qin Yu threw directly into the corpse soul orb, allowing Chi Rong to use it to sacrifice and practice the corpse puppet and enhance the formidable power of the corpse puppet.

During this time, Qin Yu did not use corpse puppets to fight, but the formidable power of corpse puppets can be improved a lot. Compared with the Heavenly Dragon cavalry of City Lord Mansion, they are much stronger and can continue to evolve.

“Little friend Qin Yu, in addition to these things, there is one more thing I want to give you.”

After Qin Yu had counted everything, Zhou Mo cautiously took out a palm-size black brocade box from his arms.

“Oh, there is still something to give me?”

Qin Yu took the brocade box from Zhou Mo in surprise. After opening it, a black ring-like treasure appeared in it, exuding a simple atmosphere.

The ring is hidden among the many heavenly material and earthly treasures. It looks ordinary, but it seems unusually old. There are various strange patterns and restraining powers on it.

“We found this from a treasure house in Guo Si’s room, but we don’t know the function of this black ring, and we can’t crack the prohibition above.” Zhou Mo explained.

The thing that can be treasured by Guo Si in the treasury of his room, this thing must not be a normal thing, but it is a pity that they are not capable enough to detect anything.

“The prohibition that we can’t solve does not mean that Qin Yu can’t solve it. Don’t forget that he is far more powerful than us in Formation.” Zhou Chenglin said with a smile.

Although it has been a full 5 days, Zhou Chenglin remembered that Qin Yu had arranged the array before, and the various methods used to obliterate Wei Bin and Guo Si, it still seems like a dream.

“Hehe, everyone praised!”

Qin Yu made a polite sentence, and then studied it carefully. The prohibition above is extremely complex and extremely ancient, and Qin Yu has never seen it before.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smile.

People from Zhou Family admire himself so much, thinking that he can undo the seal above, but now he is somewhat…

“Master, the prohibition on this thing I know is a very special rune from Ancient Era, which has the function of sealing space.” Chi Rong said suddenly, expressing excitement.

“What, do you say this is a special restriction in Ancient Era’s sealed space?”

Qin Yu said in surprise, didn’t expect it turned out to be this thing, no wonder he hadn’t seen it before.

“Well, although it is not very certain, it is most likely to be correct.”

Chi Rong hurriedly explained: “If my guess is correct, this black ring should be an ancient treasure of space. You shouldn’t open it now.”

Since the above is the restriction of the sealed space, it must be sealed with the space inside, so it is not difficult to guess the function of this ring.

The difference is that general things similar to storage bags, although they are also space treasures, the space is not large, and there is no way to store living things.

However, in some ancient treasures, there is the same space as the outside. As long as the Formation and Spirit Stone are arranged inside, living things can grow inside.

This kind of treasure is referred to as the submissive realm.

“You mean, this black ring in my hand is a legendary world with the same space as the outside world?” Qin Yu trembled fiercely in his heart, held breath cold air.

Qin Yu had only heard of this treasure in the rumors, but had never seen it before. Didn’t expect found one in the City Lord Mansion.

Moreover, within the realm, there is a word “boundary”, which is enough to explain the difference. It is similar to a Small World, and you can take it with you at will.

This time, Qin Yu is a treasure!

After knowing the terrifying of this thing, Qin Yu couldn’t help but touch his nose, with an awkward smile on his face, and said: “Patriarch Zhou, I have to take this thing away and study it to solve it, and it is extremely troublesome. I didn’t open it in front of you.”

“What, the prohibition above is so powerful?” Zhou Mo said in astonishment, didn’t expect Qin Yu to solve it for a while.

Zhou Chenglin disagrees, saying with a smile: “If this is the case, please put this treasure away, and wait for you to slowly untie it in the future.”

“Yes, not bad. I have given you this thing just now, and only you can open it. Unfortunately, we can’t see the formidable power of this treasure.” Zhou Mo said with a smile.

Qin Yu can’t open the treasure within a short period of time, even if it is given to them Zhou Family, it has no effect, even more how they have already stated that it was given to Qin Yu.

Although I felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed, Qin Yu kept the ring close to his body and opened it when he had the opportunity.

After the assignment of treasures was over, Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan suddenly said: “Father, the City Lord has been killed, and the blood wind dojo has been destroyed. The Danyang County City affairs have come to an end, so I am going to go away slowly?”

“Going out to the door?”

Zhou Mo was a little surprised, and curiously asked: “What’s the matter, why are you two going to travel far away now? Now the family is in the use of people.”

Although he eliminated the two big mountains on his head, Zhou Family’s current power is not stable, and there are many places to employ people.

Although Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan are not as perverted as Qin Yu, they are not weak. They are both experts of 2 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, and many things are waiting for them to deal with.

“Patriarch, what are you worried about? First listen to Huang’er and Huanhuan to finish, and then you can express your own opinions.” Zhou Chenglin said indifferently.

Zhou Mo has stabilized his emotions. On the one hand, he is reluctant to bear his son and daughter. On the other hand, Zhou Family does need to employ people now, so he just lost self-control.

“Father, Great Elder, it’s like this. After this incident, the two of us have fully realized our lack of strength, so we want to join the ghost envoys under the Guitian King.” Zhou Huang explained.

Although the innate talent of himself and Huanhuan are very strong, they are first-class experts in Danyang County, but in front of Qin Yu, they are not even considered ants.

Of course, let alone him, even his father and Great Elder in front of Qin Yu can’t stop Qin Yu from halfway.

Seeing how powerful Qin Yu is, Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan were extremely envious, so they decided to join the Ghost King’s men to become a ghost ambassador and practice themselves.

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