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Speaking of Gui Li, not only Liu Shuangxue shuddered, but even Hao Xueyao’s expression changed. They could be impudent in front of Qin Yu, but in front of Gui Li, they absolutely did not dare.

Even Liu Shuangxue, a bold existence, was scared to death by Gui Li, who would dare to be unconvinced in any way.

“Didn’t expect in front of Master Guili, you dignified ghost emperor dare not impudent!” Hao Xueyao smiled and said jokingly.

“Okay, okay, don’t say anything, you dare to laugh at me, believe it or not, I will punish you as the ghost king.”

Liu Shuangxue said angrily: “Master Guili encountered trouble in the depths of Desolate Land. Now we are mobilized. We can’t stay here anymore. Let me know, everyone goes to Desolate Land!”

On weekdays, it’s okay for them to laugh a little bit, but at critical moments, they must obey the orders between the superior and the superior, and there must be no impudent.

“Brother Qin, if you want to go to Imperial Capital, we can’t fly there like this. We must find Transmission Array to reach Imperial Capital as soon as possible.” Zhou Huang explained.

The territory of the Heavenly Dragon Empire is extremely large, occupying a quarter of the area of ​​the Heavenly Continent. Even if it is flying with other powerhouses of Giant level, it is impossible to pass through the entire Heavenly Dragon Empire in a short time.

Moreover, Danyang County City is connected to the Transmission Array of Tian’an Ancient City. The terrifying existence from Desolate Land can pass through the Transmission Array of Tian’an Ancient City to reach Danyang County in the shortest time.

Therefore, within the scope of Danyang County, there is no Transmission Array leading to the Imperial Capital. This is the buffer battlefield left by the Heavenly Dragon Empire. The purpose is to defend against the experts who came out of Desolate Land.

It is precisely because of this that the three heavenly kings of the Heavenly Dragon Empire disdain this land, but instead fall into the hands of Gui Li. If the opponent comes to attack, the forces established by Gui Li will be the first to be impacted. As a shield for them.

Guili can be tolerated by the three heavenly kings, perhaps for this reason, and when Guili does occupy Desolate Land, they may also get a share.

“Having the Transmission Array to the Imperial Capital should be in Qing Feng County after Qingfeng mountain range?” Qin Yu asked.

During this period of time, Qin Yu lived in Zhou Family, and naturally heard a lot of news, knowing that the Transmission Array to Imperial Capital is only available in Qing Feng County.

Qing Feng County, like Danyang County, belongs to the area of ​​the county and province divided by the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Under the county and province, there are also various small cities in the scope of incomparable gigantic.

After Qin Yu passed the Transmission Array of the ancient city of Tian, ​​it only reached the area of ​​Danyang County, and finally walked on the avenue for several days before reaching Danyang County City.

“Well, Qing Feng County is much bigger than Danyang County, and there are naturally many powerful warriors. Even experts like Guo Si are countless.”

Zhou Huang explained: “But this is nothing, and the most troublesome thing is that if we want to reach Qing Feng County to borrow Transmission Array, we must cross Qingfeng Mountain, where Demon Beast is rampant, it is a place of extreme danger. “

Qingfeng Mountain lies between Danyang County and Qing Feng County, and stretches several tens of thousands of li. The deeper it is, various powerful Demon Beasts emerge in endlessly, terrifying and dangerous.

Of course, this is not impossible to pass through.

Over the years, the Heavenly Dragon Empire has specially developed a safer official road in order to ensure the exchanges and trade between Danyang County and Qingfeng City.

“We want to reach Qing Feng County safely. The best choice is to take the official road. Otherwise, if we stray into some places in Qingfeng Mountain, we will die without a burial site and be torn apart by the powerful Demon Beast.” Zhou Huang explained. Tao.

Qin Yu nodded, he doesn’t care where he goes, as long as he can reach Qing Feng County as quickly as possible.

After 2 days, everyone came to the border of Danyang County, and a large jungle mountain appeared in front of everyone, seemingly insurmountable.

In front of them, there is an extremely huge official way.

The warriors from Danyang County gathered from all directions, and the grandiose rushed into the official road to Qingfeng Mountain.

“There are still many people coming and going, let’s follow the crowd.” Zhou Huanhuan suggested in a low voice.

“Huanhuan, you need to be more confident when you speak, otherwise, with a personality like you, you won’t be able to enter the hands of the ghost king.” Fourth Mother Feng said with a smile.

Until now, Fourth Mother Feng and the others did not know that the famous Ghost King of the Heavenly Dragon Empire was just an Avatar refined by Qin Yu.

Qin Yu had been with Zhou Huang at the beginning, if you want to become a ghost, you can ask him for help, but Zhou Huang does not at all take Qin Yu’s words seriously.

The opponent is the King of Ghosts, the number one genius of the Heavenly Dragon Empire for 1000 years, and the future Four Great Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly Dragon Empire. How could it be possible to know the remnants of the Heavenly Dragon Empire?

This is ridiculous!

Zhou Huang didn’t say it, and Qin Yu didn’t explain it either!

After all, if you want to become stronger, you have to rely on your own ability. Qin Yu helped Zhou Huang for a while, but it couldn’t help Zhou Huang for a lifetime.

Moreover, Qin Yu’s current identity really cannot touch Guili, otherwise Guili will be strangled in the cradle once the Heavenly Dragon Empire finds out.

Everyone did not stop, and followed the grandiose crowd moved towards Qingfeng Mountain, and followed behind a team, but not at all approaching

This team is not an ordinary team, which has several powerful experts.

The leader of the middle age person realm even surpassed the realm of Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan, reaching the level of Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

When these people saw Qin Yu following them, they didn’t mean to drive them away, but they also came forward to say hello. Instead, they were separated by 40-50 meters.

Although it is on the official road, there are often some murdering to seize the treasures here. Without knowing the other party, no one dares to contact the other party.

On the contrary, in order to prevent accidents from happening, everyone also cast very vigilant eyes on Qin Yu, always guarding Qin Yu and the others, fearing that Qin Yu and the others are bandits.


Entering the Qingfeng mountain range, about half a day, when everyone was driving in the grandiose, the jungle beside the official road suddenly uttered a loud beast roar.

“Not good, there is Demon Beast!”

Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan immediately creded out in surprise, and a weapon appeared in each hand, looking towards the direction from Demon Beast with a tense spirit.

“Fourth Mother, you should also be careful. This Demon Beast’s roar is very strong. I am afraid it is a powerful Demon Beast.” Qin Yu exhorted Fourth Mother Feng to prevent any accidents.

However, as soon as Qin Yu’s words fell, the team in front did not feel nervous at all. Seeing that the four people were approaching enemies, there was a burst of laughter.

“Hahaha, have you seen it? They were actually scared by the sound of a Demon Beast roar.”

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