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Qin Yu was really speechless, and he kindly reminded them that these people mocked him in this way.

Although the middle age person doesn’t laugh at him like other people, but the words also mean contempt and unbelief.

“If you don’t believe me, then I can’t help it.”

Qin Yu shook the head and said unceremoniously: “But when you will suffer heavy casualties, don’t blame us for not reminding you.”

Strangers, strangers coming together by chance.

I can remind them that they have done their best.

As for whether these people believe it or not, it’s not about Qin Yu.

“Okay, okay, you guys don’t laugh at others, he just reminded us with kindness.”

Seeing that Qin Yu seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his attitude, the middle age person waved his hand to stop everyone’s ridicule and calm everyone down.

But he didn’t care about what Qin Yu said. On this official road, he walked at least 100 times, and every time he heard Demon Beast’s roar, but he never encountered it.


The moment the middle age person turned around, a terrifying Demon Beast roar burst into everyone’s eardrums instantly, like Thunder Strength from Nine Heavens, and it shocked everyone’s eardrums.

At the same time, nearly 20 huge Demon Beasts rushed out of the jungle next to Pipe 2, plunged into the crowd, and started to kill in the crowd.

“Not good, Demon Beast attacked, fast, fast defense!”

The pungent bloody smell instantly diffused in the air, and the irritating people were dumbfounded, and they hurriedly copied the guys for defense!

Everyone has now cleared the comprehension. What Qin Yu said was true, that there was a Demon Beast attack.

In just 2 seconds, Demon Beast tore 3 warriors. Other warriors also had scratches on blood essence, which were quite terrifying.

From the laughter of everyone, the scene turned into hell by the way.


The middle-aged Captain saw that his team members were torn apart several times, and roared on the spot, and hurried back to his team, fighting hard with Demon Beast.

However, the realm of this group of Demon Beast is very strong. Even though the middle-aged Captain is not weak, his team members were still torn apart by two, and they shouted in pain.

“This is. Black Tarantula!”

The young warrior looked at the large number of Demon Beasts in front of him, his face instantly turned into horror, and tremblingly said, “Why are there black tarantulas here?”

The Black Tarantula, Demon Beast, is an extremely vicious Demon Beast. It can spit out venom from its mouth, paralyze the warrior, and then tear the warrior alive.

It’s just that these things live in the depths of Qingfeng Mountain, and there is basically such a malicious Demon Beast around the official road, but now there are more than 20.

Among them, there are 5 black tarantulas, moved towards Qin Yu and the others are culled, the realm is not weak, 3 only reached the Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

“The 2 Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage will be given to Zhou Huang and Huanhuan. As for the remaining 3, let me come.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

The black tarantula terrifying is extremely terrifying, leaving 2 weaker ones, just enough to hone Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan’s power, as for the rest, there is no need.

“it is good!”

Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan understood Qin Yu’s thoughts, and immediately killed them. Each of them dealt with a black tarantula, and the killing was evenly matched, which was extremely tragic.

Fourth Mother Feng didn’t do anything, but kept an eye on Zhou Huang and Zhou Huanhuan at all times, so as not to encounter some accidents when the two of them were in training.

Qin Yu walked forward in large strides, and dealt with 3 Demon Beasts alone, hitting 3 fist peaks, and moved straight towards 3 Demon Beast strikes.

However, the team in front was a bit tragic. The middle-aged Captain was soon besieged by a few black tarantulas, bloodstained on him, horrible to see.

Middle-aged Captain’s left leg was stabbed by fiercely, and there was a black tarantula thigh inserted into it, like a steel knife.

As for the rest, most of them were seriously injured and couldn’t support a few rounds at all.

At this time, an extremely huge black tarantula suddenly crawled out of the forest. After all the catches were stretched out, it was more than 20 meters long, and it lay horizontally like a hill.

“Black Tarantula King, and it’s Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Peak! Hiss, how can such a terrifying Demon Beast exist here?”

The youth looked at the black tarantula king, held breath cold air deeply, and Demon Beast of Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Peak. He had only seen it in his dreams, and had never witnessed it with his own eyes.

After the black tarantula king appeared, all the black tarantulas retreated, like courtiers, standing aside, waiting for their king to come here.

Everyone in the team was desperate.

Facing these ordinary black tarantulas, they are not opponents, and facing the black tarantula king now, they are even more unstoppable, not to mention that they are now suffering heavy casualties.

At this moment, whether it was a middle-aged Captain or a young warrior, they all regretted it. They should not taunt Qin Yu, but should listen to Qin Yu’s words and prepare early.

Although impossible promised to kill, but part of the escape is part of it, and there is no possibility that the whole army is destroyed here, even a little bit of survival.

“By the way, he can perceive these Demon Beasts and must have extraordinary battle strength.”

After thinking of Qin Yu, the young warrior immediately turned around and looked over, and happened to see that Qin Yu was killing 3 Demon Beasts.

boom! boom! boom!

Under Qin Yu’s pair of fists, the three black tarantulas had no resistance at all, and were immediately killed on the spot, without a chance to breathe.

“What, he actually killed 3 Demon Beasts with one punch, this…”

Seeing 3 Demon Beasts in Qin Yu’s hands that couldn’t even support a punch, they were killed by Qin Yu and turned into meatloaf, the young warrior was completely shocked.

These 3 Demon Beasts are all the Demon Beasts of Wheel Sea Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. Not to mention their Captain, even the warriors of 3 Heavenly Layer Peak can’t kill them with a single punch, instead they require a strategic withdrawal.

But now, under Qin Yu’s flesh fist, he couldn’t stop even one move, and the young warrior couldn’t feel any Spiritual Qi fluctuations from Qin Yu.

In other words, Qin Yu obliterated these 3 black tarantulas and didn’t even use the cultivation base. What kind of terrifying power is this?

“If he does something, there must be a way to deal with these black tarantulas, and we will be saved.”

Thinking of this, the young warrior immediately ran in front of Qin Yu, knelt on the ground, kept kowtow, and pleaded: “My son, I was wrong just now. The dog looks down on others. Please forgive me and save us.”

Hey, hey, dong!

Within a few seconds, the young man knocked his head to pieces, his head full of blood.

“Ai, I knew this a long time ago, why did it in the first place, if you followed my reminder, you wouldn’t have suffered such a heavy loss.”

Seeing that the team of more than ten people died and even ten people died, and all of them were seriously injured, Qin Yu shook the head slowly and sighed.

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