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Dēng dēng dēng !

The robust man was knocked into the air by the power of the black blade, and kept going backwards, and every time he took a step back, his feet left a 30 cm footprint on the ground.

The ground under his feet is hard boulder, without any weeds.

Under the impact of the powerful force, when his feet trampled on the boulder, it was like stepping on tofu, leaving a deep mark, which made him extremely shocked.

After going back seventy-eighty steps, the force Qin Yu exerted on him poured out a lot, and only about 30% was left. The shock from his feet fiercely all leaked into the ground.

The rocks on the ground burst suddenly and turned into countless pieces!

The power of very terrifying, just one blow, made me so embarrassed! “

Looking at the series of footprints left in front of him, the robust man’s face changed drastically, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

The black rock armor is not only powerful than defensive power. Once it is deployed, the heavy power takes root, enough to make him comparable to a 4 level 8 stable mountain, even with a power of 10000 jun, it is difficult to shake.

But now…

Ka-cha !

Before the shock in his heart disappeared, a crisp cracking sound suddenly came from his ear.

When he turned his head and looked, he found that the black rock armor in his ears had a one after another crack, and a large amount of skin was exposed. There was a red blood stain on the skin, which was aching.

This red bloodstain is naturally caused by Qin Yu’s black blade slap!

“What, my Black Rock Armor was broken, this…. This… how is it possible, my Black Rock Armor is the most invincible defense for the 6th Layer Initial Stage.”

The robust man couldn’t help but roared up with a startled sound, his face changed drastically, and he was very panicked. He looked at Qin Yu with the eyes of a monster, and couldn’t believe that this was Qin Yu caused.

The invincible Black Rock armor was broken!

“big brother !”

Seeing that Robust man’s black rock armor was broken by Qin Yu, several of Robust man’s subordinates were also panicked, each and everyone looked at Qin Yu like a monster.

“I’m fine, he just broke my armor, not at all hurt my bones!”

The robust man hurriedly moved towards the younger brothers and explained, beckoning them not to act blindly without thinking, because the youth in front of them is too terrifying, even if they are added together, they are not the youth’s opponent.

He was sure that Qin Yu had some reservations when he did it just now, otherwise he wouldn’t shoot him with a sword, just smashed his black rock armor to pieces.

If he were to stab him with a black blade, let alone his armor shattered, he would not even save his life, and he would be directly pierced by Qin Yu with a sword and died on the spot.


It’s really terrifying!

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

After a few heavy breaths, the robust man barely suppressed the shock in his heart. He looked at Qin Yu respectfully and moved towards Qin Yu cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Sorry, it was our dog’s eyes just now. People are low, please punish us.”

Once such a terrifying person gets angry, they will die here and be completely wiped out by the other party. Therefore, the robust man does not wait for Qin Yu to go wild, and takes the initiative to admit his mistake, hoping that Qin Yu will spare them.

In a place like Nether Purgatory, there is no reason to kill people. Besides, they underestimate Qin Yu first and have to apologize!

“Punish? Hehe, why should I punish you? Just tell me where the two Old Monsters are.”

Qin Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: “Even if I want to kill people, I will only kill the two Old Monsters. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes Yes!”

An expression of surprise flashed across the robust man’s face. He secretly felt that he was lucky, and hurriedly explained: “The two people we met in front are only 2 minutes away from now. If you try to catch up, I should be able to find them.”

“many thanks !”

Qin Yu cup one fist in the other hand thanked him, and the team of people Ma Shi spread their speed and quickly pursued them. Must find the two Old Monsters and teach them fiercely.

He and the two Old Monsters lacking hatred and enmity, just drank a few glasses of wine with the two Old Monster rivals Wei Tian, ​​they were regarded as enemies by the two Old Monsters, and they chased them everywhere. It is really damnable!

If it weren’t for Qin Yu who cultivated the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art to 7th floor Great Accomplishment, and fought with death to exchange injuries, he would have died in the hands of two Old Monsters.

It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receiving !

“Big brother, the strength of this young man just now is really strong, and I don’t know that it is from the Imperial Capital family, and he has cultivated such a terrifying monster!”

“It is indeed a monster. I have never seen the realm of Wheel Sea Realm 2 Middle Stage with such abnormal battle strength, it is desperate.”

Seeing Qin Yu leaving behind, a group of people stood in a daze. The amount of impact Qin Yu’s performance brought to them was really shocking.

Until now, they are still doubting their eyes, wondering if what they have just experienced is a dream.

“Big brother, do you think this person can kill Old Monster Nanming?” a warrior said curiously.

Hearing the words of this warrior, everyone also turned their attention to the robust man, looking forward to the answer from the robust man. After all, only the robust man and Qin Yu have played against each other, and you can see the depth of Qin Yu.

“It shouldn’t be a problem to clean up Boss Nanming, but there is a powerful Boss Tianming next to him. Once these two people join forces, they will be invincible.”

robust man said solemnly: “So…. I’m not sure if the youth can clean up those two Old Monsters.”

Everyone knows that two Old Monsters are not only powerful, they are stronger if they work together. If you want to kill two people, only the expert of 2th Layer Middle Stage can do it.

“The two Old Monsters are indeed terrifying, but I think the youth just now is not weak, not equal to me. Let’s follow the results. Maybe you can see that the two Old Monsters were killed.”

The warrior who spoke just now continued, wanting a battle between Qin Yu and the two Old Monsters.

“It should be impossible to kill the two Old Monsters, and they will be repelled by the two Old Monsters, but we are not good at guessing here, just go and take a look.”

The robust man nodded said: “When the time comes, we stay away, lest the young man is not the opponent of the two Old Monsters, and he will seek revenge from us after being defeated.

After the discussion, several people followed along!

According to the information provided by the robust man, Qin Yu and everyone rushed for more than 20 minutes, and he saw two Old Monsters in front.

There are quite a few corpses around the two Old Monsters. They should have just finished killing people. They are counting their spoils of war. From time to time, there are some satisfactory laughs.

“Jié jié, didn’t expect that these wastes that we killed have such a solid background that we have seized 500 million middle grade Spirit Stones and 2 high grade Spirit Stones.”

The old monster Nanming held a glittering and translucent Spirit Stone the size of 2 thumbs in his hand, and uttered an extremely cheerful laugh, seeming to be extremely satisfied with the harvest this time.

“What, 2 high grade Spirit Stone!”

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