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Although the aura growth brought by the magic outside the law did not allow Qin Yu to directly break through, it suddenly pulled Qin Yu’s aura to the most advanced True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

Qin Yu felt that as long as he took one step forward, he could cross the threshold of True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage and break through to True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

“If my battle strength increases by 40-50%, maybe I can feel the power of True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer.” Qin Yu muttered, looking thoughtful.

With this idea, Qin Yu immediately took out 2 1000 Spirit Stones from the storage bag, smashed them all, swallowed them in a big mouth, and used Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul refining.

A large amount of Spiritual Qi, running within the body of Qin Yu, makes Qin Yu feel that his meridian seems to be bursting at any time, and the pain is severe.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth, then took out 5 Zihua 3 Pills and swallowed them directly.

The first Zihua 3 Pill can increase the battle strength by 30%, and then swallow it continuously. Each additional one will add up to 1 battle strength, and so on.

5 Zihua 3 pill swallowed down, Qin Yu’s battle strength increased by 70% compared to the original.

This 70% battle strength, coupled with the majestic Spiritual Qi, instantly burst into Qin Yu within the body.


There was a loud noise from Qin Yu within the body, and the vast power continuously sprayed out from the body.

Under this immense power, Qin Yu’s arms, chest, and legs were all bulging. On the skin, there were bright bronze rays of light flowing, and the muscles bulged.

“Is this the power of True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage?” Qin Yu was amazed. He felt an unprecedented strength, and his realm barrier was being breached by this force.

Originally, Qin Yu’s current realm is not enough for breakthrough.

But now, the realm barrier is being torn apart by the power of his within the body, and he quickly moved towards True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

And the demon outside the law behind Qin Yu is constantly condensing, although the face is still in the fuzzy stage, but the arm that is washed into by the blood energy is much stronger.

The demon outside the law is stronger, Qin Yu’s body is stronger, and vice versa.

Dragon Soul was also a little dumb at this moment. Obviously he didn’t expect that after Qin Yu Zen Blade, it would cause strange things, so he quickly said: “Master, you have now entered True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. If this power can last for a few days, it may really be possible to force a breakthrough realm barrier.”

Realm breakthrough, where water flows, a canal is formed, the barrier of realm is not broken in one day, then the warrior is also impossible to step into a better realm. This is also the reason why many warriors can no longer break through after reaching a certain realm, and No matter how much spiritual medicine is used, it will not work.

But now, Qin Yu has stepped into the forced breakthrough realm barrier, and as long as this force lasts for a few days, a thorough breakthrough can be achieved.

Of course, the reason why Qin Yu was able to do this, with the help of a strong force to tear through the realm barrier, was mainly because his realm barrier was relatively weak.

For those who cannot break through all the year round, the aptitude is too low, and the realm barrier is like the Copper Wall Iron Bastion, which cannot be easily torn.

Forcibly tearing through realm barriers, this method is only suitable for geniuses.

Of course, the consequence of forced breakthrough is that in the process of breakthrough, you will endure great pain, and the feeling is 100 times more uncomfortable than going to hell.

Of course Qin Yu knows these pains, he doesn’t know if he can bear it.

A great man has to be ruthless, and if you want to gain great power, you must pay the corresponding price.

Therefore, Qin Yu didn’t even think about it, so he kept taking out spiritual medicine and Spirit Stone to maintain this strength, and let the realm barrier continue to tear under the continuation of this strength.

Zihua 3 Pill, Qin Yu also swallows the next one at regular intervals to increase his strength.

The physical damage caused by this breakthrough to Qin Yu was extremely terrifying. In just one day, all of his body became crimson, and the horror was extreme.

“In a day, only 15% of the tear is torn. If this continues, it will take at least 6 to 7 days.” Qin Yu has some frowns saying.

After all, this breakthrough method is too overbearing and consumes much energy and energy.

It can be said that forcing the breakthrough realm barrier is equivalent to tearing the flesh and blood, and it must be torn slowly for 6 to 7 days.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear such torture.

But Qin Yu did it, because he had to do it, otherwise once Chen Family is killed, I am afraid it will be in danger.


After 7 days, Qin Yu’s within the body suddenly heard a mountain cry out and sea howl sound, an explosive force impacted Qin Yu within the body.

The invisible energy, with Qin Yu’s body as a point, spreads like a ripple in the water, moving towards all around in a circular shape.

The tables, chairs, benches, and everything in the room burst into pieces and turned into dust.

“Successful.” Qin Yu squirmed his dry and bloody lips, and a touch of surprise rose in expression’s gloomy eyes.

Now, Qin Yu has truly stepped into the True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage this realm, and naturally no longer has to swallow Spiritual Qi and take medicine pill to maintain his strength.

On the contrary, after he broke through, in his body, one after another power was constantly aroused, the whole body of the agitator Qin Yu.

He is taking the residual medical power of medicine pill and is also moisturizing Qin Yu at the moment.

“Master, hurry up to heal your injuries, you forced a breakthrough this time, the impact on the battle body is not small, you must recover quickly, otherwise repercussions will remain.” Dragon Soul said eagerly.

Qin Yu nodded, swallow some Healing Medicine Pill and recover from his injury.

After 2 days, Qin Yu stood up from where she was, with a smile on her face.

“Nine deaths and still alive’s breakthrough method is really terrible, but I still succeeded.” Qin Yu laughed said.

When thinking of the torment of breakthrough, Qin Yu’s eyes flashed with lingering fear.

Afterwards, Qin Yu asked the servants to get 2 pots of hot water, ready to wash them.

His body was full of blood stains oozing out of his pores, and even his eyes were covered with a thin layer of blood armor, so scary and scary.

Qin Yu cleaned it 3 times, and each time a basin of blood came out. It was only after the last time it was cleaned a lot.


After Qin Yu was cleaned and just put on a clean dress, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the courtyard of Liu Family, followed by dozens of tyrannical auras, which appeared in vain.

“Well, something happened?” Qin Yu’s eyes sank slightly, and his expression became cold.

“Young Master Qin, it’s not good, it’s a lot, Chen Family, they have come up.”

Before Qin Yu walked out of the room, a discipline ran in in a panic, and said in a trembled panic.

“Chen Family is here to kill you?” Qin Yu hearing this, the expression shuddered again, and said in a cold voice: “Hehe, what I am waiting for is their Chen Family.”

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