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The martial artist of the Chen Family, like a pot fried, wanted to kill Qin Yu, the sound is endless, and each begin to stir up, ready to do it.

As long as Chen Hao gave an order, they immediately rushed forward and smashed Qin Yu into 10000 pieces.

“Great Elder, you should step back and rest, and leave the rest to me.”

Qin Yu stepped forward, first came to Liu Qingyun’s side, helped him up and let him back down.

“Young Master Qin, be careful. Both Chen Hao and Chen Yu are experts of True Spirit Realm 4th Layer Middle Stage. They are powerful and extremely difficult to deal with.” Liu Qingyun said hurriedly.

“Hehe, just a few Stinking Insects, there is nothing difficult to deal with, Great Elder sits aside and watch me kill the enemy.” Qin Yu said indifferently, and then signaled Liu Shuanghan to support Liu Qingyun.

After holding Liu Qingyun down, Qin Yu turned his head and looked at the angry Chen Family, with a faint smile in his eyes.

The beasts of the Chen Family, the more angry they are, it means that Qin Yu’s bloodbath of the Chen Family Wunu market before, the greater the effect.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect, you dogs will know it hurts too.” Qin Yu smiled coldly and said.

The Chen Family trains martial artists to be obedient, irrational martial slaves. The methods are extremely cruel and outrageous.

When they do this, they have ever cared about other people’s feelings and thought about their pain.

It can be said that the people in the Chen Family are not worthy of being called humans. They are all beasts, a group of shameful beasts who have lost their bottom line.

Chen Hao frowned, motioned everyone in the Chen Family to stop, and then said to Qin Yu in a cold voice: “Little bastard, we Chen Family members, you don’t need to worry about what we do.”

“Oh, putting it that way, then I don’t need you to do what Qin Yu does. It just so happens that I want to kill two Chen Family warriors for fun. I don’t know if cultivation will work.” Qin Yu giving tit for tat’s counterattack Tao.

“You…” Chen Hao flustered and exasperated.

Qin Yu This is clearly a provocation, Chi. bare. Naked provoked their Chen Family.

Kill 2 Chen Family’s disciplines for fun, but Qin Yu can think of it.

“Little bastard, I’m not talking to you, but you should know your fate.”

Chen Hao sneered and said in a stern voice: “Speaking of which, you are really stupid. If you hide, I may not be able to find you, but didn’t expect you to come to courting death. kill!”

The cultivation base of its True Spirit Realm 4th Layer Middle Stage broke out completely, and it was a burst of bombardment against Qin Yu. The terrifying power broke out along the peak of the boxing.

Chen Hao knew that Qin Yu had the power to kill the True Spirit Realm 4th Layer Initial Stage, so he did not dare to underestimate Qin Yu, so he burst out with the strongest power.

Under his strongest power, even if Qin Yu is immortal, he will peel off his skin, and finally he will slowly tortured to death.

“I’m dead? Hehe, I think you should be the one who died.” Qin Yu’s face also became cold, his eyes sank completely, and the thunder hand came out.

Da Sun Lei is an Earth High Grade martial skill, and has been cultivated to great accomplishment realm by Qin Yu, his power is terrifying to the extreme.

It can be seen that in the center of Qin Yu’s palm, the densely packed strength of Thunder is constantly bursting and bursting, quite violent.

The two blasted up at the same time and collided together. When the densely packed strength of Thunder touched Chen Hao’s arm, Chen Hao’s arm was immediately blurred by the blast.

The domineering force spread along Chen Hao’s arm and pushed Chen Hao back steadily, which was an overwhelming advantage.

When Qin Yu played some hole cards in True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, he could also fight against the warriors of True Spirit Realm 4th Layer Middle Stage.

Now forcibly breakthrough to True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, the power is stronger and more domineering.

“How is it possible that he actually suppressed me, this is my strongest strength.” Chen Hao said in horror, his face full of unbelievable expression.

Chen Hao originally wanted to attack and kill Qin Yu with the strongest force.

But who knows, not only did he not kill Qin Yu, but he was also suppressed by Qin Yu, and his arm was also blown up by Qin Yu’s big sun thunder hand. It was bloody and painful.

“Hehe, just trash like you, is it worthy of being a Chen Family Patriarch? Are you Chen Family members blind?” Qin Yu sneered sarcastically, and continued to spur the Sun Thunder to attack.

Every time Qin Yu attacks, Chen Hao is forced to retreat once, and every time, he is injured.

At the end of the day, Chen Hao’s face was pale, and blood stains appeared on the corners of his mouth. There were no fewer than a dozen bloody wounds that were blown up by the Sun Lei.

The power of Qin Yu completely shocked everyone standing here.

A warrior of True Spirit Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage has forced an expert of True Spirit Realm 4th Layer Middle Stage back, which is like a fantasy story.

Moreover, this expert is still the old powerhouse, Chen Hao, the most powerful Chen Family in Tian City.

Therefore, this scene has simply subverted their imagination.

“It looks like Young Master Qin has another breakthrough, and it’s incredibly powerful.”

“Yes, Young Master Qin not only broke through, but also cultivated to great accomplishment realm, tsk tsk, which was given to him by our Liu Family, is really a talent for heaven defying.”

“Beyond the crushing of nine small realms, this kind of battle, the old man has lived for most of his life, and this is the first time I have seen Shuanghan and Shuangxue, where did you find such a monster genius?” Liu Qingyun asked.

All of them focused on Liu Shuanghan and Liu Shuangxue, waiting for the two of them to answer.

A look of bitter smile appeared on both Liu Shuanghan’s and Liu Shuangxue’s faces. Qin Yu didn’t find them, but because they were Qin Yu’s servant girls, Qin Yu made the shot.

“Don’t tell the truth, the two of us are servant girls of Young Master Qin.” Liu Shuanghan whispered.

“What, you are the servant girl of Young Master Qin, this…”

When everyone heard this answer, they were all shocked. They only learned about the true relationship between Qin Yu and the 2 sisters today.

“What’s wrong with servant girl? Young Master Qin not only gives you a lot of resources, but also teaches you cultivation. Even if it is servant girl, you must follow Young Master Qin well.” Liu Qingyun said.

“So, Great Elder, did you agree?” Liu Shuanghan was hearing this, completely surprised.

She has always been reluctant to talk about the relationship between their two sisters and Qin Yu. She was afraid that Great Elder would object and cause trouble for Qin Yu, so she kept it hidden for a long time.

Who knows, Liu Qingyun is not against them at all.

“Hehe, what can I disagree with? Young Master Qin is a Qilin genius with unlimited potential. You may follow Young Master Qin and you may be able to break out of this deserted Tian City and walk up to Martial Dao Peak. This is your blessing. “Liu Qingyun said with a smile.

“Great Elder is right, this is indeed our blessing, and Young Master Qin does not treat us as a servant girl.” Liu Shuangxue smiled unearthly.

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