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Seeing Qin Yu, the old man was a little stunned and didn’t seem to understand the rules here. He raised his brow and asked, “Are you the new discipline of this year’s Martial Arts Monument?”

“It is indeed this year’s Martial Arts Monument test, recruiting new disciplines, and it is the first time to go down the mountain to use Transmission Array.” Qin Yu respectfully moved towards the old man and explained.

“Hehe, so that’s how it is, no wonder you don’t know the rules here.”

The old man heard that it was a new discipline from the Wuling Monument, his eyes were slightly paused, and he hurriedly explained enthusiastically: “That’s it. Although our sword Top Sect belongs to other forces on the Overlord level of the deserted continent, no one dares to challenge it, but on weekdays You also need to defend closely to prevent problems before they happen, so no matter who uses Transmission Array, you must register.”

Qin Yu hearing this, suddenly clear comprehension.

As for the defense of the sword Top Sect, he understood it when he entered the gate of the mountain, so he was not surprised, smiled to show his identity and said: “Under Qin Yu, from the 5th Sword vein!”

“Huh, you are Qin Yu?”

After the old man heard the word “Qin Yu”, the color of surprise in his eyes became more intense, and he looked up and down Qin Yu carefully and said: “I have heard that the sword Top Sect has come to a genius this year. He has no choice. The strongest first sword pulse and second sword pulse have actually entered the 2th sword pulse. It’s so majestic, it was you who didn’t expect.”

Qin Yu hearing this, I really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. After touching my nose, I secretly thought in my heart: “It seems that the fact that I entered the 5th Sword channel really attracted the attention of many people. “

“It’s down indeed! But when you enter the 5th Sword pulse, it is because there are reasons for it. Please forgive me.” Qin Yu explained.

“What happened?”

The old man’s face suddenly became cold, and coldly snorted said: “You are a little careful, don’t the old man still guess it, it’s just because the 5th Sword pulse’s discipline is weak, so it’s so good.”

“This…” Qin Yu said in a daze, not knowing what to say.

He entered the 5th Sword channel for the fourth sword move of the Eighteen Swords of Nirvana, not for getting out of the 4th Sword channel at all.

With his aptitude and innate talent, as long as enough time is given, let alone the 5th Sword pulse, even if it is the strongest first sword pulse, he will still make his head and become an inheritance disciple.

But the old man seemed to have taken Qin Yu a glance, coldly despised Qin Yu, but calmly on the surface, he said straightforwardly: “The strength of the 5th Sword pulse discipline is relatively weak, and now even the inheritance disciple is not selected. If you enter the 5th Sword vein, it is indeed easier to get ahead, but on the contrary, you will also lose the strong competitive pressure, become proud and complacent, open the gap with the other four sword vein disciplines, and waste your innate talent. “

Qin Yu smiled bitterly when he heard these words, thinking that when he first entered the 5th Sword channel, the inheritance disciple of the first sword channel, the second sword channel, the 3rd sword channel, and the 4th sword channel came to ask the guilt with great momentum.

Now at the place of Transmission Array, he encountered this old man’s question again, but he couldn’t explain it.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t speak, the old man’s voice was abrupt, and continued: “The strength of the disciplines on the 5th Sword line is indeed weak, but the forces behind them are not weak. Those who should be tolerated must be tolerated, otherwise once they anger those behind the discipline The family power of a trifling is not something that your new beginner’s discipline can resist, it might cause a killing disaster.”

Speaking of the end, Mou Ran’s expression on the old man’s face became cold, and a trace of undetectable haze and killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

“Take it down.” Qin Yu frowns saying.

He didn’t know where he had offended the old man, but the old man was obviously very unhappy with him, and even had malice towards him.

No matter how well the old man concealed it, he still felt it.

“The old man just said so much. You can do it yourself. You died outside, no wonder others.”

The old man coldly said, before Qin Yu could explain, he waved his hand and let Qin Yu enter the Transmission Array, saying, “Next!”

In desperation, Qin Yu hurriedly moved towards Transmission Array. The white light above Transmission Array quickly enveloped Qin Yu. After a breath, it disappeared.

When Qin Yu left the Transmission Array, the old man’s complexion suddenly became extremely cold, and the killing intent in his eyes surged like a volcanic eruption, extremely bursting.

Seeing that the old man was angry and waiting for the many disciplines to be transmitted, they were all shocked and stared at the old man.

“Who is the discipline that was sent just now, and how could it make Old Huang so angry? Look at it like this, you have a murderous heart.”

“Hehe, don’t you know, that discipline is named Qin Yu, who was the genius of Ranked 5th of the Martial Spirit Monument a few days ago. After worshipping into the 5th Sword vein, he killed Huang Qi with a disagreement.”

“I also know this news. I heard that Huang Shan from the second sword vein also went there, but Huang Shan not only failed to keep the yellow flag, she herself was humiliated by all the disciplines and fiercely of the 5th Sword vein.”

“What, Huang Qi was killed, Huang Shan was insulted, tsk tsk, no wonder Huang Lao was so angry, it turned out that there was such a thing, tsk tsk, that kid offended Huang Family, now it will be a pain.”

The whispers of the discipline transmitted behind made the entire Transmission Array immediately lively. These words made the angry Huang Liang even more upset.

“Shut up to me. If anyone dares to discuss our Huang Family matters, don’t blame the old man for being polite and killing people.” Huang Liang scolded coldly, extremely domineering.

Although the disciples were extremely dissatisfied with Huang Liang’s move, they hurriedly shut up and did not dare to talk nonsense.

Huang Liang is the expert of True Spirit Realm 7th Layer Initial Stage, and there is Huang Family behind them. They dare not easily offend.

After everyone shut their mouths, Huang Liang gave everything in the Transmission Array to another discipline. He himself took out a transmission jade token, said two sentences to the jade token, and then entered the Transmission Array. , Disappeared.

After Qin Yu walked into the Transmission Array, after more than ten breaths, the scene in front of him flashed, and he came to a courtyard where there is also a discipline guarding the Transmission Array.

This is a teleportation exit. Therefore, these disciplines did not question Qin Yu’s identity, but let Qin Yu leave.

After Qin Yu walked out of the mansion, he came to the main street of the central market, but not at all was anxious to leave. Instead, he found a hidden place and stopped.

“Dragon Soul, you should have clearly sensed the killing intent fluctuations in the old man just now.” Qin Yu muttered as if to himself.

But then, Dragon Soul’s voice appeared in Qin Yu’s mind, and the voice solemnly said: “Naturally feel that this person is afraid of being a member of the Huang Family, who has specifically taken up the guardian mission of Transmission Array, and is deliberately thinking about it. Waiting for you to show up here.”

“Hey, wait for me to show up?”

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