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Yun Lie’s voice was not very loud, but after falling in everyone’s ears, everyone’s eyes condensed slightly, and their expressions became extremely shocked.

Facing Man Yue who could kill 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, Yun Lie not only had no fear, but also threatened to kill Man Yue only by moving his fingers. Not only was he arrogant, but he was also overbearing to the extreme.

As Yun Lie’s voice fell, the atmosphere at the southern city gate suddenly became tense, and the breath with swords drawn and bows bent slowly spread.

“Yun Lie, you are too impudent.”

Man Yue said coldly with expression, that gloomy eyes, just like poisonous snakes, were extremely insidious, terrifying to the extreme.

As an expert who once killed the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, Man Yue is proud and arrogant, but now Yun Lie is so utterly slanderous that he burns with anger in his heart.

However, Yun Lie still didn’t take his anger seriously, but said indifferently: “Then you will be impudent, but for today’s Spirit Stone, you must pay, otherwise, die.”

The 100 clan battle is on, countless experts are coming. This is an excellent opportunity for the red wolf clan to be listed on the 100 clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. The red wolf clan is impossible easily.

And this occupying the city gate to collect the Spirit Stone can not only establish reputation, but also enhance the background of the Red Wolf family. Such a great thing, the Red Wolf family will naturally not give up.

As soon as the Red Wolf tribe occupied this place, they encountered the opposition Man Yue. Not only was Yun Lie not angry, but extremely happy. In this way, he could just kill the chicken to warn the monkey and shock everyone.


Man Yue’s complexion became more and more ugly, and a terrifying wave gradually spread from Man Yue’s body, forming a tyrannical pressure, moved towards all around.

Under this pressure, many people’s faces were pale. The Spiritual Qi within the body was forced to surge violently and felt uncomfortable, so they hurried back.

However, everyone already understood that Yun Lie completely angered Man Yue, and he was afraid that there would be a battle of the dragon wars, the tiger battles.

If Man Yue wins, then the matter of these Red Wolf tribes occupying the city gate and collecting the Spirit Stone will naturally fall apart and be opposed by countless people.

But if the man is killed, the Red Wolf tribe’s goal of killing the chicken to warn the monkey will be achieved. At that time, anyone who dares to impudent here will be ruthlessly killed by the Red Wolf tribe.

“Yun Lie, I can’t control how strong your Red Wolf clan is, and I don’t want to care about it, but I will never allow others to bully my head to poop and pee.” After Man Yue showed his breath, step by step The moved towards Yun Lie went.

His hands were slowly raised, and there were horrible Spiritual Qi fluctuations in his palms. The feeling of strong impact made many people feel jealous.

“This Man Yue is able to release such a powerful aura, really strong, as expected to be an expert who can kill 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan.”

“Yes, judging from this aura alone, Man Yue can be said to be invincible on the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage. I don’t know what Yun Lie will use to deal with Man Yue.”

“No matter what method Yun Lie uses, but if he only uses his hands, I am afraid that he will not be able to kill Man Yue.”

Everyone began to talk aloud, staring at the two people, watching the battle that is about to break out.

“To release this aura, you are indeed powerful, but to me, it is still a bit worse.”

After Yun Lie felt the aura on Man Yue’s body, he just sneered slightly.

He suddenly took a step forward, and the Spiritual Qi agitated all over his body, and a powerful force of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage broke out.

Oh la la !

The pressure on Yun Lie’s body erupted like a mountain torrent and tsunami, causing everyone present to shake together, revealing a look of astonishment, incredible.

“1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, this Yun Lie turned out to be an expert of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.”

All the onlookers lost their voices. No one thought that Yun Lie turned out to be a great expert of the 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan, which was too terrifying.

Man Yue’s expression also suddenly sank. He obviously didn’t expect Yun Lie’s realm to be so powerful.

“Manyue, this is your own courting death, no wonder I am a monster wolf.”

Yun Lie’s voice was sharp, and he directly used the powerful cultivation technique of the Red Wolf tribe, the demon wolf transformation, and the whole person was incarnation of a blood-red demon wolf, entwined with a strong monster qi.


After the red demon wolf was successfully transformed, Yun Lie slammed to Man Yue.

The more shocked, he slapped the storage bag with one hand, and a small shield immediately appeared in front of him, rising in the wind, defending the whole body.

But in the face of this shield, Yun Lie didn’t at all put it in his eyes. As he culled, the front paw fiercely shook, and the shield was directly torn to pieces under the eyes of everyone, and burst open completely.


Without the shield’s protection, the more thoroughly he lost his resistance. On his neck, there were 5 blood stains, his head was directly torn apart by Yun Lie, and the dong dong dong fell to the ground.


Everyone at the city gate sucked in a cold breath. They were as strong as the experts like Man Yue, but they were actually killed by Yun Lie with a single blow, and there was no room to fight back.

“With a single blow, he broke open the protective shield of the high grade Spiritual Artifact and tore off Man Yue’s head. Yun Lie was too powerful.”

“Yes, this is the difference between 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage and Middle Stage in Diquan. No matter how invincible it is in 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, it is not the opponent of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.”

This scene made everyone’s complexion changed again, revealing an expression of fear.

Seeing the expressions on everyone’s faces, Yun Lie smiled with satisfaction.

His move killing the chicken to warn the monkey was also considered to have achieved a lot of results, enough to make everyone jealous and dare not resist their Red Wolf clan anymore, but it was not enough.

“Come here, hang Man Yue’s head on the lance.” Yun Lie threw out more than ten lances, instructed.

Each of these lances has the thickness of an arm, which is more than ten meters high. It is standing on the left side of the city gate by the people of the Red Wolf tribe, with the head of Man Yue, horrible to see.

As for Man Yue’s corpse, Yun Lie publicly fed him the demon pet red Demon Wolf, and was quickly swallowed by the latter, leaving only blood all over the floor.

After all this last night, Yun Lie retracted his gaze with satisfaction and glanced at everyone, indifferently said: “Whoever is not satisfied, you can stand up, and I will hang your heads on lance by one by one.”

Everyone heard this, each and everyone keep quiet out of fear, they didn’t dare to speak out, they could only quickly pay the hundred thousand Spirit Stone and enter Guyang City, away from this place of right and wrong.

“Young Master Qin, this Yunlie’s realm is 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, it is too powerful, let’s take a detour.”

Liu Shuanghan looked at the scene at the city gate from a distance, and was now suggested.

There are a total of more than 50 people here, each of which is hundreds of thousand Spirit Stones, which is more than 5000 and 10000 Spirit Stones. The number is too huge.

More importantly, they still had an antagonism with the Red Wolf tribe. Once Yun Lie discovered 10000, there was a battle that was indispensable.

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