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This icy and sharp sword light fell on the right hand of the cloud dry, extremely sharp, and directly cut off the right hand of the cloud dry with a single stroke, and the Bronze Ancient Lamp was easily taken in by Qin Yu.

Above the Bronze Ancient Lamp, the Red Wolf Holy Spirit looked at Qin Yu with cold eyes, and a dull burst of shouting sounded instantly in Qin Yu’s ears.

“Little bastard, you dare to prevent this Eminence from coming, this Eminence tore you.”

“Hehe, it’s an idiot not to stop you.”

Facing the threat of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe, Qin Yu sneered coldly, and moved towards the bloody flame on the ancient lamp, and puci extinguished it.

After the scarlet flame extinguished, the Holy Spirit blood shadow quickly dissipated, and at the same time a shocking anger broke out from it, approaching Qin Yu.

It’s a pity that this shocking anger, with the disappearance of the Holy Spirit, quickly disappeared, leaving only the rusty Bronze Ancient Lamp, which was silently put away by Qin Yu.

Looking at the disappearing Holy Spirit, Yun Duanliu’s eyes were full of despair, and the last glimmer of hope was shattered.

Without saying anything, Qin Yu walked directly to Yun Duanliu’s side, and stepped on his neck with a fiercely moved towards, completely obliterating him.

After killing Yun Dianliu, Qin Yu looked up and looked towards Molong. At this moment, Mo dragon-like gloomy, staring at Qin Yu furiously, his eyes were full of gloomy colors.

“Qin Yu, today’s hatred, I will double it back in the future.” Molong contorts one’s face in agony, said ferociously.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth, icily said: “If you can get revenge, then come, but when I meet you next time, it’s not just that it will hurt you seriously.”


Molong was trembling at Qin Yu’s words, but he couldn’t say anything to refute it. In the end, he could only be coldly snorted and left with the few people left in the Skyhawk clan.

After losing the Skyhawk tribe, the remaining Red Wolf tribe looked terrified and fled in 4 places, terrified.

No one could have imagined that the Red Wolf tribe, as the Four Great Clans group, would end up in such a tragic end.

“People of the Skyhawk tribe can leave today, but the members of the Red Wolf tribe can’t let one go and kill them all for me.”

Qin Yu’s indifferent voice echoed in the sky, and the people of the Red Wolf tribe seemed to have heard the sound of death from hell, their voices and colors changed.

When things have reached this point, Qin Yu doesn’t need to save face, he wants to destroy the Red Wolf clan.

After receiving Qin Yu’s order, the Qing State clan and the sword Top Sect discipline chased out one after another, raising the knife and dropping, quickly beheading the Red Wolf clan.

The whole fight lasted for half an hour before it ended.

The Qing State clan and the sword Top Sect both had a loss of discipline, but the loss was not large. Over 20 people were buried in the Tianying clan, and the Red Wolf clan was completely annihilated.

All over the grass, ruined walls, corpses everywhere, blood everywhere, that kind of terrifying sight, terrifying like doomsday.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Lin Hen shivered fiercely, and looked at Qin Yu with a little dread.

He never thought that today, their Qing State clan and Qin Yu can jointly destroy the Red Wolf clan belonging to the Four Great Clans Group of Guyang City.

Especially when I saw Qin Yu’s calm eyes, like a, everything was under control, Lin Hen’s heart even raised a touch of grave expression, and whispered to himself: “This person’s temperament is in this 100 The probability of growing up on the battlefield of the clan is enormous, and at that time, he will be extremely dazzling.”

This is not how much he knows Qin Yu, but an intuition in his heart.

Defeating the Peak expert of 2 big races with one person, beheading one person, and seriously wounding one person, Qin Yu is not weak.

Such a record, even if placed in the entire Guyang City, is unbelievable.

Qin Yu was extremely calm towards the demise of the Red Wolf tribe. At this moment, he slowly cleaned the battlefield and counted the gains.

“These red wolves are also rich. Almost everyone has a middle grade Spirit Stone, and there are also Grade 5 Medicine Pill and Grade 5 spiritual medicine.”

Qin Yu counted the treasures one after another, and finally a touch of movement appeared on his face.

Their gain this time is more than all gains before entering the 100 clan battlefield.

Afterwards, Qin Yu took out the Bronze Ancient Lamp and the long spear that had been cut off from the cloud, and studied them carefully.

The Bronze Ancient Lamp is rusty, covered with patina, and the lamp holder is filled with red blood essence, and there is a strange smell similar to tung oil.

“The reason why these blood essences can be ignited to form that bloody flame is because of the existence of this strange tung oil.” Qin Yu secretly speculated.

In addition to the red blood essence, Qin Yu also sensed that there was an extremely weak Divine Sense in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, which was extremely angry.

The Divine Sense is the Divine Sense of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf clan.

After feeling this Divine Sense, Qin Yu suddenly had a strange thought in his heart. He cautiously lit the Bronze Ancient Lamp, and after the bloody flame burned, a red wolf phantom appeared immediately.

“Little evil creature, you dare to let me out, I tore you.”

Holy Spirit said angrily, with deep eyes staring at Qin Yu, shuddering.

Qin Yu ignored the anger of the Holy Spirit and asked indifferently: “Who are you and where are you from?”

“Hehe, little bastard, are you torturing me again?”

The Holy Spirit sneered of the Red Wolf tribe said disdainfully: “You will die of this mind, the secret of this Eminence, it is not your turn to torture you. In the eyes of this Eminence, you are nothing but an ant.”

“Oh, don’t tell me, then you just stay in this Bronze Ancient Lamp, I have time to torture you.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

“Do you dare…” When the Holy Spirit heard Qin Yu slowly torturing him, a touch of anger surged in his heart and said furiously.

But Qin Yu didn’t care about the anger of the Holy Spirit at all, but simply extinguished the bloody flames on the Bronze Ancient Lamp and put the Bronze Ancient Lamp back into the storage bag.

Qin Yu is extremely curious about the origin of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe.

But if you continue to ask, there will be no gain at all. After the Qin Yu cultivation base reaches a certain level, if you tortured it, the effect may be much better.

After that, Qin Yu picked up the long spear of Yunduan and looked at it carefully.

This long spear is about 3 meters long. The barrel of the gun is made of an unknown black heavy iron, with some ancient patterns engraved on it, which looks extraordinary.

On the tip of the gun, there are 3 inscriptions blessed, and the sharpness is revealed everywhere. There is an overbearing imposing manner, but it is a very handy weapon.

“Although this gun is not as good as the low grade True Artifact, it is not average, and it is enough to use the Spike Holy Spear to kill.” Qin Yu put it away with satisfaction.

His bone spear was broken just now in the fight against the cloud. This long spear just made up for the loss.

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