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In the scorching sun, the sunlight shed from the blood mist and reflected on everyone, making everyone’s clothes look like blood robes moving in the wind, slightly strange.

The place like the 10000 blood grave is shrouded in dense fog for 4 seasons all year round, and the weather is dark, but today is an exception, the weather is sunny.

If it weren’t for that blood mist is still strong and abnormal, everyone might be able to see the clear sky today, but even so, it doesn’t affect everyone’s mood, each and everyone is extraordinarily excited.

Qin Yu and Lin Hen walked in front, while Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan lag slightly behind, protecting the Qing State clan and the sword Top Sect group in the center to avoid being attacked by Demon Beast or ambush by humans. Cause unnecessary losses.

Such a team of 100 people rushed quickly, skimming many peaks and advancing in the direction of the tomb.

Of course, it was not that Qin Yu and the others rushed to the grave area, and many people in Guyang City also went there one after another, but when they saw Qin Yu, their eyes rose. Strong look of dreading, dreading wisely, no one dared to step forward to block half a point.

Especially when they see Qin Yu, they have a kind of awe from the heart.

Feeling the awe from everyone, Lin Hen said enviously: “Brother Qin, among these 10000 blood tombs, you are afraid that there are already 10000 people admiring.”

In these few days, even the discipline of the Qing State clan led by Lin Hen has obeyed Qin Yu. The feeling of admiration has surpassed the number one expert of the Qing State clan Lin Hen.

“It’s a bit exaggerated to say that 10000 people admire it, but in terms of deterrence, no one in Guyang City dares to provoke us.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Lin Hen couldn’t help being nodded. Qin Yu resisted the monster tide with one person’s power, and then destroyed Three Great Races with Liu Family sisters, Mu Lingshan and the others. Such a record is enough to be famous. Guyang City, who would dare to provoke.

However, Qin Yu’s face is smiling, but his heart does not raise easily.

The people of Great Zhou Dynasty descended into these 10000 blood tombs, let Qin Yu understand that this competition for the purple jade seal is not an easy matter, but a bloody battle.

As for the races that have gone through the monster tide, although the remaining races in Guyang City are also extremely tyrannical, in the face of the existence of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I am afraid that they can only carry shoes for others, or even shoes are not worthy.

Lin Hen didn’t know all of this, so he opened the mouth and said with a smile: “Brother Qin, with your current name, snatching the purple jade seal, I’m afraid it’s very easy.”

To Lin Hen’s surprise, Qin Yu didn’t even think about it. He shook his head and said, “It’s impossible to be so simple. When we were cultivating last night, people from Great Zhou Dynasty had already arrived.”

“What, Great Zhou Dynasty is here, they are more than 100 people on the 9800 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. How come they come here?”

Sure enough, Lin Hen said in shock.

Moreover, what shocked Lin Heng was that people from the Great Zhou Dynasty appeared near them last night, but he had no way of perceiving all this.

However, Qin Yu perceives the existence of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which makes Lin Hen have to completely admit Qin Yu’s status, which is indeed detached and much better than him.

Although his realm has reached the 1 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Earth Spring Realm, his strength has increased a lot, but in front of Qin Yu, he is afraid that he is not qualified.

“Master, be careful. There are a lot of powerhouses in front, no worse than the Great Zhou Dynasty last night.”

Suddenly, at this time, Dragon Soul’s vigilant voice sounded abruptly in Qin Yu’s mind, causing Qin Yu’s eyes to sink slightly, looking towards the front.

There are more than 20 horses and horses in the front. There are many powerhouses at 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage and Peak, and there are also experts at 2nd Layer Peak.

“Sure enough, in addition to the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are other races coming.” Qin Yu looked towards the people in front of him, muttering in his heart.

Even though Qin Yu had anticipated this a long time ago, when he saw the men and horses in front of him, there were still a lot of waves in his heart and he became extra vigilant.

The horses and horses in front of them have human bodies, and their heads are extremely hideous, similar to some giant scorpions. The vague breath and hideous feeling make people feel extremely scared.

In the hands of these people, everyone is holding a long stick. The long stick is covered with scales. It is dark and has sharp thorns. The green liquid oozes from it, which is highly poisonous.

“Lin Hen, remind everyone to be careful, we have met someone from the Giant Scorpion tribe.” Qin Yu hurriedly said.

“What, from the Giant Scorpion Race?”

Lin Hen’s complexion turned pale at the moment. The events of the Great Zhou Dynasty hadn’t calmed his mood, and now he encountered the Giant Scorpion tribe again.

The ranking of the giant scorpion tribe on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking is almost the same as that of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

These Two Great Races are like two heavy mountains pressing in Lin Hen’s heart, making Lin Hen breathless. Obviously, he still underestimated the attractiveness of this purple jade seal.

Oh la la !

Qin Yu and the others rushed all the way to the front of the giant scorpion tribe. However, before Qin Yu could speak, one of the giant scorpion tribe men waved a club in his hand and pierced the air, forming a murderous intention, fiercely It fell in front of Qin Yu.

This sudden change not only made Qin Yu’s eyes shrunk, but also made the sword Top Sect and the Qing State family’s disciplines all angry.

“What does that mean, sir?”

Qin Yu looked towards the youth at 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring, solemnly asked, the other party’s attack was extremely domineering, and obviously there was a murderous mind in it.

Fortunately, it is Qin Yu who is in the forefront, not someone else. Otherwise, the attack just now would have cost one person’s life.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that this young man, like Li Kai and the others, is also the realm of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak, but this attack is extremely sharp, and it is stronger than Li Kai and Haiqing. More powerful than that.

The young man not at all answered Qin Yu’s question, but looked at Qin Yu with interest, and said in amazement: “You, a warrior of True Spirit Realm 8th Layer Initial Stage, can escape my previous blow. It’s really surprising.”

True Spirit Realm 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, and 1 Heavenly Layer Peak, there is quite a difference. On weekdays, he only needs to move his fingers to destroy the former and easily kill.

But now, let alone injuring Qin Yu with this blow, he was easily avoided by Qin Yu. It was the first time he saw such a thing, so he was extremely surprised.

Even the many powerhouses behind them all showed different expressions, as if they had seen something incredible, their mouths were round and they were extremely surprised.

“Your Excellency, although the blow was powerful, it didn’t hurt me.” Qin Yu said tepidly.

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