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After absorbing the essence of the blood jade bottle gourd, not only Qin Yu’s Divine Sense has been enhanced a lot, but Dragon Soul’s Divine Sense has also been greatly improved, so the perception range is getting wider and clearer.

Therefore, Dragon Soul can now perceive farther places.

From the fork on the left, Dragon Soul felt a terrifying coercion, and in this coercion, there was also some strange Life Aura.

“Okay! Listen to you!”

Qin Yu complied, directly cast the silhouette, moved towards the fork on the left and rushed away.

When Qin Yu came to the end of the fork, it was a huge tomb, giving people a gloomy feeling.

On the wall of the tomb, there are several torch burning, making the dark tomb a little brighter, so that nothing is invisible.

Qin Yu looked through the dim firelight and saw that besides him, there were three silhouettes in the tomb.

These three silhouettes are exactly the three people Zhang Qian, Zhou Tong, and Ye Zhuqing who came early.

After the three people saw Qin Yu, they were all surprised. Obviously they didn’t expect Qin Yu to come here.

“Brother Qin, you are a bit slow this time.”

After seeing Qin Yu, Zhou Tong gave Qin Yu a smile and said slowly.

“Looking at the appearance of the three, it seems that I didn’t find the Zihua jade seal at all. It is not too late for this Qin to speak like this.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Through the slightly worried expressions of the three people, Qin Yu guessed that the three people had not found the Zihua jade seal, so he was relieved.

“Hehe, Brother Qin’s eyesight is really great, I can’t hide anything from you.” Zhou Tong said a little embarrassed.

As Qin Yu said, although they came one step earlier than Qin Yu, they did not find the Zihua jade seal at all, so Qin Yu did not come too late.

Ye Zhuqing also showed a slight smile to Qin Yu, and he was more polite to Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu doesn’t think that these two people have any good feelings about him. If the Zihua jade seal does appear, these two people will still turn their faces at any time.

“Zhou Tong, you have time to talk nonsense with this little bastard. Why don’t you find Zihua Yuyin first, don’t waste time here.”

Seeing Qin Yu and Zhou Tong fighting fiercely, Zhang Qian couldn’t help but a bit of resentment appeared on his face, and said dissatisfied.

At this time, Zhou Tong didn’t refute Zhang Qian, because he was also concerned about the Zihua jade seal. Compared with the Zihua jade seal, the small talk between him and Qin Yu was nothing at all.

Qin Yu’s gaze fell in the tomb. There is a sarcophagus in the center of the tomb. It must be the person buried in the tomb.

But when Qin Yu came to the sarcophagus, he found that the sarcophagus had been opened long ago, and there was nothing inside, not even some bones, not to mention the purple jade seal.

This made Qin Yu frowned.

“Hehe, little bastard, don’t pay attention to hitting the sarcophagus. The three of us have already looked for it. There is no purple jade seal.” Zhang Qian taunted.

If the Zihua jade seal was in the sarcophagus, their three people would have obtained it long ago, and it would be impossible for Qin Yu to look for it.

Qin Yu glanced at Zhang Qian coldly, not at all, but continued to think.

Although the entire tomb is very large, it is empty. Only this sarcophagus is here, which is extremely obvious. If the Zihua jade seal is really here, it can only be in this sarcophagus.

However, as Zhang Qian said, this sarcophagus has long been turned over, and there is no Zihua jade seal at all.

“Could it be that Zihua Yuyin is not here at all?” Qin Yu speculated in his heart, but then shook his head hard.

This is the deepest part of the tomb. If the Zihua jade seal is not here, then other places will naturally not be found.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu still didn’t have any clues, but after thinking about it, Qin Yu felt that he could only start from the sarcophagus, so he studied the sarcophagus carefully.

This sarcophagus was made by hollowing out an unknown boulder. It is completely integrated, and there is no weak spot at all.

“Wait, there seems to be a crack in your friend.”

Qin Yu suddenly discovered that there was a shallow crack on the inner wall of the sarcophagus. Looking along the crack, there was a stone buckle flush with the inner wall of the sarcophagus.

The stone buckle is the same color as the sarcophagus, and it is seamlessly arranged, and the whole tomb is extremely dim, making it extremely difficult to find.

“found it!”

Qin Yu cried out in surprise, pressing down the stone button on the sarcophagus, a hong long long sound came from the tomb, and on the deepest wall of the tomb, a stone trough suddenly appeared.

In the stone trough, a palm-size purple treasure releases brilliant rays of light, like a peerless gem, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

“Zihua jade seal!”

After seeing the purple treasure, the four people exclaimed at the same time, because the purple treasure was the purple jade seal they were looking for.

The closest to the Zihua jade seal was Ye Zhuqing, whose jade foot lightly stepped on the ground, and a ripple of energy rose under his foot. With the help of its recoil, it directly rushed towards the Zihua jade seal.

When Zhou Tong and Qin Yu saw this scene, their faces were cold and extremely ugly, and at the same time they pounced on Zihua Yuyin, preparing to snatch.

However, before the three of them approached Zihua Yuyin, a cold smile came from behind them, it was Zhang Qian from the giant scorpion tribe.

“Three people, don’t rush to snatch the Zihua jade seal, what about the taste of the scorpion venom?”

Zhang Qian smiled coldly, and suddenly waved out of his hand, revealing the mist of one after another green from it.

These green mists were the scorpion venom of the giant scorpion tribe. At this moment, they were violently urged, and they immediately occupied the entire tomb and rolled violently.

“Scorpion Venom!”

Unexpectedly, the three people all inhaled a green mist, Spiritual Qi within the body, and violently rioted and were not controlled by the three.

“Zhang Qian, you are despicable, you use this kind of crafty plots and machinations to harm people.”

“Yes, if there is a kind, you will dignified and fight with us righteously. It is shameless to poison us while we are not prepared.”

Zhou Tong and Ye Zhuqing were immediately scolded in anger, and were extremely angry at Zhang Qian’s despicable behavior.

Qin Yu also looked at Zhang Qian with a gloomy expression.

“Hehe, my base and shameless?”

Zhang Qian said indifferently: “With my ability, if I really compete, even if I can beat Zhou Tong, I will eventually lose to Ye Zhuqing. That’s why I used a little trick, even shameless. At one point, it’s better than just watching the Zihua jade seal fall into your hands.”

Zhang Qian and Zhou Tong’s strengths are probably not the same, but they are far from Ye Zhuqing’s opponent, and there is also Qin Yu here.

Therefore, if the Zihua jade seal can fall into his hands, it is still a matter of two times, so he thought of using scorpion venom to count three people.

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