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“What, it failed!”

Fujiang heard this, his face changed drastically, blue and purple, extremely ugly.

He never expected that Zhou Tong, the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the number one expert of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the powerful realm of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Spring Realm, would fail in the competition for the Zihua jade seal.

What surprised Fujiang even more was that the Zihua jade seal did not fall into the hands of Ye Zhuqing and Zhang Qian, but instead fell into the hands of Qin Yu, who seemed to be the weakest, which made him unacceptable for a while.

“Speaking of which is a long story, and I accidentally caught Zhang Qian’s scorpion venom. If it weren’t for Brother Qin, I’m afraid I won’t see you.” Zhou Tong repeatedly said with a bitter smile, full of heart Bitter taste.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Tong explained everything that happened in the tomb, and everyone who heard Great Zhou Dynasty was shocked and stunned.

Especially when they heard that Zhang Qian was killed by Qin Yu, everyone was shocked.

“Fortunately, I didn’t pay too much attention to those 6 low grade True Artifacts. Otherwise, I’m afraid I would die in Brother Qin’s hands.”

Fujiang touched the sweat on his head, with a feeling of avoided a catastrophe.

6 pieces of low grade True Artifact, although people are very greedy, but they have to be fate to get them, otherwise it will be the end of consigned to eternal damnation.

After Fujiang and the others came out, Liu Family sisters, Lin Hen and the others also walked out of the tomb and gathered with Qin Yu.

When Lin Hen heard that the Zihua jade seal had fallen into Qin Yu’s hands, his eyes trembled slightly, and he was surprised, while the Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan were just slightly smiled, with no major fluctuations in their faces.

“Lin Hen, there are only 25 places for Zihua Yuyin, and I have a shortage of places, so I can’t give you places, but we are going to Baiyang Valley to participate in the auction. If I have the opportunity, I can help you on the auction. , Maybe we can get a few places.” Qin Yu explained.

When they joined forces, Qin Yu and Lin Hen had already negotiated. Zihua Yuyin relied on strength to compete, and it didn’t matter to be modest. Qin Yu is doing this now, and there is no place to feel sorry for Lin Hen.

Lin Hen was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly rejoiced that nodded agreed. With the Great Zhou Dynasty and Giant Scorpion powerhouses here, he had no chance to get the Zihua jade seal.

Now, Qin Yu has initiated an invitation to him, and promised to help him get a few places if he has the opportunity. This is already regarded as value emotion, value friendship, and Lin Heng is slightly grateful to Qin Yu.

“Okay, then I’ll go to Baiyang Valley with you.” Lin Hen nodded promised.

The entire group tidied up a bit and evacuated from the 10000 blood graves. On the way out, Qin Yu took out the blood jade bottle gourd he got in the graves, shared it with the sword Top Sect disciple, and asked them to refining.

“Blood jade bottle gourd, it turned out to be this kind of treasure, Brother Qin is lucky.”

Seeing the blood jade bottle gourd, Zhou Tong and Fu Jiang’s eyes moved slightly, revealing an expression of envy, their eyes were extremely hot.

“Hehe, you people of Great Zhou Dynasty, I’m afraid the gain is not small.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

There was a smile on Zhou Tong and Fujiang’s faces. Although the people of Great Zhou Dynasty did not have as great a harvest as Qin Yu, it was enough for their cultivation for a while.

“Brother Qin is really Divine Vision. I can’t hide anything from you. I do have some gains here. I am preparing to refining during this period to see if I can improve some of the cultivation base.” Zhou Tong said with a smile and took out a lot of them easily. treasure to share with the people of Great Zhou Dynasty.

Among these treasures, there are spiritual medicine, some ancient alchemy, various heavenly material and earthly treasure, and there are several things among them, even Qin Yu can’t help but be moved.

If it weren’t for the agreement between Qin Yu and Zhou Tong, then after seeing these treasures, the two parties would definitely make a big move.

“There are still more than ten days to go to Baiyang Valley. During this time, everyone is increasing cultivation base, Shuanghan, Shuangxue. I still have a few low grade True Artifacts here. You guys will allocate them.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, flipped his hand and took out the 6 low grade True Artifacts from the grave, which made everyone very greedy.

“6 pieces of low grade True Artifact, tsk tsk, Brother Qin, I know you made a fortune this time, but the gain is too great.”

Lin Hen opened the mouth and said in surprise, his eyes were fixed on the 6 low grade True Artifacts, and his eyes were indescribable.

Of course, in addition to these 6 low grade True Artifacts, Qin Yu also got the scorpion tail stick from the giant scorpion clan. These things are also quite good. After Qin Yu was rewarded, they were divided up by everyone.

Qin Yu himself left the shields from the 6 Spirit Treasures. This thing is a low grade True Artifact. It can resist some expert attacks, which is not bad.

After allocating treasure, everyone cultivated silently.

Among the 10000 blood tombs this time, although everyone harvested quite a lot, the next Baiyang Valley, which envelops the ancient secret hiding place that is about to open, is the real dangerous place.

Baiyang Valley can hold auctions, where there are so many experts.

Moreover, robbing the Zihua jade seal has already screened out some weak people, so the people you encounter next will be stronger and more terrifying.

In those places, almost all races are on the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. Even if it is the Great Zhou Dynasty, which ranks more than 9800, it will be unremarkable if it is placed there.

Five days later, all the talents walked out of the 5 blood tombs, and along the way, everyone also encountered some scattered warriors, these all are the experts who survived from the 10000 blood tombs.

However, after these people saw Qin Yu and Zhou Tong, they all avoided them. There are such two powerful existences. Even if they have some ideas, they can only press in the heart and dare not make any trouble.

However, what Qin Yu didn’t know was that just after they walked out of the 10000 blood grave, two figures fell on the 10000 blood grave, watching Qin Yu and the others leave.

“Hehe, didn’t expect a lot of monsters appeared in the deserted clan this year. The young man named Qin Yu killed even Zhang Qian.” The old man said with a smile, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

The middle age person next to him was also slightly astonished. Nodded admitted: “Qin Yu is indeed a genius, unimaginable, and the three women under him don’t need Qin Yu to be weak. There are some secrets.”

“Indeed, the Blood Soul on the Liu Family sister is very strange. Even if the old man looks at it, they are more greedy, and the demon thunder on the girl surnamed Mu is also good. If it falls into my hands, it will definitely improve. A lot of strength.” The old man said greedyly.

Hearing the words of the old man, the eyes of the middle age person flashed with astonishment, and he hurriedly persuaded: “old ghost, don’t mess around. If you violate the rules of the 100 races on the battlefield and you are found, don’t say you and me Patrol Envoy can’t keep it, even the head can’t keep it.”

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