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Outside the Baiyang Valley, the people who came and went constantly stopped, making the number of people here increased by as many as 1000 in a short period of time.

The eyes of the black crowd fell on Qin Yu’s feet. However, when they saw the golden skull logo on Sun Heng’s cuff, each and everyone was shocked.

“The people of the Golden Skull tribe were actually stepped under their feet.” The crowd kept sucking in the air, showing unimaginable horror.

In the Poplar Valley, although the Golden Skull Race is not the strongest race, it is not only the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, but also ranks as high as 9500, which is enough for people to stay away. .

However, it was such a powerful race that was stepped on by people so embarrassed and embarrassed.

Sun Heng’s face was pale, and the noisy exclamation voices from around made Sun Heng extremely angry and flushed.

“Qin Yu, I was wrong about this matter, you have already humiliated me, now you should let me go.” Sun Heng brace oneself said, struggling violently.

Under Qin Yu’s feet, the black light floated, stomping on Sun Heng firmly, even if Sun Heng struggled violently, it was useless.

“Do you know what is wrong?”

Qin Yu coldly smiled, shook the head, and said: “Knowing the wrong is not enough. How did you treat Zhou Tong and Great Zhou Dynasty just now? Then I will treat you Golden Skulls just now.”

Since Qin Yu grew up, he has not been a good old man, so not at all plans to let go of Sun Heng who admitted his mistakes.

If one sentence is wrong, I want to make up for the sin I committed. If this is the case, then what is the strength and the sword in his hand.

Blood debt must be repaid with blood.

On the battlefield of these 100 races, there are huge crises every day. If Qin Yu let Sun Heng go for no reason today, more people will provoke him in the coming days and treat him as a soft persimmon.

Therefore, Qin Yu wants to stand up, and the Jinku clan is just right.

“What? Do you mean all the people of my Golden Skull tribe should kneel here? This is simply impossible.”

Sun Heng’s face twitched fiercely, and he refused directly.

Their Golden Skulls are much stronger than the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is basically impossible for them to kneel down for the weak. Martial Dao World has no such reason.

“Qin Yu, you let our Jinku clan kneel down for Great Zhou Dynasty. It’s too much, and don’t you think that their Great Zhou Dynasty can’t afford our kneeling?” Sun Heng coldly said.

Since Zhou Tong had been defeated in his own hands, the Golden Skull Clan had no reason to bow down.

Moreover, the Golden Skull Clan still has an expert in the Baiyang Valley.

At this time, not only Sun Heng and the people of the Jinku tribe looked at each other in blank dismay, but the people of Great Zhou Dynasty were also moved. With their strength, if the Jinku tribe were forced to kneel down, they would definitely suffer Blood kill of the Golden Skull tribe.

“His Royal Highness.” Fujiang looked towards Zhou Tong in desperation. He wanted Zhou Tong to stop Qin Yu. He obviously didn’t want to take any step.

Zhou Tong’s face sank slightly and did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked towards Qin Yu. After thinking for a while, he bit his teeth, his face showed firmness, and said: “Listen to Brother Qin, Brother Qin wants to find us We can’t go against Brother Qin’s good intentions, otherwise we seem to be too weak.”

Zhou Tong was right. Qin Yu made all the Jinku clan people kneel down, just to restore the face of Great Zhou Dynasty. This friendship made Zhou Tong dare to move.

“If you can’t bear it, this is a matter of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It has nothing to do with your Golden Skull Clan, so you just say you don’t kneel.” Qin Yu said coldly.

Sun Heng complexion turned cold, extremely ferocious, angry roar said: “hmph, even if they can afford it, my Golden Skull tribe has no reason to bow down.”

“Oh, so you don’t kneel anymore, then I can’t blame it.”

Qin Yu said indifferently, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, Liu Shajian suddenly shot, a sword glow directly slammed a golden skull discipline.


Facing the flying sword glow, a warrior of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Golden Skull tribe, the complexion was greatly changed in an instant, and he tried his best to urge the cultivation base to resist.

However, Qin Yu’s burst of sword glow was too lethal. With no difficulty, it broke through its condensed defense and landed on the neck of the golden skull discipline.

咚dong dong!

There was a blood mark on the neck of the Golden Skull disciple, and then, its head rolled directly from the neck, leaving a scar the size of a bowl. The blood, like a fountain, gushed into the sky from the scar.


Countless people, in this brief moment, sucked in a cold breath, staring at the corpse of the Golden Skull Clan that hadn’t fallen down, their eyes and tongues were open, and they were extremely shocked.

If Sun Heng doesn’t kneel, then Qin Yu will kill, and the method is extremely sharp, one sword will kill.

“This…” Zhou Tong was also horrified.

He had seen Qin Yu kill Zhang Qian at the beginning, but Zhang Qian’s Giant Scorpion and Golden Skull Clan existed on two levels, so this scene also made Zhou Tong’s expression shocked and extremely moved.

In order to restore their face to the Great Zhou Dynasty, Qin Yu did not hesitate to kill people. To know this, it would be equivalent to a full-scale war with the Golden Skulls.

“Evil creature, you…”

Sun Heng was furious and his eyes were scarlet. Obviously he didn’t expect Qin Yu to ruthlessly kill the Golden Skull Clan’s discipline in front of everyone.

“One more question to you, do you kneel down, if you dare to say a word, I will kill another person, if you don’t kneel, I will kill until you kneel down.”

Qin Yu’s face was extremely indifferent, and his harsh voice fell in everyone’s ears, filled with thick murderous intention, making everyone shiver fiercely.

Sun Heng supported his identity and refused to bow down to the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so Qin Yu killed Sun Heng and bowed down.

Too domineering and ruthless.

No one would have thought that a young man who seemed to be young and had a low cultivation base would start his hand, but he was so cruel and ruthless.

However, they all understand that the fault is not in Qin Yu, but in the Jinku tribe. If the Jinku tribe’s strategy succeeds, the person who kneels here and was killed is the Great Zhou Dynasty, Qin Yu and the others. .

“A Tooth For A Tooth, Blood For Blood, this person is really strong.”

“Yes, the Golden Skull tribe still underestimated this group of people, so did you get to the iron plate? We were just ridiculing before fortunately without real hands, otherwise it would be over.”

“Powerhouse really has no reason to kneel to the weak, but Qin Yu rewrites this theory because his fists are strong enough, hard enough, and possess the tyrannical strength to change the truth.”

The people around whispered and told their true thoughts. Everyone understood at this moment, and Qin Yu should not be offended.

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