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I don’t know why, when the long sword came out, Jin Rong had a very dangerous feeling, which spontaneously emerged from the bottom of his heart, causing his eyes to beat violently twice.

Especially the weird rune displayed on the long sword seems to be intertwined according to a certain Heaven and Earth pattern, which makes people feel trembling and weird.

This sword is exactly the demon sword that Qin Yu got in the burial sword mound-hate the sky!


After Qin Yu took out the demon sword, the weight of more than 50000 catties drove Qin Yu to smash into the ground without warning. The tip of the sword fiercely pierced into the ground, causing the ground to be directly cut apart. Mouth.

Had it not been for Qin Yu, he had known that this demon sword was made of Ancient Era’s divine iron, and weighed more than 50000 catties. I am afraid that it had been driven by the weight of the demon sword to crawl on the ground just now.

Fortunately, this kind of thing, not at all happens!

“This guy is heavy. If I pick it up now, it’s still a bit difficult.” Qin Yu’s eyes jumped.

And this scene fell in Jin Rong’s eyes, but Jin Rong immediately sneered, with a curved corner of his mouth: “Hehe, it’s really shameful that you can’t even hold a sword.”

He originally thought that Qin Yu’s sword was a peerless Divine Weapon, but now it seems that it is not like that.

Moreover, even if it is the peerless Divine Weapon, if Qin Yu cannot pick it up, it will not be able to play its real purpose, and of course it will not pose much threat to him.

Everyone from the Golden Skull tribe also had a sneer on their faces. They looked at Qin Yu with disdain, as if they were looking at a fool.

“Hehe, what if you can’t pick it up? Even so, I will kill you with this monster sword.” Qin Yu smiled coldly.

Compared to when he got the Demon Sword just now, he could barely shake it, and it was much better now.

His strength has increased a lot, and he won’t even throw this demon sword does not raise.

Qin Yu turned the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art around, and that sturdy power gathered from the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, gathered in the center of the palm, holding the demon sword, and moving suddenly.

The demon sword trembled violently, and then pulled it up from the ground, dragged by Qin Yu, Spiritual Qi revolved, and the power of the runes bloomed from the demon sword.

“Hehe, let me see how you can kill me with a weapon that you can’t afford.”

Jin Rong smiled coldly, and his whole body suddenly moved. The majestic golden light sprayed out from the veins and enveloped Jin Rong, making Jin Rong look extremely powerful.


Jin Rong’s fist peak moved, and under the full package of golden light, it struck down suddenly. The horrible golden light fist light was like a falling meteor from the ten thousand li sky, burning and surging.

When the fist peak was still 2 meters in the air, the fist strength had touched the ground, causing a large rectangular pit to appear on the ground made of slate.


Jin Rong lightly shouted, and Quan Feng killed him in a straightforward manner. He, this fist, wanted to completely obliterate Qin Yu without giving Qin Yu any chance to survive.

Qin Yu lifts the head, looking at the golden light fist peak close at hand, his eyes shrank suddenly, the black streamer Dragon Qi flowing up and down all over his body, pushing the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art to the extreme.

“Hate Tianli, this is your first battle out of the Sword Burial Tomb. I hope you don’t let me down.”

Qin Yu murmured, under the full operation of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, fiercely’s demon sword was turned out.

Hate the sky and low psychic, as if he could understand Qin Yu’s words, he made waves of strange screams, under the blessing of Qin Yu, in the sky, drew a half-month in the sky, and finally hit Jinrong’s fist Peaks, colliding together.


At the moment of the confrontation between the two, a slight crackling sound rang from Jin Rong’s skeleton, and Hentiandi’s sharp sword edge directly pierced Jin Rong’s fist peak.


With the demon sword killed, Jin Rong’s fist peak was directly shattered by the impact, forming a sky full of golden bone fragments, and the terrifying power from the hatred of the sky made Jin Rong turn pale with fright.

“What, what kind of sword is this, how can there be such a heavy power?” Jin Rong said in horror.

He originally thought that this sword was just a little heavier, but in fact, the low weight of Hengtian far exceeded Jin Rong’s expectations, weighing more than 50000 catties.

No wonder Qin Yu can’t pick it up!

Now, the weight of more than 50000 catties is all blessed on his fist peak, how can it not be broken.

Of course, Qin Yu can only turn the demon sword to hate the sky when he fully displays the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art. If he really wants to kill the enemy in his hand, it may take some time to grow.


Jin Rong was shocked and kept backing up. After the fist peak of his right hand was shredded by the demon sword, a little bit of red blood dripped from it, horrible to see.

“Have you retired?”

Seeing Jin Rong retreating, Qin Yu smiled indifferently, the killing intent in his heart was attached to the monster sword, and the monster sword suddenly rotated again, and another semi-circular monster rays of light flashed opened.

This time, Qin Yu didn’t give Jin Rong any chance. The edge of the demon sword fell directly on Jin Rong’s chest, and fell fiercely along Jin Rong’s chest, leaving a deep blood mark.


Under the eyes of everyone, the bloodstain on Jin Rong’s chest suddenly split, causing Jin Rong’s body to be directly divided into two halves, and then fell heavily and fell to the ground, arousing the sky. dust.

But at this moment, except for the sound of Jin Rong falling to the ground, the scene was extremely silent. Everyone at this time closed their breaths tightly, not daring to vent their breath, and their faces were full of thick look of shock.

After a long time, everyone came back to his senses from the shock of this scene, and each and everyone sucked in air-conditioning fiercely.

“My God, Qin Yu actually killed Jin Rong. This…this is true.” A warrior lost his voice in amazement. Even if he witnessed this with his own eyes, he still couldn’t believe the facts before him.

“Idiot, I didn’t see that Jin Rong’s body was chopped in half. How could it not be true? Also, you can keep me quiet, 2 don’t let Qin Yu hear it.”

The warrior next to him was hurriedly scolded, afraid that Qin Yu would be angered by the words of the discipline and would lead to a killing disaster.

“Annoying Qin Yu? This is not enough. He is not an unreasonable person, but he is really terrifying. Even Jin Rong under the Golden Skull Secret Technique has been defeated, which is really unexpected.”

“Yes, the legendary Golden Skull Secret Technique, coupled with the mighty strength of Jinrong’s Spring Realm Middle Stage, has now come to such a fate. Not only we can’t think of it, but Jinrong himself can’t think of it either.”

The uproar in the field surged like a tide, and it was extremely noisy, all exclaimed and not shocked.

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