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Hong long long !

Looking at the heavenly demon plate that was crushed at extremely high speed, Jin Yuan’s eyes protruded outwards, and the whole person became abnormally hideous. Golden withered bones and majestic golden light quickly moved towards the chest. , To show strength and defense, covering the entire body within the period.

The coercion from the heavenly demon plate is too terrifying, making Jin Yuan’s face full of shock. If he is not defensive, he will be destroyed and broken into pieces in an instant.


The heavenly demon plate fell, and the fiercely impact was on the golden light. Under the impact of the terrifying formidable power, the golden light vibrated like a meteorite falling into the sea, causing ripples of one after another golden light, which was extremely shocking.

Under the golden light ripples, the air burst out one after another, and the sound was endless, scalp tingling.

But even though this golden light was extremely powerful, the heavenly demon disk that was one foot square eventually shattered the golden light and fell onto Jin Yuan’s body.


After Jin Yuan performed the Golden Skull Secret Art, the whole person was in a state of withered bones, and the withered bones were constantly worn away under the heavenly demon disk, and the little by little fragments, and finally became one after another powder, accompanied by blood flowing out.

whoosh whoosh!

Looking at the blood-colored powder and red blood on the floor, all the people in the auction house fell silent, their mouths were so big that they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Obviously, everyone thought of this scene.

Qin Yu actually killed Jin Yuan, and Jin Yuan did not even leave the whole body, and turned into a powder with dry bones. This is too abnormal.

“This guy’s cultivation base can definitely shake the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak, otherwise, it is impossible to kill Jin Yuan so easily.”

“Yes, especially the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, which is really too powerful, and the coercion from above is really terrifying.”

After Mo Yue was silent for 2 breaths in the entire auction room, an uproar suddenly erupted, and the sound shook the sky.

Even the powerhouses such as Zorro and Xiao Xuantian who were sitting in the high position all showed extremely shocked expressions, staring at Qin Yu dumbfounded.

Immediately, Xiao Xuantian’s eyes became greedy, he licked his lips, and said with interest: “Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, tsk tsk, really greedy.”

“Hehe, this martial skill is not easy to grab.”

Zorro lightly said with a smile, but soon revealed a greedy expression. He turned around and said indifferently: “However, if there is a chance, you can’t let such a good martial skill in vain.”

The two of them looked at each other, and both understood what the other person was thinking, then smiled and went silent.

With the end of this battle, people in the auction house no longer dare to underestimate Qin Yu.

Qin Yu can kill Jin Yuan so easily, and his strength can at least rank up to nearly 100 above the 1000 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and it can even break through 9000 and reach 8,000.

Such strength is not the strongest in this auction, but few people dare to touch it.

Under the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu took out the Bronze Ancient Lamp and let it out, allowing the Bronze Ancient Lamp to absorb the blood essence of the gold.

Jin Yuan cultivation The heat of the Golden Skull Secret Technique is several times more profound than Jin Rong, and it has a lot of benefits for the Red Wolf Holy Spirit.


The Bronze Ancient Lamp slowly turned to extract a trace of blood essence. After more than ten minutes, it stopped, flew back to Qin Yu’s hand, and was put away by Qin Yu.

“This guy has so many treasures. Not only does he have Heaven Rank low grade martial skills, but the Bronze Ancient Lamp is also an ancient treasure. I just don’t know why the Bronze Ancient Lamp makes me feel dangerous.” Zorro thought. Said suddenly.

Inside the Bronze Ancient Lamp, he could feel a strange Divine Sense, as if it did not belong to ordinary people, which made Zorro couldn’t help but look at Qin Yu a little higher.

Everyone saw that Qin Yu killed Jin Yuan and also took out the blood essence of Jin Yuan. Every and everyone’s face appeared with an expression of horror.

Qin Yu didn’t pay attention to the panic expression of these people, but conveniently put away the Bronze Ancient Lamp, his expression was extremely indifferent.

Since the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe has promised to acknowledge allegiance him, in the battlefield of 100 tribes, for him to drive, then he has the obligation to help the Holy Spirit of the red wolf tribe to grow.

“Everyone, everyone saw the battle just now very enjoyable, but next, should we start the auction.”

When everyone was watching Qin Yu in horror, an indifferent voice sounded at the auction house.

Everyone came back to his senses, only to discover that a middle age person did not know when he had walked towards the central auction station and stood there lightly.

The middle age person glanced at the auction room, his gaze finally fell on Qin Yu’s body, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, showing a trace of satisfaction.

However, this expression is not very obvious, so only some Peak powerhouses noticed, and they frowned at the same time. Obviously, they were a little surprised by this scene.

Qin Yu was also slightly surprised. It should be the first time he saw this middle age person. This person looked at him with admiring eyes, which made him somewhat flattered.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly and looked towards the middle age person, but what shocked Qin Yu was that he could not see through the middle age person at all. Instead, the middle age person gave him a strong danger. feel.

“What realm is this guy anyway?” Qin Yu said puzzledly.

“This person should be the Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races. Even among the Great Influences on the battlefield of the 100 races, it is not to be underestimated. At least it should be an expert of the Core Disciple level, or even a deacon or Elder.”

Zhou Tong explained that he obviously knew something about this matter.

“Patrol Envoy?” Qin Yu nodded, suddenly clear comprehension.

Only then did he understand that the so-called secret information and the ranking changes on the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking were probably all manipulated by Patrol Envoy.

With their cultivation base and battle strength, it is not difficult to collect news, so it is not strange to complete these things.

“It turned out to be Sir Patrol Envoy, hehe. The battle just now was indeed Interesting, but it was just a little bit of trouble. It is far less important than the auction held by Sir Patrol Envoy.” Zorro suddenly said with a smile.

In his words, there is not only the meaning of flattering middle age person, but also the meaning of belittling Qin Yu, saying that the battle between Qin Yu and Jin Yuan was just a “small fight”, which obviously looked down on Qin Yu.

Many people around Zorro agreed with Qin Yu’s killing of Jin Yuan, which really shocked them, but their real purpose this time was the auction.

Therefore, in the eyes of many powerhouses, what happened just now is just a small episode. Besides, on the battlefield of 100 races, every day, there are 1000 to 10000 people falling. Can’t be considered.

However, people who understand the truth still heard an unusual smell in Zorro’s tone, so he moved towards Qin Yu again.

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