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Hearing the middle age person urging him to turn in the Spirit Stone, Zorro’s face was extremely gloomy, 10000 unwilling.

However, no matter how bold he was, he didn’t dare to go crazy in front of Patrol Envoy and break the rules of the auction. Therefore, he could only grind his teeth and surrender 4000 pieces of 500 pieces of middle grade Spirit Stone, and purchase the Pill Recipe of Tianxu Pill.

It can be seen that the moment Zorro got the Pill Recipe of the Sky Void Pill, not only was there no joy, but the fist peak was tightly clenched, and the blue veins raged, like a wild beast of rage, and almost took the Sky Void Pill. The Pill Recipe is crushed.

After a long time, Zorro slowly released his arm and put the Pill Recipe of Tianxu Pill in the storage bag.

After this fierce conflict, the auction at the back seemed slightly flat.

At the end of the day, all parties took out some things that they didn’t need and gave them to the middle age person for auction on the spot.

Qin Yu also auctioned off on the spot the Spike Saint, the Demon Wolf Transformation, the Golden Skeleton Knife, the Golden Skull Secret Technique and some materials that he could not use.

Of the 4 Martial Skill and Cultivation Art auctioned by Qin Yu, the first 3 are quasi-Heaven Rank martial skills. Although they are not as eye-catching as the Heaven Rank low grade martial skills, they are also extremely popular. A good price was auctioned. 3000 pieces of middle grade Spirit Stone were harvested.

The most powerful Golden Skull Secret Art was sold at a high price of more than 2 1000 300 yuan. After all, this thing is cultivation to the extreme, which can temporarily promote a realm, which is extremely out of the ordinary.

Adding other things, the item Qin Yu auctioned was about 6000 middle grade Spirit Stone, which not only didn’t cost much, but made a lot of money.

The most important thing is that Qin Yu also got the black Gold Jade. With this in hand, Qin Yu’s strength can be improved a lot.

“Brother Zhou, how many days will the Ancient Secret Vault be opened?” Qin Yu turned and asked.

“There are about 5 days left, but it takes 2 days to reach Baiyang Valley, so we only have 3 days left.” Zhou Tong explained.

“Three days?”

Qin Yu murmured, and then said: “Enough, you tell everyone now, we set off to the place where the ancient secret storage is.”

“What, go now, isn’t it a bit too early?” Zhou Tong said in surprise.

The ancient secret collection requires ten or eight Zihua jade seals to be opened. Although Qin Yu has obtained two, it is not enough.

Moreover, before the time is up, even if there are ten or eight purple flower jade seals, it will not be possible to open the ancient secret storage.

“Well, go now, maybe before entering the ancient secret store, I can send you a huge and unique good fortune.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Zhou Tong and Lin Hen were hearing this, their hearts moved together. Although they didn’t know what Qin Yu was talking about, they chose to believe Qin Yu.

Since dealing with Qin Yu, they still rarely see Qin Yu lying.

“Okay, let’s go now. I’ll gather the people and horses. You and Lin Hen are waiting for me outside the valley.” Zhou Tong nodded, and left the auction room first.

Qin Yu and Lin Hen left the Baiyang Valley, waiting for Lin Hen and the army to converge.

Seeing Qin Yu, Zhou Tong, and Lin Hen leaving the auction house in a hurry, Cang Yuan, Zoruo, and Xiao Xuantian all sneered.

“Young Master, did you see that these three guys have offended us, are afraid of us, and have already taken the lead to escape.” Xiao Xuantian coldly said, a sneer appeared.

“Hehe, run away?”

Zorro sneered and shook his head: “Do you think they ran away? Cang Yuan, you should know what to do?”

“Hehe, I know this. Naturally, I brought back the head of that little bastard, and took the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill and dedicated it to Young Master Zorro.” Cang Yuan stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. Zorro ordered again, and followed Qin Yu, out of the auction room.

After Cang Yuan left, Zorro’s eyebrows were slightly frowned. After thinking about it, he instructed: “This Cang Yuan, I am a little worried. You take a few people behind you. After Cang Yuan kills Qin Yu, you Ask him to bring the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill over.”

“Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, this is really eye-catching, don’t worry, I will definitely bring back the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill from that kid.” Xiao Xuantian smiled slightly, and followed out.

When everyone saw Qin Yu, Cang Yuan, Xiao Xuantian and the others exiting the auction room, they were shocked. Everyone knew what these people were doing.

After Qin Yu and Zhou Tong converged, they moved directly towards the depths of the 100 clan battlefield, and the entire group increased the speed to the maximum.

On the way, they encountered a lot of Demon Beasts, but these Demon Beasts were all taken care of by Qin Yu and Xue You, and they were quickly resolved without the slightest sluggishness.

After a day and a half, Qin Yu and the others came to a jungle, chose a relatively hidden mountain col, and stopped.

“Brother Qin, it’s less than half a day away from the place where the ancient secret place is. Do we really want to stop here?” Zhou Tong curiously asked.

Although the terrain here is extremely concealed, it is not even close to the great good fortune that Qin Yu said, so Zhou Tong only asked this question.

“Hehe, don’t ask about this. You send someone to build a stone cave for me. I will retreat for 3 days. In addition, you will allocate all the Spirit Stone and cultivation treasure on your body to your people and let them stay in the Cave. Cultivation above Mansion, I don’t leave the customs, no one is allowed to move.” Qin Yu smiled instructed.

Qin Yu’s request seemed a bit rude, but Zhou Tong and Lin Hen still complied, but they didn’t know what medicine Qin Yu’s bottle gourd actually sold.

“Master, those guys have followed.”

Suddenly, the voice of Dragon Soul rang in Qin Yu’s mind, making Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, Divine Sense suddenly fluctuated out, and moved towards the distance extended.

After a few breaths, Qin Yu opened his eyes and opened the mouth and said: “There are really many people here. It seems that the entire Cang clan is dispatched, and it seems that the giant sword clan is dispatched.”

“It’s indeed the Cang Clan and the Giant Sword Clan, but Xiao Xuantian is the real threat.” Dragon Soul indifferently said: “Master, if I want to take action, please get rid of them first and get rid of these tails.”

The presence of these tails is a hidden danger sooner or later, and it may disturb Qin Yu’s cultivation at any time, so Dragon Soul advises Qin Yu to remove these tails.

Especially that Xiao Xuantian, this person’s strength, even if placed in a clan, is strong enough.

However, Qin Yu finally rejected Dragon Soul’s suggestion, lightly saying: “With your power, they can be solved smoothly, but you can use a sledgehammer to kill the chicken. Let’s set up the next Formation first to block them. Outside, wait until I come out of retreat.”

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