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Ling Li’s offensive is extremely sharp, cold light and Spiritual Qi constantly intertwined, directly piercing Qin Yu’s eyes.

In that way, it seemed that he wanted to dig out Qin Yu’s eyeballs.

Everyone knows that Zorro wanted to completely kill Qin Yu, let Qin Yu become his dead soul, and fiercely trampled Qin Yu.

“hmph! ”

Qin Yu was coldly snorted, Liu Shajian appeared in his hand, Third Realm’s powerful Sword Intent suddenly moved, the bright sword glow tore the air, and directly cut out.

A cold and ruthless solemn killing aura, suddenly moved towards all around and spread.

Accompanied by the merciless solemn killing aura, the entire space seemed to be frozen in general, and Liu Shajian volleyed and killed the sharp claw from Zorro.


Above the sharp claw, a slight sound rippled, as if weapons were intertwined and collided, sparks appeared.

“Hehe, holding a low grade True Artifact, Third Realm’s powerful Sword Intent, but still can’t shake me, it’s really rubbish.” Zorro said after taking the sword from Qin Yu.

Everyone saw that Zorro actually used sharp claw and Qin Yu’s weapons to fight, and did not get the slightest injury. All were suck in a cold breath, secretly thought Zorro was too powerful.

“Oh, is that really the case?”

Under the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The fierce Sword Intent suddenly swelled up like a volcano, and only heard a belch, blood splashed out, and a bright red arc was drawn in the air.


Zorro screamed and looked at Qin Yu in horror. Qin Yu’s Sword Intent was obviously only 60%, and it couldn’t hurt him.

But instantly, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent, unexpectedly soared to 70% of realm, directly on his arm, leaving a deep blood mark, stab his hand bone.

The pain of piercing the bone marrow caused Zorro’s face to twitch violently and hideously.


Seeing this scene, the expressions on everyone’s faces were completely condensed, staring at Qin Yu fiercely, their faces full of incredible color.

Zorro resisted Qin Yu’s attack with sharp claw. They had just secretly sighed the power of Zorro, but no one had thought that the plot would reverse so quickly.

“70% of the Sword Intent, this guy’s Sword Intent, turned out to be as powerful as 70% of Third Realm.”

“If he only used 60% of the Sword Intent, Zorro would not be helped, but this 70% of the Sword Intent was enough to cause fatal injuries to Zorro. If Zorro was not withdrawn quickly, his arm would have been chopped off early. Come down.”

“Tsk tsk, this guy seems to be tepid, didn’t expect to be such a terrifying Sword Dao expert, tsk tsk, 70% of Third Realm’s Sword Intent, I feel it for the first time, too terrifying .”

At this age, Qin Yu turned out to be 70% of the Sword Intent of the Third Realm’s cultivation success. Even powerhouses like Zorro can be killed, too terrifying.

“Zorro, can you still catch my sword now?” Qin Yu said, indifferently asked.

These words, like a shining slap, landed on Zorro’s face, extremely verdant, making Zorro’s face, fiery and painful, and completely lost.

Zorro is proud, and Qin Yu’s sword can’t hurt him at all.

However, Qin Yu proved that he can not only hurt Zorro, but also has the powerful ability to kill Zorro.

Zorro’s face was gloomy, his mouth twitched violently, and he wanted to refute Qin Yu, but somehow he couldn’t say a word.

Relying on his intrepid strength, he ridiculed Qin Yu over the auction, treated Qin Yu as an ant, and sent people to kill Qin Yu.

But at this moment, Zorro discovered that even he himself was not an opponent of Qin Yu, and that Qin Yu was absolutely capable, so he was wiped out.

In this case, wouldn’t it be too ridiculous that he went to anger Qin Yu.

“Zorro, I believe you know more about the cruelty on the battlefield of these 100 races. I don’t need to say more about this. But there is one more point. I must warn you. That is arrogance. But not.” Qin Yu indifferently said.

Thinking that when he was at the auction, Zorro looked at the audience proudly, and he never put anyone in his eyes. That kind of arrogance and dominance is almost impossible.

However, it turns out that Zorro has no arrogant capital in front of Qin Yu. In this case, it would be courting death.


Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has increased abruptly, reaching the Peak level of 70% 3 directly.

The violent Sword Intent, turned into countless fine needles, fiercely pierced Zorro’s within the body, leaving 1000 sores and 100 holes in Zorro’s heart.

These 1000 sores and 100 holes were not substantial damage, but mental damage, but it was more terrifying than substantial damage, directly smashing Zorro’s Heart of Martial Dao completely.

Immediately afterwards, the Willow Killing Sword in Qin Yu’s hand was unconsciously placed on Zorro’s neck, and the cold sword energy wrapped Zorro’s neck.

As long as Qin Yu’s mind moves, Zorro’s head will fall directly.

“Qin Yu, you…you…you can’t kill me.”

Frightened, Zorro said hesitantly, and involuntarily begged Qin Yu for mercy.

“Can’t kill you, why? Give me a reason not to kill you.” Qin Yu asked indifferently.

In the face of Qin Yu’s questioning, Zorro could not give any reason at all. In the end, he could only focus on Zhuo out of the ordinary of the Vajra clan, and pleaded bitterly: “Brother Zhuo, save me!”

“Hmph, Zorro, didn’t expect you to be such a waste. Even a True Spirit Realm 9th Layer Peak rubbish can’t be dealt with. It was still put on the neck with a sword. It is really waste, waste.”

Zhuo out of the ordinary coldly snorted, and then slowly stepped out from the crowd, staring at Qin Yu impatiently with cold eyes, and said in a commanding tone: “Qin Yu, if you want to humiliate Zorro, prove you If he is strong, then you can let go of him now.”

Originally, he didn’t want to bother about this, but Zorro possessed a purple jade seal.

He had to take action to save Zorro, only in this way could he enter the ancient secret store.

Otherwise, their Vajra clan will miss the opportunity of the ancient secret storage this time, which he absolutely cannot bear.

Qin Yu looked at Zhuo out of the ordinary, frowned slightly, and then said, “Do you want to save him?”

“Yes, although he is a bit rubbish, it is not something you can kill. If you are acquainted, just let him go. In this case, I don’t need to make a move and let you enter the ancient secret store safely.”

“Of course, in the ancient secret store, if you meet me, whether you can survive or not depends on your luck.”

Zhuo out of the ordinary, standing with his hands on his back, said arrogantly, between his eyebrows, there was a deep sense of disdain.

“Hehe, it turned out to be like this.”

Qin Yu smiled indifferently, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned into an arc, indifferently said: “Out of the ordinary, if facing you, it is indeed a bit tricky, but it’s a pity that you made a wrong calculation.”

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