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Qin Yu fell on the ground with a slightly ugly face. The blow of the 5 colored green scale snakes can only be described in two words, which is horror.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu to push the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art to the extreme at the end, and use Dragon Qi to protect the body, he is afraid that the linkage will be impossible to move now.

If it is to that point, then Qin Yu’s end will be extremely tragic, he will be swallowed alive by the 5-color green scale snake, and suffocated in the belly of the 5-color green scale snake.

“I didn’t expect that Qin Yu, a wise one, would actually have some trouble here.” Qin Yu murmured, struggling to stand up, looking at the five-color green scale snake with a stern face.

5 The IQ of the color green scale snake is not low. Seeing Qin Yu hardly hit by it, he can stand up. A hint of astonishment flashed in the pupil light.

However, this stunned color quickly disappeared, and replaced with a touch of indifference, staring at Qin Yu as if staring at a prey.


5 The color green scale snake broke out into an angry roar, and its body suddenly moved. The huge snake tail, with another blow, swept across, like a sharp blade, blocking the trees between the two, which was extremely ferocious.

Such an attack is no less than a powerful blow from Zhuo out of the ordinary, and even more terrifying than a blow from Zhuo out of the ordinary.

“Ancient Eight Extremes Fist!”

When Qin Yu saw this, loudly shouted, he had reached 5% of Perfection Realm’s ancient Eight Extremes Fist, and directly urged him, that violent peak of fist, fiercely moved towards the giant tail thrown by the 1 colored green scale snakes, bombarded and killed Past.


The two clash, the terrifying energy exploded, and everything around, under this energy, was all shattered and turned into dust in the sky, Xiao Xiao fell.

But with this collision, Qin Yu finally stopped the attack of the 5-color green scale snake.

What makes Qin Yu a little dissatisfied is that his ridiculous Eight Extremes Fist with a 30% boxing concept did not cause any injuries on the 5-color green scale snake.

The azure scale armor is shining and icy, like the hardest city wall in the world, indestructible, and ordinary means cannot break its defenses.

On the contrary, it is the 5 color green scale snake, which can form a super attack with this hardness.

“With the formidable power of the ancient Eight Extremes Fist, I’m afraid I can’t break this guy’s defense, and if you want to really kill him, you can only use Sword Art.” Qin Yu took a step back, muttering in his heart.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu didn’t hesitate anymore. While Liu Shajian appeared in his hands, the Sword Intent of 70% 3 of Third Realm broke out completely, and the sword glow throbbed.

The icy Sword Intent instantly enveloped a large area. Suddenly, a wisp of cold light flashed from Qin Yu’s sword edge, and Liu Shajian directly killed it.

“Fun Tianyijian!”

The terrifying sword energy, accompanied by the Liu Sword slaying down, directly forced the head of the 5 colored green scale snake, and wanted to chop down the head of the 5 colored green scale snake.

5 The color green scale snake seems to feel the crisis too, that huge figure, wriggling extremely fast, and its head quickly avoided.

However, Qin Yu’s speed is not slow, so this sword, fiercely, fell on the 5-inch snake tail of the 7-color green scale snake.

ding ding ding ~!

From the 7-inch snake’s tail, the sound of metal clinking was constantly heard, just like two iron objects colliding with each other, which was extremely ear-piercing.

5 The tail of the colored green scale snake was suppressed to death by Qin Yu’s Willow Killing Sword, but on the tail, only one after another white mark was left, but there was no trace of blood.

On the contrary, the terrifying power from the snake’s tail seems to be able to shake the Willow Killing Sword in Qin Yu’s hand at any time, terrifying to the extreme.

“I said to kill you, then you must be killed, Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, then open!”

Qin Yu drank lightly, the black Dragon Qi tumbling violently, and at Qin Yu’s spine, there seemed to be an angry dragon, roaring, roar, extremely ferocious.

Accompanied by the roar sound of the angry dragon, one after another majestic power suddenly gushed out of Qin Yu’s 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, all gathered on Qin Yu’s right hand.

Since the Willow Killing Sword is not sharp enough, and Qin Yu’s Sky Burial Sword can’t cut the scales of these five colored green scale snakes, then Qin Yu will infuse you with strength. If you don’t believe it, you can’t break this animal’s defense.


The violent bursting power was blessed on the sword edge, and the scales above 7 inches suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu’s sword edge sank suddenly, following the traces of the rupture of the scale armor, fiercely’s thorn, directly submerged in its flesh and blood, and with a loud bang, it cut off its huge snake tail.


After the snake tail was cut off, the 5 colored green scale snake hissed and cracked the lungs roar, struggling violently, and rushing, and it was completely dead after ten breaths.

Looking at the five colored green scale snakes that finally died, Qin Yu spits out one mouthful of impure air, his expression calmed down, and the Willow Killing Sword was put in his bag, and he began to extract the blood essence from his body.

These 5 colored green scale snakes are the Demon Beast of the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring. The blood essence contains a huge amount of energy, which is all used by Qin Yu to use Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul refining.

After bathing in snake blood, Qin Yu felt that his cultivation base was finally stabilized and he was still improving.

But Qin Yu didn’t stop at all, but continued to swallow the demon core and refining.

After a day and a half, Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes. Although he had no breakthrough at this time, his aura was twice as powerful as before, and the reward was not small.

“The scale armor on this guy is a good thing. If it is refined into Battle Armor, it can definitely be sold for an excellent price, and if these scale armors are given to Hao Senior Sister, they can also increase their defensive power. “Qin Yu indifferently said.

The scales of these 5 colored green scale snakes are too hard, and the general martial artist of the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring Realm can’t be broken without using any means.

As for its flesh and blood, Qin Yu only cuts off a piece of the best flesh, put it in a storage bag and uses it as ration refining, and throws away the rest.

“There is also a Demon Beast of 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the south, and with my current strength, it is not very troublesome to kill it. I killed it in the past.” Qin Yu’s heart moved, and quickly moved towards the south. .

The distance between the two Demon Beasts is not very far, so Qin Yu quickly reached the place where the other Demon Beast was located.

“Colorful tiger!”

Looking at the Demon Beast in front of him, Qin Yu recognized it at a glance, and then shook his fist peak, punching it to the flesh, and completely beheaded it for more than ten minutes. It also absorbs blood essence and strengthens the cultivation base.

However, this time Qin Yu did not at all go to refining the demon core, but put the demon core away, and started searching around.

5 The Demon Beast, such a powerful Demon Beast, appeared in the same place, so Qin Yu guessed that there must be some heavenly material earthly treasure nearby.

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