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When he was at Jiantai Peak, Zheng Wu personally blackmailed Zhuo out of the ordinary 8,000 middle grade Spirit Stone by Qin Yu. On this basis, he added 2 1000, which is what Qin Yu is all about.

As for Xudan’s Pill Recipe that day, it was just a matter of convenience. If he collects spiritual medicine in the future and finds Medicine Refining Master, this Pill Recipe is also a big gain for him, and it may allow him to break through once. .

“10000 middle grade Spirit Stone, plus Pill Recipe from Tianxu Pill?”

Hearing this number, Qin Yu’s mouth appeared to be curved, and he took out his storage bag, indifferently said: “The two things you want are here, there are kinds of them here.”

Seeing Qin Yu’s storage bag, Zheng Wu and the other 3 warriors all became ecstatic and extremely excited.

Not to mention the Pill Recipe of Xudan that day, even if it was the 10000 middle grade Spirit Stone, it was an astronomical figure for the four of them, but now it can be easily obtained by just reaching out.

“Hehe, I wanted to spend a lot of effort, didn’t expect as simple as that. From this point of view, this Qin Yu is nothing great, it’s not the same as being blackmailed by my fiercely.”

Zheng Wu was sneaked in his heart and looked down on Qin Yu more and more.

Immediately, Zheng Wu stretched out his right hand anxiously, moved towards Qin Yu and stretched out the storage bag in his hand, contemptuously saying with a smile: “hehe, then many thanks…”


But just when Zheng Wu’s voice was about to fall, Qin Yu’s storage bag was retracted very quickly, his left hand suddenly opened the palm peak, revealing an extremely powerful force, and suddenly moved towards Zheng Wu’s arm to grab it.

It can be seen that on Qin Yu’s skin, there is a dim black light flowing. This is exactly the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art of Qin Yu’s fifth Nirvana success, but it is not at all energized.


Supported by the terrifying power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, Qin Yu’s big hand quickly grabbed it and landed on Zheng Wu’s wrist. Zheng Wu’s wrist was suddenly painful and his face changed in shock.

“Little bastard, dare you…”

Zheng Wu was both shocked and angry scolded, he didn’t expect, Qin Yu actually played him, and so vicious, he dared to suddenly do something to him.

“Hmph, what dare I do.”

Qin Yu was coldly snorted, the big hand suddenly squeezed, fiercely pressed down, that Zheng Wu’s wrist, under the terrifying power of Qin Yu, broke instantly, and was completely abolished by Qin Yu, destroying the ancients.

The whole process, not even a second time, when the shot is fast, accurate, and ruthless!


A heart-cracking pain hit Zheng Wu’s heart, making Zheng Wu fiercely suck in a cold breath of air, the abnormal pain, unbearable, dēng dēng dēng receded.

“Evil creature, you…you…you dare to do something to me, you are courting death?” Zheng Wu said furiously, with blue veins on his forehead violent, full of anger, surging out, and his complexion was terrifying like a wild beast.

He couldn’t imagine that Qin Yu was facing their expert of 4 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, and dare to play him like this, treating him like a plaything.

“Hmph, what are you, why don’t you dare to do it to you, and why do you dare to ensure the safety of others in this 100 race battle.”

Qin Yu’s voice was abrupt and extremely cold. The anger he suppressed in the heart earlier, at this moment, finally broke out completely, stirring all over his body.

For the Spirit Ginseng, Qin Yu has been waiting here for 3 days. He was about to get it, but he was disturbed by the sudden emergence of Zheng Wu.

But this Zheng Wu didn’t feel that he was wrong at all. He also threatened Qin Yu with a faceless face. He wanted to ask Qin Yu for 10000 middle grade Spirit Stone and Pill Recipe of Tianxu Dan. How could Qin Yu spare this person.

At this moment, a trace of chill completely diffused from Qin Yu’s heart, and the terrifying power slowly moved, forming violent fluctuations, and his brows were raised.

As for Zheng Wu’s promise to ensure the safety of Qin Yu, in Qin Yu’s view, it is just a joke.

There is only one way to survive on the battlefield of 100 races, and that is to become stronger.

Kill all dogs in the way, kill all enemies that cannot be killed.

Putting his own destiny and safety into the hands of others, Qin Yu does not have this habit, nor does he have this thought.

“Zheng Wu big brother!”

Seeing that Zheng Wu was injured by Qin Yu and abolished the right hand, the other three people were also shocked for a moment, their faces dumbfounded.

Zheng Wu is the strongest among the four of them, and their three people are each a terrifying expert of the 4 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage.

With such a huge lineup, they never thought that someone would shoot them.

“Go, go, let’s go together, kill this little bastard and avenge Zheng Wu’s big brother.”

“Yes, since this little bastard refuses to cooperate with us to hand over the Spirit Stone and Pill Recipe, then we will kill him and take these things from his body.”

The 3 people were filled with righteous indignation, and immediately besieged Qin Yu in the center. The terrifying cultivation base of 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage broke out in each of them, and no one is weaker than the ordinary.

After the three people completely contained Qin Yu, Zheng Wu stepped forward and fiercely said to Qin Yu: “Little bastard, if you dare to attack me, then you have to pay the price of blood, kill!”

Zheng Wusen said, the whole person is like a wild beast with rage, his right arm is broken by Qin Yu, so he can only show his strength from above his left arm, fiercely moved towards Qin Yu slapped.

At the same time, the three people who besieged Qin Yu all made their own moves. The power of terror, densely packed boxing peaks, faced Qin Yu’s violent strikes.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

Qin Yu glanced at the 4 people coldly, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art was completely urged.

The endless black Dragon Qi, instantly on Qin Yu’s body, violently fluctuates, covering Qin Yu’s whole body, and then rolls up into Qin Yu’s skin, making Qin Yu’s skin, like a black heavy iron, extremely hard .

Bang! bang! bang! bang!

After Qin Yu urged the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, the four people attacked as planned, and one after another strikes on Qin Yu’s battle body, a dull roar erupted.

These roars were like fists hitting an iron plate, which caused all the four of them to shook slightly, revealing an expression of horror.

The 4 of them are all the power of the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of Earth Spring Realm. Together, they can almost blast a Demon Beast of the same realm into blood mist, but they can’t cause any injuries to Qin Yu.

On the contrary, there was severe pain on the peak of their fists, and the bones of their hands were broken.

Among them, after Zheng Wu was abolished by Qin Yu’s right hand, he used his left fist to attack, and his strength decreased significantly, while the other three were just out of the ordinary level and were not enough to break Qin Yu’s defense.

“Hehe, you bunch of rubbish, even my defenses can’t be broken, and they even blackmailed me boast shamelessly.” Qin Yu’s mouth curled up and said sarcastically.

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