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Qin Yu nodded, completely let go of speed, moved towards the depths of Yinfeng Canyon and rushed away.

Only when the two of them cooperate sincerely, can the benefits be maximized. Moreover, Qin Yu is very greedy for the treasures he wants to find for the Red Wolf Holy Spirit.


However, just as Qin Yu rushed towards several meters, a stern breath suddenly appeared in the yin wind, which was a yin beast in the 2nd Layer Peak of Earth Spring.

In this yin wind zone, these yin beasts can use the yin wind to strengthen themselves. The Demon Beast of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Earth Spring is no weaker than the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.

“Young Master Qin, you can directly use the heavenly demon disk, or the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art to solve it, and this thing will kill with one blow.” Holy Spirit suggested.

In the spiritual eyes of the red wolf clan, ordinary attacks can’t solve the evil beast in front of them.

“No need to!”

Qin Yu indifferently said, instead of listening to the advice of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe, he went straight forward, squeezed his palm lightly, and the violent force moved towards the Yin Beast slapped away.

The Yin Beast seemed to feel Qin Yu’s hostility, and the silhouette suddenly moved, like a whirlwind, roar rushed over.

Qin Yu’s figure flashed lightly, and the fierce fist peaks clung to the female beast’s arm, and the straight strikes were on the female beast’s chest.


With the sound of the collision erupting, the Yin Beast under Qin Yu’s fist peak instantly disintegrated and turned into one after another ice crystal, which fell on the ground and quickly melted.

Looking at the Yin beast slowly dissolving, the Red Wolf Holy Spirit appeared a touch of surprise, and then bitterly laughed: “Is this Eminence still underestimating him?”

He persuaded Qin Yu to use heavenly demon to solve the evil beast in front of him, but Qin Yu didn’t even use the martial skill and move, so he solved it, and killed it with one punch, without the slightest as easy as pie.

After the yin beast melted, a fist sized black ice crystal yin nucleus appeared in front of Qin Yu. Qin Yu grabbed it and ingested it in his hand, releasing a cold breath of ice.

The icy breath above the yin core slowly dissipated, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot. It seemed that even the air was affected by a lot of ice, and it was about to be frozen.

At the same time, the familiar breath of ancient demonic energy also radiated, making Qin Yu’s eyes hot a lot. With a fiercely grip of the palm, the yin nucleus shattered, and the ancient demonic energy burst out completely.


After the ancient demonic energy burst out, without waiting for Qin Yu’s urging, his dantian’s position suddenly rushed into a blood-red rays of light, and then a huge monster appeared behind him.

This huge monster is a full 8 feet high, face looks sinister, and almost all of it is in a state of phantom. Only the right arm is solid, and it exudes the breath of one after another Demon Race, demon flame waves.

“This is… Ancient Demon Divine Ability, hiss, how could it be possible, Qin Yu, why do you have such an innate talent?”

Seeing the demon outside the law, the Red Wolf tribe Holy Spirit fiercely shuddered, held breath cold air, and lost his voice in amazement.

A Human Race, within the body, hides the Demon Race Divine Ability, which he could not imagine.

“This thing is transformed by a drop of blood essence I got by chance. It’s not surprising.” Qin Yu said flatly, as if he was not surprised by the horror of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe.

But it is also true that this extra-legal magic is the top ten Bloodline Magical Powers in Demon Race. As long as you know its origin, how can you not be surprised.

“What, by chance? How can I not get this kind of heaven defying opportunity? I am so angry with the old man!”

The Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe got up irritably, with a face full of speechlessness, quite a bit of hatred of injustice, wanted to pierce the sky, and could not calm down for a long time.

Qin Yu ignored the irritability of the Holy Spirit of the Red Wolf tribe. When Divine Sense moved, the one after another ancient demon energy was absorbed by Qin Yu into the body, causing the right arm of the outside demon to condense completely. Realize it.

When I was in Top Sect, the right arm of the demon outside the law had gradually solidified, but it was still a little illusory. Now it has absorbed the ancient demon energy in a yin core, but it has become complete.

“This thing has a great effect on the demon outside the law. It seems that some evil beasts must be hunted and let the demon outside the law go as many as possible.” Qin Yu said excitedly.

As Qin Yu advances, more and more Yin Beasts are encountered. In order to save time, Qin Yu will use the strongest power to hunt these Yin Beasts, and sometimes even use the Monster Sword and other Supreme Treasure .

The power of the demon sword is extremely sharp. Even if Qin Yu does not use the Sword Intent or the Sky Burial Sword, the formidable power can slash the Yin Beast of 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage with a single sword.

In just an hour, Qin Yu has gotten more than 20 nuclei, which is a huge harvest.

After Qin Yu refining all these yin nuclei, the left arm of the demon outside the law finally solidified, and with a punch, it could burst out endless power.

“hong long long !”

Just as Qin Yu had just absorbed all the nuclei in his hand, Heaven and Earth suddenly turned, one after another stern breath rose in front of Qin Yu, causing Qin Yu’s eyes to tremble violently.

“It turned out to be the Yin Beast of the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring.” Qin Yu said in surprise.

He has been walking in this Yinfeng Canyon for 2 hours, and most of the things he encountered before were 2nd Layer Peak of Earth Spring, or 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of Earth Spring, which were not very strong.

But the end in front of him was Earth Spring Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, and the terrifying chill radiating from his body made Qin Yu feel the dangers.

“Not only is it 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, but it is also a Yin Beast King. This guy is too powerful, Young Master Qin, you have to be careful. If you can’t fight, you should evacuate quickly. Don’t die here for 10000000.”

The Red Wolf tribe Holy Spirit said solemnly, obviously also felt the strength of this guy in front of him.

Qin Yu didn’t dare to be careless at this time. The Yin Beast King of 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in Earthquan Realm was not a joke, so he urged the cultivation base in a hurry.

At the same time, one after another fierce fighting intent, slowly released from Qin Yu, he did not choose to escape, but chose to fight.

Although the Yin Beast King of Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage is tough, he is not qualified to let Qin Yu escape.

You know, in this ancient secret storage, there are powerhouses in the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of Earth Spring.

If Qin Yu runs away now, what will happen to other powerhouses? And in this Yinfeng Gorge, it seems that someone has been here long ago, and those who can go deep are probably out of the ordinary powerhouse.

In addition, aside from this Yinfeng Canyon, the ancient secret hideout, and even the battlefield of 100 races, trifling’s 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, is nothing.

When the Yin Beast King saw that Qin Yu did not run away, his eyes did not even dodge, but he was ready to fight, and a wicked anger rose in his eyes, as if he felt that he was being despised.


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