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Qin Yu’s icy voice reverberated in the air. It was extremely cold, as if even the air could freeze, causing Hong Liang to shiver fiercely.


In the center of Qin Yu’s palm, a black mist suddenly rose, violently surging, and there was a sharp scalp numbing scream, like a Resentful Soul.

As the screams echoed, the black mist gradually lifted away, and a fist sized little ghost-like thing appeared in Qin Yu’s hands, extremely hideous.

“What the hell stuff?”

Seeing the hideous ghost in Qin Yu’s hand, Hong Liang was taken aback at first, and then yelled in shock. He instinctively felt the abnormal danger from above the ghost, and scared him the soul flew away and scattered.

“Ghost Race’s secret soul search, if you beg for mercy now, I’m afraid it will be a bit late.”

Qin Yu indifferently said, his left hand lightly placed a little above the ghost, and the ghost swished into his head.

Prior to this, Qin Yu had given Hong Liang a chance to survive, but Hong Liang refused to survive, so it is no wonder Qin Yu very ruthless shot.

Qin Yu didn’t want to waste time here, and started decisively to search for Hong Liang’s soul.

The ghost didn’t enter Hong Liang’s mind, and quickly cannibalized the loud Divine Sense and memory, causing Hong Liang to make a scream and struggle in pain.

This scene, if it were ordinary people, would be frightened.

After a few breaths, the ghost came out of Hong Liang’s mind, fell into Qin Yu’s hands, turned into a little black glow, and returned to Qin Yu’s within the body.

This ghost is Qin Yu using the secret technique of Ancient Ghost Race, transformed with the power of Divine Sense. After returning, all the memories that cannibalized appeared in Qin Yu’s mind, covering many martial skill secrets.

But what Qin Yu cares most about is the mysterious tracking secret technique.

If you track the cultivation success of the secret technique, you can not only track the Spirit Ginseng, but it will also be of great help to his future actions. It is the most ultimate weapon for chasing down opponents.

“The tracking secret technique is here.” Qin Yu smiled with satisfaction.

The cultivation method he wanted to track the secret technique was completely imprinted in Qin Yu’s mind at this moment, and it was also mixed with some comprehend insights.

With these insights, if Qin Yu wants to cultivation this tracking secret technique, it will be much simpler.

If you add Qin Yu martial maniac’s innate talent, I believe it won’t take long for the cultivation to reach this level.

In addition to tracking the secret technique, Qin Yu also judged the location of the inheritance martial arts and the strength of the Tianmang tribe based on the confidence in Hong Liang’s mind.

“In addition to the leader Hong Yu, the Tianmang tribe actually has an expert named Lu Han of 3 Heavenly Layer Peak, which is extremely terrifying.” Qin Yu surprisedly said.

The expert of the Tianmang clan entering the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak, there are 2 people, and the strength of each discipline in the clan is absolutely terrifying.

But Luhan, it seems that he didn’t get together with Hong Yu at all, but disappeared after entering the secret store.

“These two people are all tricky people. You should be able to meet them when competing for the inheritance martial arts. Of course, there are not only two of the tricky people in the ancient secret store, but many people are there.” Qin Yu Whispered.

After checking the confidence in his mind, Qin Yu picked up the magnificent storage bag, counted it, obtained a lot of things, and then moved towards the central area.

A quarter of an hour later, when Qin Yu came to the central zone, the speed began to slow down a lot. Because Qin Yu discovered that there were several silhouettes here, and each one was extremely powerful, just like a monster.

The people who can walk here are the powerhouses among the powerhouses. The cultivation base is the weakest, and it is also an expert at the same level as Hongliang. In addition, there are a few experts at the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring realm.

“Are these guys coming for that jade Spirit Physique? Could it be that they all have existences like the Red Wolf Holy Spirit?”

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu’s eyes flickered, and he guessed inwardly, but was quickly interrupted by the Red Wolf Holy Spirit.

“It should not be. I didn’t perceive the existence of those Old Guys. They came here by mistake. After all, the more dangerous the place, the more impossible the predecessors have searched, and the greater the chance of getting treasure.” Red Wolf Family Holy Spirit explained.

Qin Yu nodded, there is the existence of the yin wind shrouded outside, and ordinary warriors will choose to retreat and will not enter here. Only the powerhouse is qualified to walk in.

In this way, the chance of treasure hunting is greatly increased, but the risk will also be greatly increased, and it may fall at any time.

“Young Master Qin, look at the corpses on the lake in front of you, Jade Spirit Physique is under those corpses.” The Red Wolf Clan Holy Spirit suddenly lost his voice, extremely excited.

Qin Yu hurriedly moved towards the front and saw that there was a 1000 meters lake in front of him. In the black lake water, a burst of cold and cold power was exuded, which continuously evaporated outwards, forming a thick mist.

Through the thick fog, Qin Yu saw that in the middle of the lake, there was a land that was less than ten meters away. On the land, there was a strange corpse sitting cross-legged, not knowing how it died.

At the place where the corpse was cross-legged, Qin Yu could feel an extremely pure energy, extremely weak, and his heart moved slightly.

This weak energy comes from the Jade Spirit Physique, but the Yin Cold Qi above the lake is too heavy to cover it up. If you don’t understand it carefully, you really won’t feel it.

“I also felt the jade Spirit Physique, but the corpse on the jade Spirit Physique seemed to have a very dangerous feeling. I don’t know what kind of realm it was during his lifetime?”

Qin Yu not at all rushed to do it, but narrowed his eyes slightly and landed on the corpse.

I saw a strange wave on the dead corpse from time to time, which made the scalp numb, as if it were facing an enemy.

The Red Wolf Holy Spirit paused for a while, and then explained: “Hehe, indeed, I only paid attention to the Jade Spirit Physique, but didn’t expect that the corpse is also out of the ordinary for you, the corpse should be It was left over from the death of an expert in the Tianhe Realm.”

“What, he was an expert of Tianhe Realm before he was alive?” Qin Yu said surprisedly.

Tianhe Realm, it is a more terrifying expert than Earth Spring Realm.

Qin Yu has seen all the warriors of the Earthquan realm, and the warriors of the Tianhe realm so far, let alone seen it, I haven’t even heard of it before.

Now, the corpse of a powerhouse in the Tianhe realm appeared in Qin Yu’s eyes. One can imagine how powerful it was for Qin Yu.

I am afraid that it is not only Qin Yu who can feel the crisis from the corpse, even if the Patrol Envoy is here, it is estimated that he will feel extremely surprised.

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