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On the tiger’s scratch, the long nails are wrapped in Spiritual Qi, cold light is shining, showing off one’s ability, the moment it is killed, it seems that even the air is scratched.

These sharp minions, coupled with Hu Che’s power, can be completely torn apart by Hu Che even if the front is a piece of iron.

“The power of this guy Hu Che is too strong, and this claw is terrifying to the extreme. With Qin Yu’s power, I can’t bear it at all. It seems that I don’t need to act.”

Yuan Fei stood aside, faintly smiled, as if watching a play, waiting for Qin Yu to be torn to pieces by the tiger. In that case, he would end up in peace.

Facing the sharp minions, Qin Yu’s eyes condensed slightly, the patted storage bag, the low grade True Artifact that was originally obtained in the 10000 blood grave, the shield, immediately appeared in Qin Yu’s hands, oh la la, Soared to about 3 meters.

On the 3-meter shield, all wrapped by Spiritual Qi, flashing bronze rays of light, guarding Qin Yu’s side, colliding with the sharp minions.


Hu Che’s minions, strikes shield, under the strong power, ripples appeared in the center of the shield, and the moved towards shield 2 spread out, forming one after another strong wind.

“En? low grade True Artifact-level defensive shield. This kind of defensive True Artifact is really rare. Didn’t expect you to have one here.” A look of surprise appeared on Hu Che’s face.

This was the first time he saw the defensive treasure of this low grade True Artifact shield.

And when his attack fell on the top, a soft power appeared on the shield, dissolving his power and making his attack useless.

But, at the next moment, Hu Che’s face turned slightly sullen, and said jokingly, “This thing is indeed a strange treasure, but with it, I want to attack me under the crotch. , Watch me scratch it.”

The moment Hu Che’s voice fell, there was a black ripple on the minions. The ripples seemed ancient and pure. After they were attached to Hu Che’s minions, there was a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering force. Above the minions, it spread.

The shield that stood in front of Hu Che, under the impact of this force, unexpectedly appeared a slight crack, and then, the crack spread, and the whole shield burst into pieces.

Seeing the shattered shield, it turned into countless fragments and impacted. Qin Yu moved his hands slightly to stop all these fragments.

But Qin Yu’s brows still frowned.

After he obtained this shield, he had only used it once in Yinfeng Canyon. It was a pity that it was broken by the tiger after the second use.

“Although it is a pity, a defensive shield of low grade True Artifact is not as strong as my own defensive power. When it is broken, it will be broken. There is nothing to be distressed.” Qin Yu said indifferently, his expression gradually relaxed. .

As Qin Yu said, the defensive power of this shield, I am afraid that the defensive power of the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art by Qin Yu hasn’t been so powerful, and it is not worth regretting.

After Hu Toru smashed Qin Yu’s shield, his face was full of triumphant expression, and he sarcastically said: “Qin Yu, this shield is your hole card. Without him, I see how you can resist my attack. You damn it.”


The tiger screamed coldly and shook his hands, forming a cold glow murderous intention in the sky. Just like Skynet, the moved towards Qin Yu was enveloped. What a violent state of attack.

For Qin Yu, Hu Che didn’t care at all, and he didn’t have time to waste here, so he wanted this blow to completely kill Qin Yu and get treasure and leave.

Seeing Hu Che’s attack so fiercely, the people around each and everyone take pleasure in other people’s misfortune got up, and they all spoke out.

“Have you seen it? Hu Che is worthy of being an expert of 3 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Spring Realm. Such a fierce offensive is not something ordinary people can break out.”

“Yes, even if the little bastard has a good battle strength, it’s probably hard to shake this move, tsk tsk, and we can see it tearing it apart right away.”

“It’s not fun to tear it up all at once. It’s best if Hu Che can catch this kid and cut his flesh off his body one by one, so that we can wait here for such a long time.”

“Hahaha, this little bastard dares to insult us, just wait to be killed by the tiger. From today on, there will be no one like Qin Yu on the battlefield of these 100 races.”

After seeing Hu Che’s fierce offensive, all the people all around laughed, facing Qin Yu frigid irony and scorching satire, and wanted to watch Qin Yu die here.

They would rather wait here for a few days than leave. They just want to witness Qin Yu’s death with their own eyes and vent their hatred for Qin Yu.

“Hmph, I really think I am a soft persimmon, so I can’t be manipulated?”

Listening to the sarcasm, Qin Yu let out a cold voice, and stood up straight, staring at the cold glow murderous intention falling all over the sky, shocked all over.

A scary black Dragon Qi erupted from Qin Yu’s body, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art also urged.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu struck out with a punch, turning into a fierce wind, moved towards the tiger and went away.


The horrible wind, the moment when it strangled, the cold glow murderous intention, even at the speed visible to naked eye, the little by little spread, and one after another, don’t break it.

“What, this guy actually resolved my attack so easily?” Hu Che said in surprise.

He originally wanted to use this move to completely seal Qin Yu’s body. In this way, Qin Yu will be torn apart by him in an instant.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the murderous intention that he painstakingly broke out was completely disappeared under Qin Yu’s punch, leaving no trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, all the people around watching the excitement couldn’t close their shocked little mouths, and Qin Yu managed to resolve Tiger’s attack so easily.

“How can this be?”

A bunch of people waited, and said dumbfounded, with a look of shock.

The scene they were looking forward to, not at all appeared, but Qin Yu was full of black gas steaming, flowing with black glow, and looked extremely powerful.

“Hu Che, come down to me!”

Qin Yu burst into tears, the black bulge wrapped his big hands, fiercely moved towards the half-empty tiger.

That majestic power made Hu Che feel as if he was facing the entire universe, unable to evade or avoid.

In the end, Hu Che was grasped by Qin Yu, and fiercely fading from above the sky.


Hu Che’s whole person was pulled by Qin Yu’s power, and he fell from the mid-air with his head and fading directly on the ground, causing a huge pit with a radius of ten meters to appear on the ground.

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