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“Furthermore, it is recorded in the ancient book that the people who exiled here were not very strong in that ancient battle. Otherwise, he would not tear this area and exile it, but could just Slap this area into pieces.”

“What kind of terrifying battle strength, it is not an exaggeration to say that it destroys a world with one hand.”

Cang Ao said intermittently, revealing one amazing secret after another, which aroused the stormy sea in Qin Yu’s heart.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful existence can be done to destroy the world with one hand.

“Cang Ao, tell me, what realm expert is that?”

Qin Yu took a deep breath and asked solemnly, wanting to know how powerful existence it was, full of curiosity.

However, Cang Ao shook the head, said with a bitter smile: “I don’t know. Even if it exists, even my body can’t reach it. Otherwise, I won’t use it here to find opportunities.”

Qin Yu hearing this, an expression of disappointment could not help rising in his heart, not very satisfied with Cang Ao’s answer.

However, this disappointment, in Qin Yu’s eyes, is only a moment.

After that, Qin Yu showed firm eyes and said, “You told me the purpose of this incident. I am afraid that you are not only trying to explain the origins of the 100 clan battlefield, but you want me to understand and not want to be destroyed by others. Become strong.”

Facing the powerful existence that destroys a world with one hand, any means, any conspiracy, are all in vain, only true strength can save one’s life.

There are so many lives in a world, but in the hands of that powerhouse, it is just a flip and a beat, and all beings are wiped out.

“Hehe, how to understand, that’s your business. Whether you can get to that point is not just a cultivation effort,” Cang Ao said, walking forward alone and regaining his true body.

Qin Yu’s face startedled, and then smiled bitterly.

With his current strength, I am afraid that even Cang Ao’s realm is inaccessible. It is too early to dream of that realm now.

“Never mind, let everything happen!” Qin Yu lightly said with a smile, followed along.

2 When people arrived at the ancient palace, they immediately got countless eyes, moved towards Qin Yu, it seemed that these people were the first to arrive here, searching for treasure and spiritual medicine here.

As for Qin Yu’s arrival, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then Qin Yu was ignored.

Their understanding of Qin Yu is still above the battle between Qin Yu and Zhuo out of the ordinary, so they just looked at Qin Yu contemptuously, then stopped talking, and each became busy.

However, Cang Ao around Qin Yu attracted a lot of expert attention. Some of them took the initiative to say hello to Cang Ao, but Cang Ao refused one after another.

With Cang Ao’s eyesight, these people are naturally not put in his eyes, and he is extremely indifferent.

“Cang Ao, there are too many people here, we are separated, you go to find all kinds of geniuses, I will fight for inheritance martial skill.” Qin Yu suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Cang Ao smiled slightly, and nodded at the moment agreed. He lacked interest in the inheritance martial skills. After all, in his eyes, it was normal to not look down on those inheritance martial arts.

Instead of competing for the inheritance martial skill, it is better to separate from Qin Yu and see if you can find some good things to improve his realm, which is more cost-effective.

“Be careful yourself, these people are not good stubborns.” Cang Ao warned repeatedly.

Qin Yu nodded, most of the people here are in 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, but there is no shortage of experts at 3 Heavenly Layer Peak, and some people are stronger than Hu Che, and they are indeed dangerous.

Seeing that no one cared and stopped him, Qin Yu was happy and clean. Everyone who minded their own business walked into the stone temple and followed a passage.

This stone temple is incomparable gigantic, all kinds of roads are intertwined, tangled and complicated, ordinary people really dare not enter it rashly, but to Qin Yu, it is nothing, so triumphant progress all the way.

“hong long long !”

Soon after Qin Yu walked into the stone temple, there was a violent wave in front of him, and it was obvious that someone was fighting for battle.

Qin Yu came to the front, and the expert of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak and 3 Heavenly Layer Peak was making a big shot, fighting to get rich, neither giving way to the other, and there were serious injuries on his body.

“Nie Qiang, let’s stop. If we continue to fight like this, if we two both sides suffer, we will be worried by others, and we will make wedding dresses for others for nothing.”

Seeing more and more people gathered here, the burly man stepped back 2 steps abruptly, distanced himself from the scholar on the opposite side, and offered to give up.

The Confucian student named Nie Qiang frowned, his eyes moved towards the surroundings. There were indeed many people gathered here, and there were two existences that made him jealous.

“Okay, stop and stop, but the things under this cavern, you and I take it by your ability, whoever gets the hand first.” Nie Qiang said.

The burly man thought for a while, grinned, and said: “Okay, just do it, but if you want to compare yourself, I’m afraid it’s still weaker.”

After speaking, the burly man couldn’t answer Nie Qiang, the silhouette burst out suddenly, moved towards a secret room and rushed away, followed by several powerhouses behind him.

Nie Qiang gritted his teeth and hurriedly waved his hand. All the people leading him entered the cave, as if afraid that the stunning treasure in the cave would be taken away by the burly man.


After the 2 people entered, all the onlookers all entered. The whole scene was like a flood wave, and Qin Yu was also in these silhouettes, following everyone into the secret room.

The entire secret room was extremely dim, without the slightest light, and 2 eyes were blackened.

However, this is not a big difficulty for the martial artist. Qin Yu blessed the Spiritual Qi in his eyes, faintly, and saw several dozen meters nearby.

“These things are…” Qin Yu was suddenly shocked after seeing the scene before him clearly.

In this cave, the ground is full of humanoid puppets as high as one person. Almost every 5 meters, there is one puppet, and each and everyone is extremely hideous and looks extraordinarily gloomy.

However, Qin Yu also found that these puppets are not small, either one missing here or one missing there. There are still some skeletons scattered on the ground. The person watching has one’s hair stand on end.

“These all are puppets, and they are puppets refined from the corpses of warriors and Demon Beast.” Dragon Soul suddenly said.

“A puppet refined from a corpse?” Qin Yu lost his voice.

“Well, it is to refine the puppets from the corpses of people and Demon Beast. This is an extremely cruel method in Ancient Era. After killing the warriors or killing them, they are trained with fire and special methods are used. Refined puppet.” Dragon Soul explained.

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