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After more than ten breaths, Qin Yu finally showed a faint smile on his face. Looking at Spirit Ginseng in his hand, he said excitedly: “Finally got this guy in his hands.”

However, Qin Yu discovered that he had underestimated this strain of Spirit Ginseng before.

Spirit Ginseng didn’t know how many years he had survived this day, and he also absorbed the medicinal properties of countless medicine pills in this ancient magic temple, and it has grown to a terrifying level.

According to Qin Yu’s estimation, even a drop of medicinal liquid squeezed from this guy is probably countless times more precious than those Grade 5 Medicine Pill.

“Master, this thing cannot be taken according to the usual usage. The best way is to slowly squeeze out its medicinal power and take it for a long time. Otherwise, if you take it down, it will be enough to burst you.” Dragon Soul said hurriedly, afraid Qin Yu did something stupid.

Qin Yu nodded, said with a smile: “Well, just do as you said. Put this stuff away first.”

At the moment, Qin Yu took out a jade box from the storage bag, put Tian Spirit Ginseng in it, and placed a few seals on it, which cautiously included it in his sleeve gown.

Since Spirit Ginseng is psychic on this day, it is considered a living thing and cannot be put directly into the storage bag.

After all, the storage bag can only store dead objects. If you store living objects in, you may die immediately.

After putting away the Heaven Spirit Ginseng, Qin Yu came to the side of the Heaven Martial Stone. Excited, with a big wave of his hand, he put all the Heaven Martial Stone into the storage bag.

Of course, those mysterious strange stones were also taken away by Qin Yu, and they were put together with the mysterious stones that Qin Yu obtained in the ancient magic land, and they were kept for other use in the future.

After doing all this, Qin Yu was extremely satisfied.

This time he not only got inheritance martial arts, but also got a lot of ancient strange stones for tracking the Spirit Ginseng. The harvest was quite huge, which he didn’t expect before.

With this background, if he wants to enter the middle domain battlefield, Qin Yu can also try his best to completely stand out from the middle domain battlefield.

After 3 people searched in the stone hall for 2 days, they came to a place outside the stone hall.

“Calculate the time, the closing day of the ancient secret storage is about to come. You can’t run around during this time, so as not to delay the time to leave here.”

After walking out of the stone temple, Qin Yu murmured, and found a place to sit cross-legged in the vicinity.

Outside the stone hall, many people, like Qin Yu, closed their eyes for cultivation, and quietly waited for the ancient secret store to shut down completely, and then walked out of this ancient secret store.

After walking out of the ancient secret Tibet, it is the center of the battlefield of the 100 races.

Where, all Peak experts experienced from East, South, West, North Four Great Regions will be gathered, including the top 100 and top ten powerful races in the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

If you want to stand out from it, you must go through a brutal blood kill, and facing the top 100 and top ten experts, everyone will be afraid.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s mood was slightly surging, one after another fighting intent, erupted from Qin Yu, wanting to fight those many races.

“After arriving in Zhongyu, everything will be carried out in full swing, and it will no longer be as plain as Northern Domain.”

In the Northern Domain, Qin Yu has a lot of experience. The cultivation base has also been upgraded from True Spirit Realm 7 Heavenly Layer to 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, which can be said to be quite exciting.

However, compared to the upcoming battle for the Middle Territory, it will look a lot bleak. After all, there are Peak’s geniuses, billowing waves washing the sand, and it is extremely tragic.

After thinking for a while, Qin Yu hurriedly closed his eyes and quickly cultivated, wanting to increase the cultivation base even more before entering the middle domain.

“The formidable power of Golden Stage Town Demon’s Palm is probably weaker than the heavenly demon, but the stronger the formidable power means that the harder it is to cultivation, it is better to cultivation the heavenly demon first.”

Qin Yu thought for a while, planning to cultivation heavenly demon first.

Qin Yu already has a foundation for this martial skill, and it is relatively easy to cultivation. It is also the best way to improve battle strength in a short time.

Moreover, every increase of a realm in the heavenly demon plate will also have many benefits for his Spiritual Qi within the body.

With Qin Yu’s cultivation, Qin Yu within the body’s Spiritual Qi, more and more refined.

This will make Qin Yu no matter what kind of martial skill of cultivation, it will explode with stronger attack power than the original martial skill.

After a few days, the Spiritual Qi in Qin Yu’s hands became more and more solid. Soon, when Qin Yu Divine Sense moved, a huge magic disk immediately formed in the sky.

The formidable power of the magic disk has been improved several times compared to before, and it has reached the 1st Layer Perfection Realm, which makes Qin Yu’s face gradually showing joy.

Xu Ning and Wu Yu, the two people beside him, have all recovered from their injuries in these few days.

After 2 people swallowed a lot of medicine pill, the realm also improved.

Hong long long !

After the 1 breaths of the 2st Layer Perfection on the heavenly demon plate, the entire ancient secret storage suddenly heard a huge noise, and immediately, the ancient secret storage Heaven and Earth seemed to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the Spiritual Qi in the ancient secret storage surging crazily, moved towards the sky and gathered, forming a terrifying Spiritual Qi Tianhe.

The formidable power is no less than the horrible fluctuation Qin Yu felt on the corpse of the powerhouse in the river that day, even several times more powerful.

Everyone hurriedly converged their breath within the body, and looked up, only to see an incomparable gigantic crack where Spiritual Qi converged.

This crack, from south to north, penetrated the ancient secrets.

Looking through the crack, an extremely strange world appeared in everyone’s eyes, and there, it was the central area of ​​the battlefield of the 100 races-the middle area!

Hoop, hush, xiu…

After the crack opened, countless people’s eyes were filled with excitement, and they shot, like a worm tide, moved towards that huge crack soaring into the sky, wanting to enter the center of the 100 race battlefield immediately, and take a look The grand occasion of that Zhongyu.

Everyone knows that the next journey is the real war.

As long as they achieve some achievements in that central zone, they will be famous for all continents, their glory will be added, and the 100 clan will be famous.

“First Senior Brother, I’m afraid this crack won’t last long, let’s go too.”

Wu Yu hurriedly urged, appearing a little anxious, as if already impatient wanted to enter the central area of ​​the 100 clan battlefield.

“it is good!”

Qin Yu saw Wu Yu in such anxiousness, nodded with a smile, and with a wave of one hand, a halo appeared in the crack, wrapped the three people in it, moved towards the crack and flew away.

After more than ten breaths, the three people rushed out of the crack, and countless people have gathered here, most of them, silhouetted enough, but lively.

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