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All eyes were immediately placed on Teng Kui’s body, especially when he saw the horrible to see bloodstain on Teng Kui’s body, each and everyone was surprised.

Liu Shuangxue, Qin Yu’s servant girl, actually forced Teng Kui from the Tiankui clan to such a tragic situation, that arm seemed to be able to be abolished at any time.

Qin Yu’s reputation is not unfamiliar to everyone. After all, Qin Yu was in the ancient secret collection, in front of everyone, to obliterate Zhuo out of the ordinary, to fight against Hong Yu, and to beheaded, it was not an accident.

However, a servant girl under Qin Yu used the realm of 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage to crush Teng Kui and other experts, which is really unpredictable.

“This guy has so many powerhouses that even Teng Kui was injured in his hands.” A warrior said in horror, unable to conceal the surprise in his heart.

“I heard that this person came from places such as deserted continents. At the very beginning, it seemed that he didn’t even enter the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. Now even a small servant girl is so powerful. People are unimaginable.”

“What, even the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking has not entered. Doesn’t that mean? They have been fighting all the way, which is too unimaginable.”

The shock of everyone was incomparable, and could no longer conceal the shock in their hearts.

A race that had not even entered the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 100 races, but passed all the way. Today, even Teng Kui, Hong Yu, Wang Chao and other powerhouses will be defeated at any time.

Moreover, the person who shot is not the most powerful Qin Yu of the Huang Clan, but the three generals of Qin Yu.

Everyone moved towards Liu Shuanghan and Mu Lingshan again. Mu Lingshan played against Hong Yu, Liu Shuanghan played against Wang Chao, and now they are also fighting to get rich.

If you look carefully, you can find that Hong Yu and Wang Chao are actually at a disadvantage, and they are suppressed by the two people and retreat continuously, as if they may be defeated at any time.

Especially Mu Lingshan, with silver white thunder mans wrapped around her hands, can burst out a strong Thunder Strength with every blow, making Hong Yu battered and exhausted, and bloodstains appeared in many places on her body.

For this scene, Qin Yu didn’t have much surprise. The three people had the Burning Sun Demon Thunder, and the twin Blood Soul these two distinct things existed. If they couldn’t even do this, it would be too useless.

“Shuangxue, don’t ink with him. Use your twin Blood Soul to completely crush him. After we are killed, we have to move forward.” Qin Yu said faintly.

Today, here is the center of the battlefield of the 100 races, and it is also the moment when the war of the 100 races is about to end. Everyone is trying to stand out from the 100 clan battlefield, Qin Yu doesn’t want to be here, wasting too much time.

However, although Qin Yu’s words were plain, it was a different taste in everyone’s ears, which exploded like a thunderstorm, making everyone completely crazy.

Liu Shuangxue had already suppressed Teng Kui, and injured Teng Kui, showing super strong battle strength, but there were still hole cards that had not been displayed, which completely subverted everyone’s imagination.

If he didn’t use his hole cards, he was already so strong. If he used his hole cards, then Teng Kui was afraid that he would not even be able to take a blow from Liu Shuangxue.

Teng Kui’s face also twitched a little, but immediately said with a sneer: “Qin Yu, are you bluffing here?”


Liu Shuangxue murmured, without any hesitation, she immediately urged the twin Blood Soul, one after another monster blood energy, suddenly burst out from Liu Shuangxue.

The moment the monster blood energy bloomed, the 100 race battlefields between Heaven and Earth seemed to feel a strong wave, one after another cold blood murderous aura, which completely enveloped everyone.

Looking from a distance, Liu Shuangxue stood in the sky full of blood mist, holding a long sword, and that posture was extremely shocking.

“Teng Kui!”

Liu Shuangxue said coldly and ruthlessly, blood energy continued to gush out of his body, and the long sword suddenly moved, and the power of the Blood Soul burst instantly, forming a scarlet killer light.

“Dahi Black Wheel!”

Teng Kui saw that Liu Shuangxue actually had his trump card, eyes suddenly shrank, loudly shouted, and the black rays of light all over his body skyrocketed.

These black lights shrouded Teng Kui’s whole body, like a black scorching sun, fully defending.

Faced with Liu Shuangxue’s posture, even though Teng Kui had enough self-confidence, he couldn’t help being shocked, his eyes were full of thick look of shock.

If he had known this a long time ago, he would not come to Qin Yu to seek revenge, and wait for Qin Yu to enter the final stage, and then rely on the power of the Tiankui clan to kill Qin Yu, he would have to be more safe.

However, all these thoughts in front of me would be useless, the dazzling blood-colored murderous intention came quickly and landed on the black light shield.

Under the gaze of everyone, the blood-colored sword glow hit Teng Kui’s black light shield, only to cut it slightly, and the black shield was directly split into two halves.


When the sword glow split the black shield and fell on Teng Kui’s chest, the hard skin that looked like Copper Skin & Iron Bones, like paper, was gently split, revealing a few pieces. Road ribs.

On Teng Kui’s chest, blood gushing, making his eyes panic to the extreme. The intense pain that came from it could no longer be resisted, and it instantly attacked his whole body, causing Teng Kui to fall directly to the ground.


Liu Shuangxue fiercely took a step and instantly landed on Teng Kui’s chest. A fierce force sank to his feet, causing Na Teng Kui’s body, as well as the ground, to tremble violently.

At the same time, Liu Shuangxue’s long sword also fell to Teng Kui’s throat and pierced 3 inches. With a little effort, Teng Kui would completely die.

“Teng Kui, are you still bluffing now?” Liu Shuangxue asked, snered.

Teng Kui was stepped on by Liu Shuangxue fiercely, terrified. Facing Liu Shuangxue’s questioning, Teng Kui couldn’t say a word.

On the contrary, Liu Shuangxue, like a resounding slap, fiercely fell on Teng Kui’s face, so hot, it made Teng Kui ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

He once thought that Qin Yu let Liu Shuangxue show his hole cards, it was just a bluff, but in a blink of an eye, he was defeated by Liu Shuangxue’s hole cards and stepped on his feet.

Hey, dong!

At the moment Liu Shuangxue captured Teng Kui, two more horrified explosions sounded. Hong Yu and Wang Chao also hit the ground heavily, riddled with scars, which was terrible.


At this moment, all the people were extremely shocked, and shocking waves aroused in their hearts. They slapped their hearts continuously, impacting their psychology.

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