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Suddenly, Qin Yu felt countless hot rays of light, moved towards the Tianxu Pill in his hand, and everyone began to move towards him.

“Boy, let me see you refining medicine pill.” Cang Ao walked up to Qin Yu’s face with a strong curiosity.

He was really curious, Qin Yu refined medicine pill, what kind of medicine pill it was, and why it could cause Dan Thunder to land, and he was blessed by Dan Thunder.

However, when he found that the medicine pill in Qin Yu’s hand was a pseudo-Grade 6 Medicine Pill, and it was also the top grade in the pseudo-Grade 6, his eyes were straight.

“You kid, what dogshit luck did you leave? A fake Grade 6 medicine pill was refined. It’s no wonder that Dan Lei was inspired, and Dan Lei was blessed.” Cang Ao lost his voice in amazement.

The Pill Recipe of Xu Dan that day, Cang Ao also knew that it was clearly Grade 5 Medicine Pill, but it was forcibly refined from Grade 5 by Qin Yu to pseudo Grade 6, which is also amazing.

The pseudo-Grade 6 Medicine Pill, although it carries a “pseudo” word on it, is countless times more precious than Grade 5 Medicine Pill. There is no pseudo-Grade 100 Medicine Pill in the entire 6 race battlefield.

However, Qin Yu relied on this ability to refine it out of various chances and coincidences. It is no wonder that even Cang Ao has changed color.

“Hehe, it’s a coincidence that’s all, Old Guy. For your time, for helping me train the sword Top Sect disciple, I also brought out the most important spiritual virtual grass. This medicine pill, let you taste it first. Pieces.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

The realm of the sword Top Sect disciple is not very high, but under the training of Cang Ao, it has obviously improved a lot, which is considered a great achievement.

“Hahaha, boy, you are interesting, then this Eminence is not welcome.” Cang Ao laughed heartily, directly picked up a medicine pill, and prepared to swallow it down.

Qin Yu grinned and said with a smile: “Swallow this medicine pill, you will continue to help me train them in the future, and you will remember it for me, call me Young Master Qin later, if you call me again “Boy,” be careful that I take your skin off.”


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Cang Ao’s face instantly turned pale, a little speechless.

He was excited for a while, but he forgot the master-servant relationship between him and Qin Yu, but he also knew that Qin Yu didn’t mean to blame him at all, just wanted to beat him.

Qin Yu also took out a Heavenly Void Pill from his palm, and then distributed the remaining ten more to Mu Lingshan to the discipline of Sword Top Sect.

According to the current cultivation base of everyone, taking Grade 5 Medicine Pill is more than enough. Like this kind of precious medicine pill of pseudo Grade 6, even if it is only one, it is enough.

Of course, there are many disciplines among them, and they have not been assigned to the Tianxu Pill, and can’t help but feel a little disappointed, bowing their heads in despair.

“Don’t worry, everyone, we have a total of 6 furnaces of medicine ingredients. Just one furnace was refined. The remaining 5 furnaces are enough for everyone to share.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

These people follow Qin Yu from birth to death, and never leave for half a step.

As long as Qin Yu said, even if they went to Blade Mountain and fire sea, they never frowned. They were extremely loyal, but Qin Yu was sorry.

After hearing Qin Yu’s words, everyone swept away the previous haze and became excited, and bowed respectfully to Qin Yu.

After comforting everyone, Qin Yu was not at all anxious to refine the remaining Tianxu Pill, but took his one and swallowed it down.

“Pseudo Grade 6 Medicine Pill, it’s the first time I swallowed this level medicine pill, and I refined it by myself.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

This Heavenly Void Pill, melts in the mouth, is incredibly sweet. When it enters Qin Yu’s belly, it suddenly turns into a fiery fire, which burns blazingly, making Qin Yu’s whole body extremely hot.

However, Qin Yu did not have any irritability in this hot heat, but felt that his mind was very refreshing, swallowing the ancestral spirit, Martial Soul, quickly operating, refining this Heavenly Void Pill.

The majestic medicinal power, after being refining by the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, quickly merged into Qin Yu’s dantian, and then Qin Yu took the initiative to pull it, flowing into the whole body, extremely comfortable.

Qin Yu’s breath, also in this brief moment, finally changed. The bottleneck of the original solid realm suddenly broke, moved towards 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, and climbed away.


A powerful force burst out of Qin Yu’s body, and the surrounding vegetation, under this power, burst out one after another, all turned into powder, accompanied by the Spiritual Qi around Qin Yu, dancing wildly.

After all these things have fallen, Qin Yu has completely stepped into the realm of the 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring Realm, and it is extremely time-consuming, as if it had gone through thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

“I swallowed 3 or 4 furnaces of Grade 5 Medicine Pill, and it may not be able to break through. However, a pseudo-Grade 6 Tianxu Pill not only makes me an instant breakthrough, but the realm is so solid, which is really good.” Qin Yu said excitedly.

A pseudo-Grade 6 Tianxu Pill is worthy of 3 or 4 Grade 5 Medicine Pills. Such medicine efficacy far exceeds Qin Yu’s imagination.

This is just a fake Grade 6. If you really take the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, Grade 7 Medicine Pill, I am afraid that Qin Yu will burst on the spot and be buried here.

After Qin Yu advanced to 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, one after another vitality also swayed through Qin Yu’s body, and the injuries Qin Yu suffered in Thunder Tribulation just now healed quickly.

What this heavenly pill contains is not only the medicinal power of realm.

After receiving the last pill thunder blessing, he still has majestic vitality, which is much more precious than those holy medicines specially used for healing.

The injury quickly healed under the vitality of Tianxu Pill, and Qin Yu’s Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art is also steadily promoted. Although it did not reach the 5th floor Great Accomplishment, it has strengthened a lot and gained a lot.

With Qin Yu’s current battle strength and the powerful power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, I want to fight Nadan Lei hard, but it is no effort at all that’s all, which poses no threat to Qin Yu.

After the breakthrough, Qin Yu adjusted his breath to Peak and set out to refine the Tianxu Pill again.

Therefore, in these few days, in the area where Qin Yu and the others are, every few hours, there will be a horrible scene of rolling thunder, which scares some people and quickly avoids.

These scenes did not last very long each time, and at first they did not arouse much attention, but after a few times, they were still discovered.

In the mountains and forests, a group of 5 people dared to come and moved towards Qin Yu. When passing by, they were attracted by the thunder in the sky.

These 5 people are all the cultivation base of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, but the aura on their bodies is extremely vague. They rise and fall continuously all over the body, extremely powerful.

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