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Everyone’s gazes were all gathered on the sky, the seemingly thin young man, his gaze changed from his previous disdain to awe.

The young man seemed to have only 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Earthquan realm. It was placed on the battlefield of these 100 races, almost insignificant. However, everyone knew that the young man had superb battle strength that made people tremble.

The most important thing is that the young man is still the owner of this scarlet Vermilion Bird. As long as he gives an order, this scarlet Vermilion Bird will sweep everything and clear the way for it, if a Person blocks, then kill the Person, if the Buddhas block , then kill the Buddhas.

“Master Li Xing, this person is too tough. We offended him before, and there must be no good fruit. What should we do?” Behind Li Xing, a warrior whispered, the facial expression grave to the extreme.

The team of Fu Chao and the others is so strong, more than 20 powerful fighters of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, but in front of Qin Yu, they can easily be wiped out.

If you compare Fu Chao to a boulder, few people can surpass it, then Qin Yu is a vast ocean, and Fu Chao is a huge stone in the ocean, weak and pitiful, without even a little splash.

And the number of them is not a small number, and there is also the expert of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of Li Xie, which can be placed in front of Qin Yu, and there are still some shortages.

Li Xie couldn’t speak for a long time, his eyes were so gloomy that it seemed to drip water.

“Don’t worry, I have a way to make them die. Whether he is a dragon or a tiger, he will die here. I am not so easy to mess with Li Yan.” Li Yan gloomy face, Very Ruthless said incomparably.

The warrior next to him was a little surprised, knowing that Li Xing had an idea, curiously asked, “Big brother Li Xing, what do you mean?”

“Hmph, do you see the dark gold quicksand in front of you? I will let them all be buried in the dark gold quicksand when they pass for a while, die without a whole corpse.” Li Yan said coldly snorted, surreptitiously .

All of Li Yan’s men moved towards the dark golden quicksand and looked at them. After feeling the various bones in the dark golden quicksand, they all trembled slightly.

No matter who it is, falling into this dark gold quicksand will not survive.

“Hehe, it turns out that the big brother Li Yan wanted to use dark gold quicksand to deal with the kid surnamed Qin, hahaha, this is a good idea. As long as our plan succeeds, that kid will die.”

“Yes, the dark gold quicksand must not be contaminated at all. No one can survive from it.”

“Although the battle formation of Vermilion Bird is strong, in the dark gold quicksand, I am afraid it will not play a role at all.”

Li Yan’s words seemed to have given a few people a reassurance pill, making the few people behind him all cheered up, each and everyone looked at Qin Yu with cold eyes.

Qin Yu’s battle is afraid that it will become famous on the battlefield of 100 races and become a dark horse on the battlefield of 10000 races. However, this dark horse will eventually die in their hands.

After killing Fu Chao and the others, the blood-colored Vermilion Bird calmed down and gradually dispersed, making this place calm again.

“Xue You, let’s go down!”

Qin Yu urged Xue You and fell to the ground. The top Sect swordsmen and others, wrapped Mu Lingshan, Liu Family sisters, Cang Ao and the others, all stood behind Qin Yu and occupied Fu Chao. and the others previously occupied positions.

“I want this position. If anyone refuses to accept it, he can come up for a fight. If he accepts it, or if he doesn’t dare to fight again, then shut up.”

“I will kill anyone who speaks too much!”

Qin Yu’s voice, like a billowing thunder, fell from the sky and burst in the ears of everyone, causing everyone to tremble, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

That kind of arrogance, that kind of domineering, almost impossible!

But even if they knew that Qin Yu was arrogant, overbearing, and dissatisfied, everyone did not dare to refute the slightest. They could only avoid Qin Yu far away, lest they provoke this evil star and cause a killing disaster to themselves.

Qin Yu alone, obliterated the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, and even Fu Chao, who stepped into the Middle Stage, was scary enough.

Moreover, the people behind Qin Yu looked like ants, but the Vermilion Bird battle array displayed made people numb.

Seeing no one came forward, Qin Yu and the others took back the imposing manner from their bodies, each and everyone sit cross-legged there, closed their eyes and cultivated.

After this battle was over, several more races, in order to compete for the position next to the dark gold quicksand, also made big shots, but compared to the previous battle of Qin Yu and the others, they looked bleak.

The blood red Vermilion Bird almost left an indelible impression on everyone.

The time passed by one second after another. After about half an hour, the rays of light of the dark gold quicksand became dimmed. Then, all the dark gold quicksand disappeared, but a large amount of flowing water appeared.

These flowing waters are extremely clear, and there are also many Demon Beast and human bones in the water, and at the same time a lot of Cold Qi is emitted, forming a thick fog on the river, and shouting extremely.

However, after seeing the cold water, everyone’s eyes became hot, and they all stood up, ready to take action at any time.

When all the quicksand disappeared and became flowing water, a warrior of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm immediately shot, cut out a sword glow, and moved towards the flowing water.

The flowing water was extremely light, and under the slash of the sword glow, it quickly became half and half. A passage was drawn from it, but it was quickly closed.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, but was extremely happy, making everyone cheering excitedly.

“The quality of this flowing water is much lighter than that of quicksand. With the weight of that quicksand, we are basically impossible to shake, but in this flowing water, we can open a passage at any time, and everyone will follow me.”

The warrior who shot just now, loudly shouted, waving the long sword in his hand, one after another sword glow shrouded his whole body, wrapping himself forward.

The people and horses beside it quickly followed along and plunged into the flowing water one after another, moving towards the mountain range on the opposite side rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, the crew of the brigade also started to take action. For a while, in the flowing water, there were 1000 silhouettes running wildly.

“Young Master Qin, it won’t be long before this state of flowing water is maintained, it will return to the state of quicksand, let’s go quickly, otherwise we will be blocked here.” Cang Ao suggested.

Qin Yu nodded, commanded: “Lingshan, your burning sun demon thunder is opening the road ahead, I will wrap everyone in Spirit Flame and go forward.”

“Yes, Young Master Qin!”

Mu Lingshan complied, walking at the forefront, rushed into the flowing water, her whole body was wrapped in Spiritual Qi, a group of magical thunderbolt power, on the periphery of Spiritual Qi, appeared out of thin air.

This monster thunderbolt power is exactly Mu Lingshan’s burning sun demon thunder. After this thing was taken out by Mu Lingshan, the surroundings immediately became hot, and the Cold Qi in the flowing water was also steamed by this hot power. .

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