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Looking at the black roulette, it was only 2 inches away from the back of Qin Yu’s head. Everyone was scared into a cold sweat by this scene and worried for Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu’s face was still extremely calm. Under everyone’s gaze, the right hand fiercely pressed against the black roulette, making the black roulette not to move forward.

“It’s actually beyond my expectation to be able to block my roulette, hehe.”

Li Xie was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a cold laugh. At the same time, more and more killing intents gathered in his eyes, which was extremely rich and extremely cold.

After his realm breakthrough, he should have become more powerful. The formidable power of the dark roulette was also extremely scary. However, this time, Qin Yu was taken over, making him extremely unhappy.

Li Yan was very angry in his heart, and secretly swore that he didn’t want this kind of thing to happen again for the third time.

“Block your roulette, it’s nothing. Abolish your roulette. This is what I really want to do.” Qin Yu said confidently.

His battle body, after several times of Dan Thunder tempering, is now far more tyrannical than the violent dark roulette can compare. It is not difficult to abolish this dark roulette.

“Fart, you are worthy of destroying my roulette?”

Li Yan heard this, furious, and the roulette in his hand was spurred crazily. One after another black cold glow burst out from the roulette, causing the air to be split and burst open. Come.


Qin Yu drank lightly, pressing a big hand on the roulette, pressing it firmly. The bright black rays of light burst out from the center of the palm, and fell on the wheel, causing Li Xie’s arm to sink suddenly.


Next moment, a clear sound of fragmentation spread in the space, and the dark roulette of Li Yan, under the suppression of Qin Yu, was actually cracked in layers.

“Last time I let you go, you don’t know to cherish it, now this dark roulette, including your left arm, don’t worry.” Qin Yu icily said.


The black light in the center of Qin Yu’s palm suddenly increased a lot, like a sharp blade, 4 shots out, a strong force burst out of Qin Yu’s body, fiercely pressed against the darkness that was about to break Above the roulette.

The dark roulette, which was already cracked, could no longer withstand this majestic pressure, and instantly turned into countless fragments, moving towards all around 4 and shot it away.

Whoops, whoops!

These fragments of the roulette turned into black mansions and shot onto the surrounding boulder trees. The boulder trees burst open in an instant, and the ground followed The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

“What, my dark roulette is broken again.”

Li Yan suddenly turned pale with fright, with a look of shock on his face.

He repaired the dark roulette that had consumed countless materials, but it shattered for the second time in Qin Yu’s hands, which made him terrified, and a strong fear rose in his heart.

Moreover, Qin Yu shattered his dark roulette. With just one big hand, how hard is Qin Yu’s big hand.

The countless line of sight around was also extremely shocking. Obviously they had never thought that Qin Yu would shatter the dark roulette of Li Xing in an instant with one palm.

“I said that not only your dark roulette will be broken, but your arm cannot be left.”

Qin Yu’s eyes condensed, and he reached out to grab one of the fragments, caught between his fingers, and suddenly moved towards Li Xing’s left arm fell down. Suddenly, blood water 4 splashed out, and Li Xing’s left arm fell to the ground. .


The moment Li Yan’s left arm fell, the sound of a pig killing a pig stirred up in the space, resounding through the entire space, shocking everyone’s eardrums.

Dēng dēng dēng !

In panic, Li Yan stepped back a few steps, and his whole body slammed into a big tree, and directly shattered the big tree behind him, and sawdust flying in the sky.

Qin Yu looked at the terrible dog, the murderous intention in his eyes remained undiminished, and the suppressed anger in his heart was also erupting like a volcano at this moment.


Suddenly, Qin Yu took a step and landed in front of Li Yun, waved his right hand, a majestic fist, condensed on the peak of the fist, fiercely’s moved towards Li Yun’s head fell.

For this dog, I asked Qin Yu 3 times 5 times to troubleshoot. Nowadays, the cold water is used to deal with Qin Yu. The base and shameless have reached the extreme, how could Qin Yu let this dog go alive.


With a majestic fist, fiercely’s strikes were on Li Xun’s head, and Li Xun’s head exploded in an instant, and the red and white things sprayed out directly all over the ground.

At this point, Qin Yu completely killed Li Yan, trouble will completely vanish.

Immediately, Qin Yu slowly retracted the peak of his fist, the cold light in his eyes gradually eased, coldly snorted, and his eyes moved away from him.


Seeing that Qin Yu broke Li Xie’s dark roulette first, then cut off Li Xie’s left arm, and finally killed Li Xie, in one go, without any muddling, everyone held breath cold air, held in the heart, no Dare to breathe out, afraid that Qin Yu will be alarmed and cause a killing disaster.

In this way, the entire shore became extremely silent, and even the sound of the needle falling was clearly visible.

After killing Li Yan, Qin Yu focused his attention on the people around him. At this moment, although the killing intent in his heart was reduced a lot, the action in his hand was not full of satisfaction at all, and he killed again.

The few people around here were all Li Yan’s accomplices and one of the executioners of Mulingshan’s injury. The same hateful, all should have died here.

Hey, hey, dong!

The sound of one after another fierce battle continued to sound, deafening.

One after another blood, constantly scribbling across the space, spilled on the ground, staining a large area of ​​the ground red, making this shore completely turned into an Asura hell.

After doing all this, after a long time, the anger in Qin Yu’s heart calmed down.

However, Qin Yu’s gaze that killed God just now was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone, and it could not be erased for a long time. Even if it was Cang Ao, a terrified look appeared in his eyes.

Cang Ao’s contact with Qin Yu was not too short, but it was the first time that he saw Qin Yu burst out of such anger, killing people, raising the knife and falling without leaving any hands.

“This Little Brat is value emotion, value friendship. Rather than offending the people around him, it is better to offend him.”

Cang Ao murmured, a touch of appreciation appeared in his eyes, and then he waved his hand: “Okay, Young Master Qin has finished the work, let’s go up and clean the battlefield.”

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