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Gu Dong also didn’t like Qin Yu and Cang Ao, but when these two people came out to die for him, he was very happy, so he hurriedly got up and hid aside, waiting to see the joke.

At the same time, the warriors who besieged the 4th Layer Peak golden armor iron bull with Gu Dong also retreated.

“Hehe, Young Master Qin, we seem to be underestimated. I don’t know what kind of expression these guys would look like if they saw you fight against this beast in front of you a few days ago. I’m afraid they’ll even lose their teeth. Come down.”

Cang Ao’s red hair was flowing, and he swept all of them, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said playfully.

Qin Yu’s face was indifferent, and he didn’t care much about it, and said flatly: “Wait a while, they will naturally shut up, why not care about their thoughts now.”

These people laugh at him, but because his realm is too low.

But if he killed this golden armor iron bull, these people would naturally shut up. At that time, who would dare to look down on him.

Afterwards, Qin Yu raised his head and looked towards the golden armor iron bull who had become extremely angry, and said: “I can give you a chance. You obediently retreat and let Tian Luo Guo come out. I will spare your life if not. , I will kill the demon to get the pill.”


The golden armor Tie Niu seemed to understand Qin Yu’s words, moved towards Qin Yu roared, and slowly stepped back 2 steps, seeming to take the initiative to evade.

However, this was only for an instant. Soon, the golden armor breathed out, and a more violent terrifying aura came out, with scarlet eyes and fierce fierceness, ready to fight.

After this fierce aura spread, within 500 metres of a radius, many Demon Beast acknowledge allegiance, all trembled, as if they were King-like who saw them.

Even the martial artists around each shuddered, showing a little horror, and they didn’t even dare to look directly at the golden armor iron bull of the 4th Layer Peak.

“Qin Yu doesn’t know what to say to this golden armor iron bull. It seems that this golden armor iron bull is 30% more angry than before.”

“Hehe, don’t care what he says or not. Now he angers this golden armor iron bull and waits to be stepped into a meat sauce.”

“Yes, the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring, and even the Warriors of Peak, are just ants in front of the angry Golden Armor Iron Bull. He is the garbage of the 2nd Layer Peak in the Earth Spring, I am afraid that he will be killed before he takes action Got it.”

“Speaking of which, I’m afraid there is nothing to watch in this battle. Alas, it’s really disappointing.”

Everyone said with a smile, with an expression of contempt in your eyes.

Qin Yu listened to these words in his ears, completely ignoring it, because next, he would use practical actions to make these dogs close their mouths.

“Since you bastard don’t know what is good or bad, then don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Qin Yu said indifferently, then Xiang Cangao gave a wink and shouted: “Start!”

Hey, dong!

Qin Yu and Cang Ao took a step together, and two extremely terrifying coercion broke out from them in an instant.

Cang Ao’s body is the red demon wolf. After using the cultivation base, the Scarlet as blood Spiritual Qi boils all over his body, just like an Asura that has come out of hell.

Qin Yu is motivating Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art. The Dragon Qi on his body is surging and majestic, and the shape is like boiled seawater.


Two fierce silhouettes, one red and one black, stood in mid-air, each with an indifferent smile on their faces, and they were extremely confident.

The coercion and imposing manner displayed by Qin Yu surprised everyone, because the feeling made them feel somewhat dreaded, but everyone still looked at Qin Yu contemptuously.

In the hands of Golden Armor Tie Niu, even the ancient movement of the 4th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring and the expert of the 4 5 Middle Stage of the Earth Spring were defeated. Qin Yu and Cang Ao, even if they are strong, how can they be? .


After the golden armor Tie Niu was swept away by the pressure of Qin Yu, his pupils suddenly enlarged, extremely ferocious, all the strength of his body gathered, ready to rush and kill.

“Old bastard, it’s better for me to block him frontally, you attack and kill from behind.” Qin Yu instructed.

“From behind the sneak attack? You can really tell, let the old man do these things with little technical content.”

Cang Ao curl one’s lip seemed to be dissatisfied, but he still rushed out directly according to Qin Yu’s instructions, preparing to step out from behind the golden armor iron bull and wait for the opportunity to attack and kill.

And at this moment, the golden armor iron cow also moved towards Qin Yu and killed him.

The huge body shot out at extreme speed, like a hill, and moved towards Qin Yu stepped on it, the air burst one after another, and the wind and sand in the sky were rolled up.

This fierce and violent offensive caused the ancient movement on the side to immediately sink. If the golden armor iron bull attack fell on him, he would be powerless to resist, he could only watch himself being killed.

He can’t stop it, so I guess Qin Yu can’t stop it either!

“Are you going to die?” Gu Dong whispered.

However, at the moment that huge body stepped on, Qin Yu suddenly raised his right hand, the black Dragon Qi all over his body, frantically poured into the peak of the fist, and struck out directly.


Qin Yu’s fist peak fell directly on the head of the golden armor iron bull. After the two collided, one after another ruinous energy ripple, black and red intertwined, moved towards all around quickly swept away.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu was not at all killed as everyone imagined. Instead, he stood in the air, motionless, his body just trembling slightly.

On the contrary, it was the golden armor iron bull that everyone was optimistic about. Under the impact of the power of Qin Yu Fist Peak, it flew more than ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.


With the sound of a dull explosion, under the golden armor iron bull’s body, a large circular pit with a radius of more than ten meters was instantly smashed out.

Above the ground, densely packed cracks appeared, spreading like a spider web.

At this moment, the earth on which everyone was standing trembled violently, as if the end of the world was about to come and would collapse at any time.


Everyone in this brief moment, all held breath cold air, looking at the golden armor iron bull that hit the ground with horror.

That can completely crush the ancient movement, and the forced ancient movement can only be used as a shield by the warrior of the same clan. In the eyes of everyone, the golden armor iron bull like Death God was blown away by a punch.

Moreover, the person who flew the golden armor iron cow is still a Qin Yu who only has 2nd Layer Peak in the ground spring and is regarded as rubbish by them.

“Qin Yu actually fisted the golden armor iron bull that forced the ancient move to beg for mercy. How could this be possible? Could it be that I was blinded and hallucinated.”

“What, are you dazzled too? Hahaha, by coincidence, I am also dazzled.”

“Hehe, let me just say, how could a trash of 2nd Layer Peak in the ground spring blast away the golden armor iron cow? It turns out that we are all confused.”

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