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The virtual white fire snake with the thickness of the thigh is like an arrow fired by a strong crossbow. It is not only extremely fast, but the flame formidable power is also extremely terrifying. The burning air makes a violent explosion.

Qin Yu stood far away from the two of them, looking at the fiery snake formed by Soul Fire, his eyes were also slightly condensed, and one after another gloomy black energy suddenly burst out of his hand, which was full of strength of Divine Soul.

These black qi, extremely strange, made the surrounding temperature seem to have dropped a lot, suspended in Qin Yu’s hands, and then covered Qin Yu’s entire arm.

After doing all this, Qin Yu’s black arm suddenly protruded and moved towards the white fire snake, and fiercely grabbed it in his hand.

“Well, this guy dare to grab my Soul Fire with his hands, hehe, it’s really courting death, doesn’t he know that my Soul Fire can’t collide with my body at all?”

Two Meixu youths saw Qin Yu grabbing the Fire Snake formed by Soul Fire with his hands. Not only were they not worried, but a thick look of ridicule appeared on their faces.

Soul Fire this thing is the power of Divine Soul, not to mention that you can’t hold it with your hands, and it will burn everything. As long as Qin Yu dares to touch the slightest, his arm will be ashes in an instant.


At the moment when Fire Snake was caught, both faces showed a sneer, as if the next second was Qin Yu’s death.

However, they waited for 3 seconds, and they didn’t see Qin Yu being burned by the fire snake. On the contrary, Qin Yu didn’t know what to do. He grabbed the fire snake of their Soul Fire and couldn’t escape. Open.

“What is going on, he actually caught our Soul Fire, and he was not affected at all.”

Seeing this scene, two people turned pale with fright at the same time.

The Soul Fire of the Meixu clan, kills the enemy without any disadvantage, but now they have been caught in their hands.

It was the first time they encountered this kind of weird thing, so they were shocked to the extreme with the shock and doubt on their faces.

“zhi zhi !”

When the two people were puzzled, Qin Yu made a few harsh screams in the black air in his hands, and then, 2 fist peaks, the incomparably hideous Little Soul Devouring Ghost appeared in the crowd. In the field of vision.

“This is… the secret technique of Ghost Race, what, you actually know the secret technique of Ghost Race.”

After seeing the Little Soul Devouring Ghost, the two people finally recognized that Qin Yu’s power was the Ghost Race power that restrained their Meixu clan, which caused the two to lose their voices.

Moreover, the two of them felt that Qin Yu’s Ghost Race secret technique was not an acquired Ghost Race of Human Race cultivation, but an incomparably pure innate Ghost Race aura, that is, Ancient Ghost Race.

But the Ancient Ghost Race disappeared a long time ago. How could Qin Yu know this secret technique, and this thing is the thing that Meixu Clan fear most.

“You two still have eyesight, knowing that this is the Ghost Race secret technique.”

With Qin Yu’s sleeve gown lightly flicked, 8 Little Soul Devouring Ghosts bite on the fire snake, which made the Meixu clan 2 people’s expressions changed.

“2 people, this fire snake is formed by your Soul Fire. If it is swallowed by my 8 Little Soul Devouring Ghosts, I think 2 people will also be implicated.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

If Soul Fire dissipates and returns to spirit strength, it can still return to their within the body, but if it is swallowed, it is equivalent to swallowing a part of Divine Soul of 2 people.

If this continues, Meixu Clan 2 will become idiots if they do not die.

“Hmph, you don’t threaten us here. We Meixu are not afraid of death, and if you kill us, you will be chased to death by our Meixu.” The Meixu warrior on the left, coldly snorted, brace oneself said. Obviously he still refused to give in.

Qin Yu’s face gradually became cold. If Meixu Clan refused to admit defeat and let them in, then he could only kill 2 people and completely offend Meixu Clan.

“and many more!”

At this time, there were more than a dozen black robe silhouettes in the house. Everyone’s strength was at least the 4th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, and there were several experts in the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.

Among them, the leading Meixu clan youth, under the black robe, one after another obscure fluctuations slowly spread, causing Qin Yu and Cang Ao to congeal a little.

“Your Excellency?” Qin Yu asked.

“Hehe, next is the leader of the Meixu Clan, you can call me Bone Sea.”

The leader of the Meixu clan sneered said: “Who is your excellency? Forcing the trade fair, isn’t it too much.”

“As for Qin Yu, we are also compelled by circumstances as for breaking into the trade fair. We also said beforehand. If I defeat your two men, let me in, but they don’t admit it now.” Qin Yu indifferently said, there is nothing to care about.

The cultivation base of this bone sea is extremely powerful, and the strength of the Meixu clan is also terrifying to the extreme. There are several experts in the 5th Layer Initial Stage of Earth Spring.

However, Qin Yu is still fearless and has the certainty to defeat them.

Beneath the black robe, Bone Sea’s expression condensed a little, and then said: “Since the two of them have promised you, then I will let you in.”

“What, let him in, boss, he challenges the majesty of our Meixu Clan, and can’t just let them go.”

“Yes, even if the two of us die here, the majesty of the Meixu Clan cannot be provoked. Chief, please kill them.”

The two Meixu youths who were guarding the gate all spoke out, with an extremely tough attitude.

“Hmph, that’s enough, you two are no match for one person, don’t you think it’s not enough to lose face?” Bone Sea scolded coldly, his face full of anger.

The two Meixu youths who were guarding the gate lowered their heads and dared not speak any more.

“Qin Yu, I can let you in today, but your offense to our Meixu clan is endless. If you see it in the future, you will surely kill you.”

Bone Sea coldly said, the voice was extremely harsh, as if under his voice, the entire Heaven and Earth was cold, making everyone shudder.

Qin Yu’s eyes condensed a little, touched his nose, and said with a wry smile: “It seems that I still offend you Meixu clan, but I am not a fearful person, since I put aside all considerations of face, then We just wait.”

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu took Cang Ao and Mu Lingshan directly, bypassing the Meixu clan and the others, and stepped into the house.

Looking at the silhouettes of Qin Yu 3, the faces of the Meixu tribe and the others flashed with a hideous color. The surging killing intent was extremely strong.

“Boss, this person challenges our Meixu clan’s authority, is it really impossible to let them go like this?”

A Meixu youth from the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm frowned and said, obviously he still didn’t want to let Qin Yu go so easily.

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