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Although it is cruel on the battlefield of the 100 races, the most basic morals and justice must be observed.

Therefore, although the trade fair has ended, if Qin Yu is killed here, the Meixu clan will still be cast aside and become the Stinking Insect on the battlefield of 100 clan, everyone shouts and fights.

Moreover, they will hold trade fairs in the future, and no who will participate.

He was killed when he left the trade fair. Who else would come back to such a dangerous place?

“It’s true that you can’t kill him here, but if they die somewhere else, I believe no one will say anything.” Li Chengtian sneered and walked directly out of the trade fair, followed along.

After seeing Li Chengtian left, Gu Hai coldly smiled and immediately moved towards everyone and explained: “You have also seen that Qin Yu will be killed, no wonder our Meixu clan.”

“That is, that is!”

Everyone was hearing this, hurriedly nodded, and after greeted Guhai, they all hurriedly left, so as not to be followed and killed.

After everyone left, Bone Sea moved towards Zhang Hong winked and warned repeatedly: “You follow to see the situation, remember, must let Li Chengtian kill Qin Yu completely, and let the secret technique of Ancient Ghost Race completely disappear.”

Their Meixu Race is closest to the Ancient Ghost Race, and the Ancient Ghost Race’s cultivation technique, to a large extent, has a suppressive effect on their Meixu Race and must be eradicated.

If these ancient Ghost Race cultivation techniques exist for one day, the sea of ​​bones will feel thorny back and feel restless for a day. Therefore, Qin Yu, and all the disciplines of the entire desert clan, must be cut weeds and eliminated the roots.

“Yes, boss, don’t worry about my affairs. If Li Chengtian can’t kill Qin Yu, I will do it myself.” Zhang Hong promised, and he left the trade fair immediately.

Qin Yu and the others left the trade fair, returned to the hotel, gathered the disciplines of the sword Top Sect, and moved towards the core of the 10000 ancient city together.

At this time, the trade fair was over, and Qin Yu got what he wanted. It’s time to move towards the core area of ​​10000 ancient city.

Of course, before entering the core area of ​​the 10000 ancient city, Qin Yu and Cang Ao had to go to the relics of the Great War in the North City and the core area.

Cang Ao’s expression at this time was extremely excited.

He came down for the demon soul Primordial Spirit in the ruins of the ancient war, and now he is finally about to start fighting.

“Young Master Qin, although the relics of the ancient war are not big, I believe that many people have been eyeing them, and when the time comes, I will inevitably encounter those Old Monsters that descended.” Cang Ao’s face sank slightly, a little Said worriedly.

Before that, Qin Yu had already seen Mushi and Yuan Fei. Like Cang Ao, these two people were both at the Old Monster level.

Although the two have been defeated by Qin Yu once, if they meet again, they will still be two extremely powerful terrifying opponents.

Moreover, in addition to these two people, there are other Old Monsters. These Old Monsters, each of their methods, are deep and unmeasurable. Therefore, Cang Ao is also very afraid.

In addition to these Old Monsters, some powerful clans on the 100 clan battlefield will also arrive here.

After all, the battle of the 100 races is imminent, and no one wants to miss the opportunity to improve their strength.

“The opponents at this time are indeed a bit unusual, but since they have descended on the battlefield of the 100 races, no matter whether it is a dragon or a tiger, they have to lie down on my stomach.” Qin Yu indifferently said.

If the bodies of these Old Monsters are here, Qin Yu is naturally not their one-shot match, but here is a battlefield of 100 races, no matter how strong the Old Monster is, it is just a trace of distraction.

“Young Master Qin is so confident, then I can rest assured that this time I must get the Primordial Spirit of the ancient demon soul.” Cang Ao resolute and decisive said firmly.

After everyone left the North City, about two hours later, they entered the wilderness of the North City and the core area of ​​the 2 ancient city.

Although this distance is not far, it is horrible to see for Qin Yu, because there are ruined walls everywhere, and there are some traces of great wars caused by earth-shattering forces.

These shocking forces, even if countless years have passed, everyone can feel some of the power of participation from them, terrifying.

“According to the news that the old man has heard before, as long as you cross here, you can reach the relics of the great battle in 2 days.” Cang Ao explained.

“Two days?” Qin Yu whispered.

The two-day journey is indeed a bit long for warriors in the spring realm like Qin Yu, but for the powerhouse where Ancient Era is stationed here, it is only an instant journey.

“The two-day journey is not short, but I suggest that we first destroy a few Stinking Insects behind us.” Cang Ao said suddenly, moving towards looking behind him.

At 1000 meters behind Qin Yu and the others, dozens of silhouettes came quickly, and everyone has a pair of meat wings. They belong to the Qionghe clan.

The leader is Li Chengtian, who is in strong conflict with Qin Yu on the trade fair.

After seeing Li Chengtian and the others, Qin Yu grinned and motioned to the people of Top Sect to stop, and lightly said with a smile to Li Chengtian: “Didn’t expect you to come.”

“With your fault of killing our Qionghe clan and the crime of humiliating on the trade fair, I will naturally kill it.” Li Chengtian said with a smile.

This is not a trade fair, and it is already out of Beicheng. Even if he tortured Qin Yu alive, no one would care.

“Qin Yu, on the trade fair just now, I can’t move you, but now, I see what you have to rely on. If you don’t, then it’s dead.”

Li Chengtian said sternly, an extremely domineering aura slowly released from his body, forming a huge coercion, and moved towards Qin Yu suppressed it.

However, in the face of Li Chengtian’s coercion, Qin Yu did not care at all, with a faint smile on his face, and confidently said: “So, you are sure to kill me?”

“This is nature. Although you can easily obliterate the warriors of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, I am the cultivation base of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan. Killing you is as easy as squeezing an ant.”

Li Chengtian also inquired about Qin Yu, knowing that Qin Yu can be killed by more than one level, but all that is just a joke in Li Cheng Heavenly Eye.

Because he is now the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan!

“Qin Yu, don’t you say that I Li Chengtian leans on the bully, so let me give you a chance. If you kneel down obediently and knock your head three times in front of me, I will leave you a whole body, otherwise, I will cramp your skin and kill all of your desert clan’s disciplines.” Li Chengtian threatened indifferently.

“Yes, quickly kneel down and apologize to us. If we are satisfied, let you die a little easier.”

“A group of trash, dare to provoke our Qionghe clan. It is totally courting death. Once you will all go to hell, now you all kneel down for us.”

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