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After giant ape rushed over, I saw Qin Yu and the others, the little bit of sunlight that was about to disappear, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety moved towards here.

At this moment, the eyes of Qin Yu and Cang Ao condensed at the same time, and both of them knew that the reason why this giant ape was so violent was that he felt the existence of that world natural phenomenon.

“This guy rushed over, everyone, be careful, don’t be hit by 10000000.” Cang Ao hurriedly reminded.

giant ape skin is rough, flesh is thick, the fur on the whole body is like an iron plate, and the bones and muscles are indestructible. The figure is as high as 8 feet. If it hits everyone, it will be the 5th Layer. Middle Stage, can’t bear it.

Oh la la !

Everyone hearing this, immediately moved towards 2 and spread out to make way for the giant ape. Only Qin Yu stood in the center and did not move at all.

“Young Master Qin !”

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and hurriedly reminded Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu ignored everyone’s kind reminders. Instead, when he was 5 meters away from the giant ape, he slowly took a step, one hand stretched out, the blue light bloomed, and Azure Dragon claws moved towards the giant ape’s head. Grab it.


This grab fell on the head of the giant ape without warning, Qin Yu squeezed it lightly, and the head of the giant ape was crushed like a watermelon, and the red and white things splashed out.

Hong long!

After the giant ape was killed, it fell to the ground suddenly, and the ground trembled slightly.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked surprised.

Although this giant ape is in the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earth Spring, its true strength is extremely powerful, and it is several times stronger than Li Chengtian who Qin Yu killed before.

However, in Qin Yu’s hands, he was killed at will.

A trick!

Even Cang Ao’s eyes paused for a while, and then said with a smile: “You guy, you actually broke through two realm, it’s really unimaginable.”

Although they have all gained a lot of benefits, there is no one who breaks through two realm like Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s cultivation speed is simply abnormal!

Qin Yu smiled indifferently, he made this time breakthrough. Although he grew up two realm, he also spent a huge price of 10000 middle grade Spirit Stone, which was the breakthrough.

Brush, brush, shua!

When the two people were talking, the entire group that followed giant ape also all came over and fell in front of Qin Yu, looking at the body of giant ape, a little surprised.

The leader of the youth looked at the body of giant ape, then looked at Qin Yu, and curiously asked, “You killed this giant ape?”

“Is there any problem?” Qin Yu faintly opened the mouth and said.

“Hehe, there is no problem, but this giant ape is our prey. We chased him down for half a day and injured him seriously, so I want to ask you to come back.” The young man said.

Qin Yu frowned slightly, this giant ape did have some injuries, but it was not as badly injured as the young man said.

Moreover, this giant ape was killed by Qin Yu, and the other party wanted to go back so it was a bit unreasonable.

“It’s okay for you, but if this giant ape died under my hands, then I should have something. Then, I will take the giant ape’s demon core, and you will take all the remaining corpses.” Qin Yu said.

According to the general principle, if the giant ape died in Qin Yu’s hands, it would naturally belong to Qin Yu.

However, in order to avoid right and wrong, Qin Yu still made some concessions and only took the demon core.

A demon core of the 5th Layer Middle Stage Demon Beast of the Earth Spring is also considered a good treasure, and even if Qin Yu is not needed now, it is a good choice to throw it to Xue You.

“You want to take away the demon core?”

The young man heard this, his face sinking slightly, and he said, “What if I say no? Besides, no one has taken away the treasure belonging to our Liejin clan in front of our Liejin clan.”

After all, the young man’s figure shook slightly, and a little golden light was revealed under his skin, flowing slowly.

A little golden light makes a golden body!

Under the golden light, the young man’s whole body is like a scorching sun, and the whole person feels extremely powerful.

“So, do you want to do it?”

Looking at the golden light on the youth, Qin Yu’s pupil light also rose sharply, and a murderous intention spread in Qin Yu’s eyes.

The giant ape’s corpse originally belonged to Qin Yu. Qin Yu only took the demon core and let out the giant ape’s corpse. This was already a concession.

But the young man of Jin Clan is overbearing, really to have no shame.

“Hehe, hands-on is inevitable, but I am afraid that you are not my opponent, so you should kneel down and beg for mercy first. Remember, standing in front of you is Jin Clan, ranked 100, 500 and 40 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. , And I am the leader of Lie Jin Clan, Huo Lie.” The young man said coldly.

“The big brother Huo Lie reported our race. It seems that he is going to be frightened.”

“Yes, although I don’t know what race he is from, but dare to provoke Jin Clan, it’s totally courting death.”

“Regardless of his race, anyway, I only know that many people are scared witless after hearing our Jin Clan’s reputation, and this rubbish is no exception.”

Behind Huo Lie, more than a dozen people arrogantly said with a smile, as if enjoying such a moment extremely.

If nothing else, they believe Qin Yu will kneel down and beg for mercy soon.

“The 100th Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking ranked 500, 40, 6 in Jin Clan?”

However, as they imagined, not at all appeared.

After Qin Yu murmured, indifferently said: “This ranking is not bad, just to test my battle strength with you.”

“What? Then we test the battle strength?”

After hearing Qin Yu’s words, all the arrogant colors on the faces of Lie Jin Clan all disappeared, and after a short pause, he instantly became angry.

“Next to Malay, this bastard you dare to look down on me Jin Clan, even threatening to use us to test battle strength.”

“That’s right, this dog is bully intolerably, big brother Huo Lie, don’t talk nonsense with him, first hit him on the ground before talking, see if he dares to be so impudent.”

“After I will beat him to the ground for a while, I will have him cramping and skinning. In these 100 battlefields, all those who dare to look down on our Jin Clan will have to die.”

Lie Jin Clan everyone was filled with righteous indignation, extremely furious, it was the first time they heard that someone wanted to test their battle strength.

This is their biggest humiliation since Jin Clan entered the 100 clan battlefield.

An anger flashed in Huo Lie’s eyes, and said angrily: “Okay, okay, you’re still the first person to dare to speak to me like this, I hope you don’t regret it.”


Huo Lie’s golden light spread throughout his body, a monstrous power emanating from Huo Lie’s body, forming a great pressure, and that power was quite terrifying.

Immediately, with a light tap from Huo Lie’s feet, the golden light pulled away from the whole body, gathered in the palm of his hand, whistling violently, and then moved towards Qin Yu and blasted.

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