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As the dragons of the 9 Spiritual Qi gathered together, Qin Yu bit his fingertips, and a bit of blood essence was spotted on top of the 9 Spiritual Qi, making the 9 Spiritual Qi a blood-red color in an instant.


A burst of sound of dragon’s roar, roaring from the blood-red Spiritual Qi dragon, the dull sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, and emitted a strong baleful qi.

Feeling this strong baleful qi, the sword Top Sect disciple that is running fast, all moved towards the sky, and I saw the Nine Blood Dragons, instantly gathered together to form a huge blood-colored sphere.

“Really strong martial skill!”

Everyone’s expressions changed in shock. They looked at the blood-colored sphere in horror, their breathing was slightly stagnant, and their hearts were extremely depressed.

Everyone knows that if it is sealed in by that bloody sphere, it will inevitably suffer a lot.

“It is!”

Qin Yu whispered in his heart, with a touch of joy on his face.

This blood fiend seal was cultivated to the entry realm in just one day, and the formidable power that broke out was terrifying.

Of course, the reason why Qin Yu is able to quickly comprehend and cultivation success is because his Martial Soul has entered Monarch Rank Grade 5. Both physical fitness and comprehension ability have been greatly enhanced.


As Qin Yu tapped his finger, the blood-colored sphere in the air slowly dissipated and calmed down.

After dispersing the blood fiend seal, Qin Yu next began to comprehend the golden stage.

This golden stage Demon Palm is the strongest martial skill Qin Yu has obtained from the ancient secret collection. The formidable power is still above the blood evil seal. If it is a cultivation success, it is much stronger than the blood evil seal.

“Young Master Qin, we are coming!”

Half a day later, Cang Ao’s voice came from Qin Yu’s ear, and he slowly opened his eyes. From the comprehend, he woke up and looked towards the front.

At 1000 meters in front of Qin Yu, there are several huge mountain ranges. These mountain ranges are like sword mountains. Where they stand, the clouds and mists are indistinct.

Although Qin Yu and the others can’t clearly see the scenes in these mountain ranges, they can feel that the one after another ancient coercion from the mountain range is majestic.

“Among these mountains, are the remains of the battlefield from the ancient war? It’s such a strong pressure.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

Standing under the deterrence of these coercive forces, Qin Yu felt that he was like an ant, trampled by others, which made Qin Yu’s mood extremely complicated for a time.

Today, although Qin Yu is not the strongest between Heaven and Earth, the battle strength has reached the 5th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring anyway, and it is not weak when placed on the battlefield of 100 races.

But now, he feels like an ant, which makes him feel mixed and complicated.

Moreover, these pressures are still baptism that has gone through countless years, and it has been much weaker. Otherwise, even if it is the powerhouse of Tianhe, they all stand here does not raise.

“These coercive pressures are indeed powerful, and they are all left over from the powerhouse condensing Primordial Spirit. You naturally feel this way. To be honest, they are stronger than my body.” Cang Ao said in a low voice, eyes deep. There is a touch of solemnity.

“Oh? More powerful than your body?” Qin Yu was surprised.

Although he doesn’t know how powerful Cang Ao’s body is, Cang Ao can find a way to use Heavenspan’s means to bring a strand of distraction and descend on the 100 race battlefield without being caught by the Patrol on the 100 race battlefield. Envoy discovered that it must be the cultivation base of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

It is only on the battlefield of these 100 races that Qin Yu can restrain Cang Ao. If it is placed outside, Qin Yu is in front of Cang Ao, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning.

However, the powerhouse that used to fight here is much more powerful than Cang Ao’s body. It is the powerhouse that condenses the Primordial Spirit, so terrifying.

“It seems that although the Earth Spring is powerful, if it is placed in the entire world, it will still exist at the ant level. This Martial Dao road is really difficult and dangerous for 10000.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

Cang Ao heard this and said with a smile: “Young Master Qin, the road to Martial Dao World is indeed 1000 difficult and 10000 dangerous, but it doesn’t seem to come from your mouth.”

In Cang Ao’s eyes, Qin Yu was decisive and tenacious. Such negative emotions rarely appeared. This time, he was surprised.

“Isn’t it?”

Qin Yu shook the head, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said: “Although I am not afraid of things, I am also a flesh and blood person. Where can I not know the difficulties of the road, and occasionally sigh, it is nothing.”

Over the years, Qin Yu has been in the small Fierce Yang Town, cutting through thorns, and has only one purpose, and that is to find father Qin Zhan and mother.

It is precisely at this point that Qin Yu’s character has always been extremely persevering and has never changed, but occasionally he feels complicated.

“Hehe, Young Master Qin is right. It is not surprising to have this kind of thought, but Young Master Qin is assured that this vast Martial Dao, although it is long, as long as step by step walks down, you can finally set foot on Peak and watch all beings. “Cang Ao said with a smile.

When 2 people were talking, there was one after another silhouette passing by from time to time in the surrounding space, moving towards the ruin battlefield, and there were not a few.

“There are really a lot of people here. In addition to the people in North City, there are also people from Northeast City and Northwest City 2 Great City near North City.”

Seeing the crowds whistled past, Qin Yu couldn’t help being stunned, and in front of the battlefield of the ruins, there were also 1000 people, silhouetted enough.

“Hehe, although these people don’t know the Primordial Spirit of the ancient demon soul, this place is also an excellent place for experience, and these people will naturally not miss it.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

Immediately, the two people looked at the crowd separately. Among the crowd, they saw two isolated silhouettes, which seemed out of step with the crowd.

But these two people, Qin Yu and Cang Ao know each other, they are Yuan Fei and Mushi that Qin Yu has met before.

Yuan Fei was encountered by Qin Yu when he was fighting for the jade Spirit Physique in the Yin Wind Valley of the ancient burial site. He was besieged by Cang Ao and Qin Yu, and was forced to use the Space Secret Technique to escape. Now he encountered him again here. .

As for the osmanthus, it was outside the North City and made a big shot with Qin Yu. After Qin Yu had a certain advantage, he was also forced to retreat.

These two people have had a holiday with Qin Yu, and now they encounter them here, they must be enemies on a narrow road, and the purpose of these two Old Guys is exactly the same as Cang Ao.

“Hehe, Muxi and Yuan Fei have also arrived here, and they want to fight again.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

At this time, Cang Ao didn’t have much fear, because he had absolute confidence in Qin Yu’s strength. If it were only these two people, then he and Qin Yu would be able to deal with it.

Yuan Fei and Mu Xi also noticed the arrival of Qin Yu and Cang Ao. The eyes of the two people sank at the same time, revealing a sharp cold glow and killing intent.

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