"Hello, Zhang?" Chen Feng connected the phone, is still on the hands-free.

At this time, I don't know how, some smart people seem to think of something, the eyes brush, unbelievable are staring at Chen Feng.

Even Chen Zehui is dead, frowning at Chen Feng.

Xiao Zhang: "yes, just now I checked, there is indeed a man named Yan Bowen, whose account opening amount is 5 million, which is not allowed in the company. However, if it is allowed by the team manager, we can still help to open an account with humanization. However, since this person is in conflict with you, it will naturally not be allowed to stay. I have immediately terminated the contract of this person and opened it The business leader of the household has also been relieved. I wonder if it is proper to do so? "

Chen Feng was also a little surprised and said, "er In fact, I just asked you to terminate the contract with him, and I didn't want to implicate other people... "

All of a sudden, all the people were shocked. Their eyes were staring at Chen Feng. I can't believe it. Is what this guy said is true?

But then the person called Xiao Zhang said on the phone, which made the whole audience hold their breath, and their hearts were rolling like waves.

Xiao Zhang: "Chen Feng, what are you talking about? You are the major shareholder of Jintai! General manager Luo has ordered that all matters related to you should be dealt with as soon as possible! Since Yan Bowen is in conflict with you, that is, with our company, he will definitely not stay. Otherwise, Luo will blame me for my bad work. "

"Major shareholder?"

"Mr. Luo?"

For a moment, the young men and women of this goods are quiet down, Chen Yajing is staring at Chen Feng, Chen Zehui's face suddenly is gloomy.

But Yan Bowen, the whole human heart is as pale as death.

Li Wei was surprised and asked, "Xiao Zhang? Are you Mr. Luo's assistant? "

Xiao Zhang was surprised: "eh? Is there anyone else around Chen Feng? The voice Are you Mr. Li? "

"It's me. I'm Li Wei."

"Small Zhang even busy way:" the original Li and Chen Feng together

Li Wei did not answer. Instead, she looked at Chen Feng and asked, "did you say Chen Feng is a major shareholder of your company?"


Chen Feng light way: "no harm."

The other end of the phone said: "in fact, Chen Feng is not in charge of the company's business, he is just the honorary general manager, and the rest is managed by general manager Luo."

Li Wei's eyes brightened, and Chen Feng's eyes were pleasantly surprised.

As soon as the words came out, the venue exploded instantly.

All of them are looking at Chen Feng with a kind of gaping eyes.

This only 20-year-old boy, unexpectedly is the big shareholder of Jintai!?

This kid said that the business is to be handled by others, so it is to be handled by Luo Jinpeng, the first person in Shenchuan finance!?

Just now they thought what Chen Feng said was the same as the truth, because it was true!

On the other end of the phone, Zhang said that our company was originally with Chen Feng!

This guy is a hidden rich man!

Just now, they also ridiculed Chen Feng for bragging, ridiculed him for looking for someone to play double roles, and ridiculed him for using a thousand yuan mobile phone!

People that is low-key ah! Money is too much, you don't need to use your mobile phone to set off yourself!

A group of people, can't help blushing, late embarrassment is committed.

Chen Zehui's face is very ugly, and Chen Yajing can't help but cast a suspicious look.

In the eyes of their two brothers and sisters, this is simply impossible. What did he do in Shenchuan?

How can it be the biggest shareholder of Shenchuan financial empire!?

But even Li Wei has confirmed that Luo Jinpeng's assistant was on the other end of the phone just now!

The assistant himself admitted, is there any fake?

What's more, Yan Bowen's classmates were fired because of Yan's involvement. Are all these fake?

Although they do not want to believe it, but they look at Chen Feng again, has changed, become frightened, confused, look up, and blush.

Chen Feng glanced at them a circle, light way: "who said I boasted just now?"

All of a sudden, the vast majority of men and women blush, eager to find a seam to drill in.

Yan Bowen's face was as red as charcoal fire, and he was embarrassed to avoid Chen Feng's face.

Just then, the housekeeper of the villa came out.

"Young master and miss, ready to eat."

Chen Feng didn't pay attention to them, put away the gambling agreement just now, and went to it first.

Yan Bowen was dejected and pale. If the shares were transferred out, he would have no position in the group.

"Zehui, you want to help me..."

Although Chen Zehui's face was ugly, he still nodded and looked at the back of the walking in. His eyes were a little jealous.

"Chen Feng, I don't believe you really have this ability. I'll tear you down later!"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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