It was Chen Jinxing who spoke.

Chen Jinxing's face was very low and seemed to be a little unhappy. He looked at Chen Feng and said in a deep voice, "Chen Feng, everyone is our own people. Don't do something like this."

Chen family this side is all with a sneer at Chen Feng.

Chen Huian frowned: "Jinxing, what's the matter?"

Chen Jinxing said in a deep voice, "ask Yiping what his son does."

Chen Yiping was in a hurry and said, "Jinxing, I don't know what you said."

Although Chen Yiping and Chen Jinxing are cousins, they basically call each other by their first name. However, it seems that Chen Jinxing's first name and last name are out of place in a family.

How to say again, Chen Feng is Chen Jinxing's nephew, so straightforward words, it will really let outsiders feel a kind of estrangement.

As an outsider, Li Wei is also the first time to have a reunion dinner in Chen's home. She can't help feeling a little surprised.

Chen Feng doesn't care about Chen Jinxing's name.

After getting rich, many people will try their best to get rid of some bad experiences of getting up early, such as being born and doing some wrong things.

This is Chen Jinxing.

He always felt that his birth in the countryside was a lifelong shame. After all, his identity and status were different, and he was afraid of being told by others in terms of his life experience.

For some people, this situation is mostly intolerable, because this kind of ridiculed experience and birth will appear inferior to others.

Therefore, until now, many people have achieved success in mathematics. They squeeze into high-income groups such as white-collar workers and make friends with upper class personnel. They will try their best to avoid their birth because they will feel ashamed.

This is especially true for people like Chen Jinxing, who are already big business people.

For Chen Yiping's family, he just doesn't care.

However, he is a filial son. Since Chen Hui'an came to live in the city, Chen Hui'an has been reciting about it. Chen Jinxing has no way to ask Chen Yiping to come to dinner for the Chinese New Year.

But this does not mean that the whole family agrees with the Chen Yiping family.

Especially today is new year's Eve. The whole family is dressed in expensive clothes. If you look at the Chen Yiping couple and the young man next to him, they are just like beggars.

Therefore, only in these years have they seen such a rich dish of Chen Yiping and his wife. They seem to have no pity on their hands and feet. They seem to be on pins and needles. They seem to dirty their stools when they move.

Just before the banquet, Chen Feng had found out that Chen Jinxing's wife was surrounded by him and didn't know what he was talking about, and together with Yan Bowen, she pointed to Chen Feng.

He didn't care, but he already knew what was going on in his heart.

"Uncle, I don't know what you're talking about." Chen Feng said.

At this time, a woman about 50 years old, dressed up and dressed like a clown, could not help but smile and said, "Xiao Feng, your cousin is also playing with you. We are all our own people. Let's forget about the gambling. How about giving it back to your cousin?"

Chen Yiping and his wife were shocked and asked, "a Feng, what gambling appointment?"

Chen Feng said, "Dad, I'll tell you about it when I go back."

Immediately he looked at the woman and asked, "I don't know why my cousin said that?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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