Because of the banquet, the lights of the donation party will be dimmed temporarily. When the number of donations is reported, the spotlight will hit the person. This is to create a mysterious atmosphere, and give the guests such a kind of honor to pay attention to the whole audience when reporting the donation figures.

A figure finally stood up, not Chen Feng and who?

There are three round tables in front of the rostrum, each of which is several meters away. Chen Feng is sitting on the left side of the round table. Therefore, strictly speaking, if the light goes down, he is facing Pang Dai Zhong Peng and Pang Haocheng.

In addition, before the banquet, Xu Ze's table was a group of young people, and they were not able to put their clothes on the table. Naturally, they easily ignored the existence of Chen Feng.

Another is, Chen Feng is really too quiet, the whole process of those tycoons in the report of donation figures, Chen Feng's face is basically calm as water, in the eyes of ancient well.

But this time, Chen Feng because pan Guangle they are all questioned staring, no way he still stood up.

Mrs. Pang frowned a little when she saw the young man with her back to herself and a little sideways.

The party itself is a donation activity, and it is joyful. Therefore, for anyone to donate money, Pang Haocheng and his wife are happy.

But just now, minglan group said that they donated 10 million yuan in the name of Chen Feng. The two couples were very happy and surprised at the same time.

So he is Chen Feng?

"What's the matter?" Pang Haocheng seemed to be looking at the figure, and his eyes were thoughtful.

Mrs. Pang shook her head and said in doubt: "the man seems to be familiar with him. His profile is a bit like the doctor who saved you last time."

Pang Haocheng's face changed slightly.

At that time, when she woke up, Mrs. Pang told me the situation in the operating room that day. To tell the truth, even he was unbelievable.

The so-called miracle doctor has made all the attending doctors and even the professors in the hospitals directly under the municipal government from Yanjing to be helpless?

Finally, he was shocked to learn that it was the traditional Chinese acupuncture technique that saved him when he was a young man about 20 years old.

Is medical skill so good at a young age? Can you even bring back the dead?

Since then, he has been looking for people to inquire about the whereabouts of the genius doctor. However, he knows that there is no news now.

The conversation between Pang Haocheng and Mrs. Pang was heard by He Xiang. He Xiang said with a smile: "Madam Pang, I think you must be wrong. That is my high school classmate. His three generations were born as farmers. It is impossible for him to study medicine."

To tell you the truth, Pang Haocheng's illness caused a lot of news in Qinling city at that time. He Xiang and he Xiang had heard of it.

They were also very shocked by the miracle doctor. It was clear that Pang Hao was going to die and couldn't return to heaven. He could even have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

They guessed that it was definitely Huatuo in the world, or the descendant of some ancient medical school.

How can this kind of miracle doctor be related to his classmate Chen Feng?

That can't be hit by eight strokes!

He Yuhong said faintly: "that's right. In my opinion, that guy did not know what means he used to fascinate Xu Ze. He even made this joke here. miracle-working doctor? I think it's a liar. "

Mrs. Pang thought for a moment, thinking deeply.

Pang Haocheng shook his head slightly, yes!

Since he is a miracle doctor, he must be an expert in the world. How can he come to such an occasion?

I'm afraid I can't find my Savior all my life.

See Chen Feng stand up, the spotlight is hit on his body.

"Are you Mr. Chen? Who's in your family? Are the parents at the principal level or vice provincial level? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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