Mr. Chen!

Everyone was surprised, as if they heard the same wrong.

And Chen's group of those high-level, are all Leng in place.

Chen Zehui's whole face seemed petrified.

The most embarrassing thing is Chen Jinxing, who has stood up and is ready to greet him. At this time, his whole face turns into a kind of pig liver color, and the whole person is disordered in the wind.

As soon as Susheng, the helmsman of Tiansheng sea trade group, appeared, his aura was immediately shocked by the whole audience.

Jiangnan province is located in the south of the Yangtze River, with outstanding people and outstanding people. In addition, Su Sheng has been in a high position for a long time, overlooking the whole Jiangnan province. This makes him have to let almost everyone in the venue look up to him, no matter his courage, or the whole person's vision and temperament.

To be honest, even Chen Feng was surprised to see Su Sheng come.

His relationship with Su Sheng is complicated.

Su Sheng is well-known and influential even in Yanjing.

Chen Feng and Su Rou are friends. Originally, Su Sheng looked down on Chen Feng's birth background, but since the East China Sea arena competition, Su Sheng has completely changed his view of Chen Feng, and even intends to let Su Rou get close to Chen Feng.

With Su Sheng's vision and courage in doing business overseas for a long time, I'm afraid that even some big domestic forces are not as good as him.

Su Sheng clearly remembers the leibi in Donghai.

It was too shocking to kill Tong Li.

When he raised his hand, the life and death of the man in charge, the courage to make all forces in the East China Sea submit to the throne, was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Of course, this time Mr. Le also came together. He was injured by the white bear last time, but he has already finished his injury.

Su Shengli platoon people, and Mr. hele is the first to go to Chen Feng, take a deep breath, embrace the fist, and say: "Mr. Chen."

In terms of seniority, Chen Feng is Su Rou's friend, and he should be Chen Feng's senior secondary right.

However, in terms of status, the East China Sea has been led by Chen Feng. His Tiansheng sea trade group is still relying on Chen Feng to maintain its maritime business this year.

Otherwise, all his routes this year have already been snatched away by Lin's group in Jidong province.

Therefore, in terms of the whole maritime trade group, as well as human relations and military force, Su Sheng should call Chen Feng respectfully.

Of course, several big men in the East China Sea have a common sense and try not to reveal that Chen Feng will use force. Chen Feng doesn't want to disturb the outside world too much.

"Chen Da Mr. Chen. " Seeing Chen Feng again, Mr. Le clasped his fists and bowed his head.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "general manager Su, Mr. Le, you are here."

Two people's visit, Chen Feng seems to have guessed what reason.

"We are here to pay a special visit to Mr. Chen today." Said Mr. le.

"Hiss ~ ~"

at the venue, someone once again took a deep breath.

If Wei Chengxin made a special trip from Le'an city to pay New Year greetings to Chen Feng in the name of the Wei family, they could accept it. However, Su Sheng himself came down from Jiangnan province to pay New Year greetings to Chen Feng. They were shocked.

Chen Jinxing, Chen Zehui, Chen Yajing, the three fathers and sons would not believe it if they had not seen it with their own eyes.

Mayor Dai over there looks very embarrassed. Su Sheng is not looking for Chen Jinxing, let alone looking for him.

He is completely surprised by Chen Feng now, so he still returns to his position.

Su Sheng said with a smile: "yes, if it wasn't for Mr. Chen, our Tiansheng sea trade group might have made a negative profit today."

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