In the name of Mr. Chen again!

This time, all people look at Chen Feng's eyes, has become an incredible.

Only because the first Su even so to face this Mr. Chen, 80 million ah!

Although the 80 million yuan is not a small amount, when you look at Su Sheng, a big man in Jiangnan Province, he throws out 80 million yuan like dung, which suffocates many big bosses.

Yes, how much can 80 million do?

Even if it is to invest out, the income is at least several times!

How can they know that 80 million yuan is just a drop in the bucket for Su Sheng to improve the relationship with Chen Feng and eliminate misunderstanding.

I'm afraid that even if Su Sheng takes out half of his fortune, it's not a word!

Su Sheng looked at the envious, up looking, amazing look of those around him. His eyes were very disdainful, even a kind of look down.

"How do you know Master Chen's identity? In time, master Chen's name will surely resound throughout China!"

Su Sheng is different from ordinary people. He has been in contact with martial arts experts such as Mr. le. He also knows the mysterious power organizations abroad and even in China.

Such as the martial arts master whose body is almost rigid concrete and can't be pierced by bullets, or a mysterious department related to the army in China, or some terrible person in the countries of Toyo, northern and Southern Dynasties.

Although he didn't touch that level, he knew it!

And he knows that these people, the secular so-called rights, money, in front of them, just like garbage can't get into their eyes.

These people pay attention to strength!

Raise hand, can kill a person's terrible existence!

And Chen Feng, they are the same!

Chen Jinxing's face was very ugly, and his hand holding the cup was tightly clenched. If the wine glasses here were not all special, the cup would have been crushed by him.

His forehead was full of bruises and his heart was shaking.

If he looked down on Wei Chengxin, then Su Sheng, he almost looked up to the existence.

Previously, he also accused Chen Feng of being ignorant, eating and drinking outside, cheating God and ghost, and being a follower of others.

But now?

Can you recognize the big man of Jiangnan province by eating and drinking?

Can you cheat Su Sheng's relationship with the gods?

Su Sheng didn't know him at all. When he was Wu Wu, compared with Chen Feng's younger generation, it was just a heaven and a ground.

Chen Jinxing has shown this, let alone Chen Zehui.

Chen Zehui's face was very black, and he was about to sink under the table.

"Chen Feng, what on earth have you done outside!"

If we know Wei Chengxin, he looks down on it, and he doesn't look up to it. What about Su Sheng?

How to say that?

Their Chen group, even if given decades of time, it is impossible to achieve the scale of Tiansheng sea trade group!

Chen's group is only the leading group in Qinling City, but what about others?

They have their own routes in the East China Sea. They talk about international trade!

Chen Yajing's beautiful eyes are in doubt, in silence, her thoughts have been disordered.

"Chen Feng I didn't expect you to be so capable outside. "

The charity dinner was held by Pang Haocheng. He was amazed at the status of Mr. Chen, but he was surprised on the other hand.

Naturally, the more donations, the better.

"Tiansheng sea trade group is so rich and powerful! The amount of donation is almost equal to that of Pang Shan Ren. "

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Su is selling face! When my face can start to make money, maybe I can reach the height of Mr. Chen. "

The young people in the crowd were astonished.

There is a saying that goes like this:

when you put down your face to make money, it means that you are sensible.

When you use money to earn face, you have succeeded.

When you can make money with face, you are already a character.

And now they think of a sentence, when everyone gives you face, you are the overlord.

All of a sudden, the welcome guests suddenly yelled --

"the chairman of the three rich groups of the three northern provinces is here!"

Once again, the venue fell into an uproar, and all the people felt a little cluttered in their hearts, as if thinking of something , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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