These are the top business tycoons in Qinling city!

But they were completely shocked by fan Zhihong's local tyrant atmosphere.

What is money?

What is willfulness?

What is a local tyrant?

This is rich, wayward, local tyrant!

A general manager who specializes in selling precious Chinese herbal medicines felt that his head was impacted by a wave of waves, and he gaped and said: "my God, 17 years, 300 years of life, the king has sold a price of 3 million yuan. The year before last, a 400 year old one has already sold 8 million yuan, and the 500 years, at least, tens of millions."

Fan Chen quickly took out a box and opened it immediately. Chen Feng took a look at it. He was surprised and said, "well, it's a good year. It's more than 500 years old. OK, I'll take it. Thank you first."

"No thanks, no thanks. It's necessary. If there is a better year in the future, I'll keep it for Mr. Chen for the first time." Fan Zhihong said quickly.

Chen Feng said with a smile: "so good."

Such people can kill people easily. In his opinion, their skills are almost universal. Worldly money and power can't attract him at all.

So fan Zhihong plans to send out this kind of precious Chinese medicine.

Although the value of this traditional Chinese medicine is not as good as Su Sheng's ancient jade, the medicinal value alone is already priceless for Chen Feng, a medical student.

Chen Feng thought: when I have the true fire of samadhi in the future, I can really make alchemy. At that time, a large number of precious Chinese medicinal materials will be needed. This ginseng will be of great use in the future.

Chen Feng is now a Taoist, far from condensing Samadhi.

But when he breaks through the realm of gas refining, there will be a chance.

"At that time, with the elixir, my cultivation will be improved faster."

Happy to see Chen Feng, fan Zhihong's heart is full of pride!

This kind of master, flatter as much as possible!

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about such an important thing, Chen." Fan Zhihong called.

All of a sudden, people in the audience were moved. They were suspicious of Mr. Chen's identity, or in other words, they were numb.

"Coming, coming."

I don't know why, they were expecting something.

What are you looking forward to?

Fan Chen exclaimed, "our three rich group, in the name of Mr. Chen, donated 100 million!"

"Your sister!"

A young man made a rude remark immediately.

100 million!

Donate 100 million!

Although the amount is the same as that donated by Pang Haocheng, it is not the same as 100 million!

Pang Haocheng is dedicated to doing good deeds. Even if he donates all his money, he will not feel sad because he is a good man.

However, this 100 million yuan has been the largest donation of Yikang industrial group for many years!

But what about the big guy from the three northern provinces? Open mouth is to donate 100 million!

In the name of Mr. Chen again!

Chen Yajing looks at Chen Feng, Chen Feng's eyes have completely changed, even become some reverence meaning.


Mr. Fan of the three northern provinces is so generous, and in the name of Mr. Chen, the face alone is enough to make people donate 100 million!

Who has such a big face in China?

Dai Zhongpeng, on the middle table, didn't know what words to describe himself.

100 million!

Don't say it's in the eyes of ordinary people. Even if it's on these big bosses who have more than one billion dollars, it's impossible to donate them casually.

And in the name of others!

Some secular corporate groups, or some groups, the so-called donation is more a means of public relations and publicity, because it will have a positive impact on their reputation.

If in the name of others, for the reputation of their group company, it is equivalent to throwing into the sea!

Of course, even for their own companies and influential groups, there are not many people here willing to donate so much money.

Let alone do good.

Fan Chen is a dandy and young man. He likes to play with women most. Yan Xiaoxiao is as cold as an iceberg. His calm appearance immediately attracts him.

But he took a look, full of surprise: "Xiaoxiao sister, you also come? Do you know Mr. Chen? "

"Why? It's Xiaoxiao! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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