He Yuhong is just the general manager of Huafei group, but this is the chairman of the board!

He Yuhong has a very important position in Qinling city. Even Dai Zhongpeng wants to sell face to him and hopes to be promoted.

Regardless of Dai Zhongpeng's position, he Yuhong's position will even suppress Chen Jinxing.

Unexpectedly, the chairman of the sea trade group of Tianshui city appeared in their small Qinling city!

Tianshui is a municipality directly under the central government and a second tier city. It is also close to the sea. Its economic and administrative status are much higher than that of Qinling city.

What's wrong with Qinling today?

Just a charity party! Win attracted so many heavyweights in the East China Sea!

And one is bigger than the other!

The young people at the party began to shock.

"Mr. Gao seems to be the most popular one in the East China Sea recently?"

"Yes! A large number of local reports in Donghai are all about him, and he was invited by CCTV to be a guest on the economic channel. "

"His fortune has soared several times this year."

These young people are future entrepreneurs and young talents. Therefore, they are interested in all economic related issues.

Gao Zhaojie, with he Yuhong and LV hang, walked straight to Chen Feng's table.

"Chen Happy new year, Mr. Chen Gao Zhaojie smiles all over his face. When he sees Chen Feng, he sees a savior, just like Avalokitesvara.

Yes, in a way, Chen Feng is the living Bodhisattva of his sea trade group.

Yes, when Su Sheng came, he had guessed that fan Zhihong and Gao Zhaojie would follow.

"Mr. Chen! If it wasn't for you, our group would have been bankrupt, and I would not be able to change your kindness to me in the next life. " Gao Zhaojie said.

The grace of creation!

Although they have doubts about Chen Feng's status and are numb to the fact that these big men have come all the way to pay him new year's greetings, they are astonished to hear of this re creation.

What did he do to let the chairman of the largest group in the four provinces and cities of the East China Sea say this?

"It's a piece of cake." Chen Feng waved his hand in a calm tone.

Su Sheng and fan Zhihong looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

They know how powerful Tongli is. It's terrible to kill such a murderer without blinking an eye between turning his hands!

"It seems that with master Chen here, our transportation in the East China Sea will get better and better these years."

"Hum! How dare they be so blatant at that time Su Sheng and fan Zhihong think so.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, this is the general manager of our group. Here, I'd like to introduce it to you." Gao zhaogera passed he Yuhong.

He Yuhong's face is red. He wants to find a place to drill in. He Xiang's face is black and his heart is shaking!

"Chen Mr. Chen. " He Yuhong bravely shouts.

Pan Guangle, Qiu Wenquan, He Lian, Ruan Yi sitting in the distance and Shang Yifei on the stage are all very strange faces.

"Oh, you are He Xiang's father, aren't you?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Yes Yes He Yuhong agreed in a low voice.

Chen Feng looked at Gao Zhaojie, pointed to he Yuhong, and said, "this person can't be taken."

Gao Zhaojie was stunned immediately. He Yuhong looked as if he was dead gray, and his heart seemed to be broken.

Lu hang next to him snorted coldly and offended master Chen!

Chen Feng's words, let the people at the dinner party are stunned, Chen Feng's meaning is to let Gao Zhaojie fire he Yuhong?

Gao Zhaojie didn't seem to respond. He said in dismay: "Mr. Chen, Xiaohe is the backbone of our company. He..."

"I said," this man, you can't have it. " Chen Feng tone a cold, a kind of no doubt, even with a kind of majestic tone said.

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