This person is very tall and straight, a handsome face, with extremely delicate facial features.

He walked slowly, swaggering and imposing. In his indifferent eyes, there was a look of arrogance and clothing inside.

Seeing this, the four special soldiers on the railings immediately said, "Sir, please hold on. Who are you looking for?"

The man in white glanced at the four of them. Without opening his mouth, he walked straight ahead.

The four special forces immediately became vigilant, and two of them reached out to stop the young man in white.

"Who are you looking for, sir? Do you have an appointment?"

The training of the army and the alertness different from that of ordinary people make them feel that this man has extraordinary temperament and is not an ordinary person.

"Get out of the way. I'll find Lin Fulong." The young man in white finally opened his mouth. There was no emotional fluctuation in his words, but he did not dare to underestimate it.

"Looking for Mr. Lin? Today, Mr. Lin didn't make an appointment with anyone. It's stipulated here that you can't go in without an appointment. Please go back. " The special soldier had a serious expression and a very dignified tone.

At this time, the young man in white raised his head, and his eyes suddenly flashed a sharp light. His tone was still very indifferent, and he said, "I said get out of the way, didn't you hear me?"

As soon as his voice fell, his eyes, as if they had some kind of magic, emitted a kind of light like a sharp blade in the night.

This year is quite abnormal. The Spring Festival temperature is not low. Even in the evening, however, just now, four special forces soldiers felt a kind of bone chilling.

At the beginning, the special soldier's face became cold and said, "if you don't go away, we'll catch you!"

Their eyes were full of vigilance. Although they had not fought a war, the temperament of the man in front of them was not as good as that of their officers and some officers!

The young man in white suddenly turned cold. He waved his hand like a flash of lightning. With a "bang", the first special soldier was beaten to fly. Immediately, everyone saw a flower in front of him. Another special soldier's neck was pinched by him, and his face turned red in an instant.

The other two special forces finally changed their faces. They were so quick that they didn't even see the action of the man. One was beaten and the other was choked by the neck.


Two special forces immediately loaded the gun chamber, pointing to the young man in white, the river: "let him go! Or we'll shoot! "

They saw that one of their partners had fainted in the past, and the special forces soldier who was pinched by his neck had turned purple and his whole body was drooping.

Yes, this man's strength is really terrible. If it goes on like this, after the main artery stops supplying blood, the brain will lack oxygen and cause irreversible damage.

The young man in white has a look in his eyes, and a terrible killing opportunity is shrouded in the body of two special soldiers.

The faces of the two special forces changed wildly again. The feeling was as if they had fallen into the endless darkness and could not extricate themselves. It was as if ten thousand swords were pointing at themselves, and the whole person was suffocating.

"Ants like existence, opportunity, I have given you, shoot it, see you fast, or I fast?" The young man in white sneered.

Unknowingly, the two special forces were all shaking, and even the fingers on the trigger were unconsciously stiff.

"How could..."

They found that their arms seemed to be frozen, and it was very difficult to move the bullets.

"Shoot!" All of a sudden, the young man in white suddenly drank, a thunder roar, as if in the ears of two special forces.

"Stop it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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