The young man was surprised and said, "is it him? Master Chen in Donghai? Who the hell is this man? How could he have come here. "

"I've been practicing xuhedao for so many years, but I still can't break through the thin film of martial arts in the realm of nature. I didn't expect that a 30-year-old man today has reached the peak of martial arts." Uncle Xia is still mumbling to himself.

The young man was worried and said, "ah, uncle Xia, how can you answer the wrong question! Who is this man? Is it better than you? "

Uncle Xia finally turned around and said in a soft voice, "I'm just a master of martial arts. I guess this person is probably close to the master's realm."

"How can it be!"!? Don't you say that the great master is like a peak, and the dragon will not appear in the secular world

The young man was shocked and then said, "you said that the master can resist bullets hard. No wonder this man is not afraid of guns!"

Xia Shudao: "I said that this person may have been close to the martial arts master's realm, but has not arrived, I guess, should be only half step away from the master."

"As for the hard anti bullet you just said, it is only the martial arts master's ability. Although the martial arts master's force is not divine, his body is like steel and iron, and his body is flexible as ghosts. Ordinary bullets can't hit or pierce. Although the man was a master of half steps, if I didn't show up, I'm afraid they would have died without firing a gun. "

The young man was stunned at the spot immediately, and he also understood what uncle Xia was saying.

Martial arts master can avoid bullets, but he may not be able to resist bullets.

But they are martial arts masters!

Although he can't hide the bullet and can't carry the bullet, but his speed is fast. I'm afraid that ordinary people didn't shoot and had already been killed!

"Why did he look for Chen Feng The young man took a deep breath.

Uncle Xia recalled his own scene in the East China Sea that day.

At that time, Donghai town held an underground arena, and Tong Li's reputation had already spread before it was held. Uncle Xia happened to meet an old friend in Southern Fujian Province.

When he heard that a powerful martial arts master from the overseas youth gang came, and also came across the sea in a floating posture, he guessed what.

In order to find out, and because he was also a master of martial arts, he went north to the underground arena of Donghai Town, and was lucky to see that scene at last.

To tell the truth, at that time, he himself was also practicing Xu He Dao, and Chen Feng had the same level of strength. But in the end, Tongli, who was the peak of the anti emptiness, was still killed by one hand, and he didn't even have the chance to escape!

At that time, he thought that Chen Feng must have hidden his strength. He might have been a warrior in the realm of fortune!

How could Xia Shu know that Chen Feng was not a martial artist in the realm of nature at that time. He was really practicing the combination of emptiness and emptiness. It was only because the mental skill was the highest existence and the powerful spiritual power of half a bucket of water that killed Tong Li.

"At that time, Tong Li of the overseas youth gang was hired by Lin Fulong, and Tong Li was killed. It is very likely that this man avenged Tong Li."

The young man took a cold breath and said, "doesn't that mean Is Shenchuan going to die

Xia Shushu shook his head and sighed: "in martial arts, gratitude, resentment, hatred, hatred, killing, who can say clearly, the strong survive, the weak are eliminated. This is a kind of life. Just don't make too much noise Well, I'm in seclusion, and I can't take care of it. "

Uncle Xia sighed, and he went back to the room and continued to smoke his dry tobacco. But in his eyes, the shock color just now could not fade away for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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