Chen Feng rolled his eyes. In fact, he was not really angry.

In any case, they are all immortals!

Moreover, Li Bai's character is arrogant and unruly, and he doesn't agree with Li Bai.

"For the sake of the doctor."

Chen Feng: "you wait."

He went back to find some liquor soaked in his home, and then his thoughts moved and passed on.

It didn't take long.

Li Bai: "eh? This wine is OK, but it's still a little far away from my daughter's red. Brother Chen, do you have anything else? "

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and was really a troublesome guy. He replied, "I tell you, I don't owe you, so I'll find another kind of wine for you, but I can't pull it down."

Chen Feng doesn't have so much time to spend with this guy here.

He immediately went to find wine, but after his father drank beer, Chen's mother drank a little white wine before going to bed. They didn't have any other medicinal wine, such as yellow rice wine.

"Why? When the third day of junior high school, Xu Ze seemed to send a Maotai? He said that his father found someone out there. "

Chen Feng looked for the next, and finally found it in the innermost of the cupboard.

"Dad, it's really tight! This should be it. "

Chen Feng only knows that Maotai is the national liquor. He didn't think so much about it. He just passed it on.

As time went by, about ten minutes later, Li Bai had not sent any message, but Chen Yiping came in with a worried face.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Chen Yiping asked nervously, "a Feng, did you see the bottle of Maotai I hid in the cabinet?"

Chen Fenggang wanted to say yes, and he took it. Chen Yiping said anxiously, "I'm used to seeing everything before I go to bed, but just now I found that there is no more! I suspect it was stolen by a thief! What should I do? No, I have to go to the police. "

Chen Yiping said he was about to run out. Chen Feng was stunned. Fortunately, he was quick. He immediately grabbed Chen Yiping and said helplessly, "it's just a bottle of Maotai liquor. What can I do to call the police?"! If you steal it, you will be stolen. "

"If you steal it, you will be stolen? That's easy for you to say Chen Yiping's anxious smell was filled with a cry.

"It's about a hundred dollars! I'll buy you a case. " Chen Feng said boldly.

"You You You know a fart Chen Yiping pointed to Chen Feng and was very excited.

Chen Feng looks stunned. Chen Yiping will not be so excited in the impression! What happened tonight?

Isn't it just a bottle of Maotai?

Chen Yiping frowned and blushed. He said, "that's the ordinary welcome Maotai! Those more than 100 can be bought everywhere, but last time your friend sent that, but it was five-star Maotai! I specially checked the number tonight. The transaction was completed in 13 years, which is more than 5 million yuan! "


Chen Feng opened his mouth and was stunned.

It's not his heartache. With the money in his bank card, he doesn't know how much he can buy.

But the problem is, the five million, I just gave it to that drunkard!

What he loves is his father!

He now knows why his father is in such a hurry. It's a bottle of wine with millions of dollars!

Ordinary families who are particularly willing to drink? Isn't it right to be an old man?

"Tell me, how could your friend give such a big gift?" Chen Yiping immediately stares at Chen Feng and questions.

Chen Feng scratched his head and said, "he fell into the water last time. I saved him. His father just wanted to repay me, so..."

"Five million Maotai for all?" Chen Yiping expressed 100 doubts.

"Er..." Even Chen Feng felt embarrassed by this excuse.

However, Chen Yiping was not in the mood to think about that. He was in a hurry and said, "the five million wine! Now, what can I do now? "

Chen Feng comforted: "Dad, don't worry. These drinks are numbered. If they appear on the market, we can know. You go out and look for it. If not, we will call the police tomorrow."

As soon as Chen Yiping wanted to nod, he immediately went to look for it.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated.

Li Bai: "if you are satisfied with your life, you should be happy. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today."! Good wine, good wine! Brother Chen, do you still have this wine? "

There's your sister! You give it back to me! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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