It is said that the days of waiting are always hard.

Chen Feng has been pondering over the silver Blood Sword these two days. He is about Mo, and the more he starts, the more eager he is to try.

Chen Feng has learned a little sword technique, and he was the last Lingfeng sword.

He also tried to apply the Lingfeng sword technique to the silver Blood Sword, but unfortunately it didn't work.

A good horse with a good saddle. Chen Feng has heard that among some ancient swordsmen, if the sword is not used, it will not play the power of the sword.

In the same way, in the legend, the sword still recognizes its master. As long as you are not identified, it will not give full play to the full power of the sword.

Obviously, silver Blood Sword doesn't look up to Lingfeng's sword technique at all. No matter how Chen Feng plays and how he instills his spiritual power into it, he just doesn't respond.

There is no way, he can only wait for Xu Ze's Maotai.

Chen Yiping is also because of the disappearance of Maotai, his mood is restless, and he has no energy to do anything.

The Spring Festival is not over yet. This day is a day for the Chen family to worship their ancestors.

However, in the village, there are basically only Chen Yiping and Chen Jinxing.

Of course, Chen Jinxing and his family have already moved out.

In the traditional Chinese new year, this kind of day, because of physical inconvenience, Chen Huian has not come back to worship for many years since he moved to the urban area.

Maybe it's because he fell out with Chen Yiping and his family on New Year's Eve. Chen Huian intended to make Chen Jinxing and Chen Yiping reconcile. This time he came anyway.

Because Chen's group is the leading group in Qinling City, it is often talked about by villagers in the village, only because Chen Jinxing was born here, and has achieved such a large and high position.

Therefore, on this day every year, almost all the villagers will come to watch.

This time, Chen Huian, Chen Jinxing, Chen Zehui and Chen Yajing came.

The whole family is well dressed, and there are many bodyguard assistants and so on.

With the help of Chen Yajing, Chen Huian, the head of Chen Hui'an, went to the ancestral hall of the Chen family.

The ancestral hall of the Chen family is the latest and largest in the village. After all, Chen Jinxing is rich now. If you don't make the ancestral hall of the village beautiful, it will be talked about.

"Hehe, uncle Hui'an is really old and strong!"

"I wish uncle Hui'an the best of luck and longevity."

"I wish you a long life."

A group of middle-aged people who used to have a friendship with Chen Huian, as well as some young men, cried one after another.

"Good, good."

Chen Hui'an was very kind and comforting. He immediately sent red envelopes to unmarried young people and children he knew.

"Jinxing, you are back today!" A tall and thin middle-aged man with a black face said hello to Chen Jinxing.

"Well." Chen Jinxing nodded, without much expression.

The black faced middle-aged man laughed awkwardly and stopped talking.

The middle-aged man's wife glared at him, pulled aside, and complained, "look, Jinxing used to go to work with you. Now people are rich, and you, they don't know you."

The middle-aged man gave a bitter smile and said, "well, it's also true. He's the top man in Qinling now. Where can you remember me?"

The crowd sighed.

As the saying goes, each person has his or her own destiny, and some things, indeed, not everyone has such a blessing.

The Chen Hui'an family also took the lead in entering the ancestral hall, followed by the Chen Yiping family.

"The so-called" returning home in good clothes "is this style? The Chen family really has a future! "

"Yes! Of course, Jinxing is still as big as me. Now he is a big boss. He is very influential in Qinling Mountains. I don't know how many people want to give him face. " A middle-aged man sighed.

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