To the west of pingweng County, this is a mountain forest area. Although the area is not very large, the mountain forest is lush and lush. It is said that it used to be a small village in pingweng county.

But since a few years ago, there have been large snakes in the area, which not only hurt people, but also ate people. The villagers were afraid, and then they moved away.

At this time, the village, a blue figure, like a butterfly in the same dance.

A closer look, but see a handsome young man, holding a silver long sword in the dance.

This person is Chen Feng.

"Whew, whew!"

The spirit power drives the sword into the silver Blood Sword. The white light explodes and flashes. The sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, like willow catkins.

"Green lotus sword technique, the first move, long song flying rainbow!"

A green sword like a rainbow ran through it. Suddenly, it was ten meters long. In front of me, a towering tree of environmental protection for three people was cut off in an instant.


The big tree collapsed, and the earth was shaken and a large amount of dust was stirred up.

"It's done!"

Chen Feng's face was suddenly ecstatic. He spent half a month to practice the green lotus sword technique. Finally, the emperor did what he wanted.

"The Sword Fairy is indeed a sword immortal. The first long song flying rainbow took me half my time! But with this sword technique, master's land, I have no match again

Chen Feng's body, immediately is filled with a kind of proud look.

"Well, who's looking for some real guys to practice?" Chen Feng said to himself.

His swordsmanship was just practiced by big trees.

But the enemy will not stand there to attack you. Chen Feng needs a target, some soul, a target that can dodge quickly.

Yes, it's the big snake in the mountain forest.


All the time, the news of Xingwu's journey across the inland was shocking.

For nothing else, because Xing Zhifei is the eldest disciple of shaohefeng, one of the three martial arts masters of the overseas youth gang.

Shaohefeng's name is simply too strong.

Although he had not set foot in the interior of China, his reputation of covering the sky in the bay island and his military power had already spread to China.

After all, the power of one person can cut through the pirate wear, this kind of peerless master, itself should appear on TV.

And to know, shaohefeng has become famous more than ten or twenty years ago!

Any practitioner of martial arts pursues a higher and stronger realm. Therefore, they are very concerned about everything in the world of martial arts, especially the master of martial arts.

In China, the martial arts master itself is the existence of God and dragon without end, which is almost impossible to appear in the secular world.

When some martial arts practitioners in the South learned that shaohefeng's eldest disciple was going to come to China, they were investigating the reason. Under such investigation, all the martial arts practitioners in the South were shocked.

Because Xing Zhifei's appearance is to revenge for his younger brother.

The second disciple of shaohefeng was killed in the East China Sea by a man named master Chen.

"Who is master Chen? I heard that he was only 20 years old, but he had already killed the second disciple of shaohefeng named Tongli. "

"I don't know. It's from the south, right? But it's not surprising that this kind of children's family thing is not so surprising. I can't hear the peak of Xutong at that time? Even those who made chemical environment weapons were killed by the same level. What's worth paying attention to in this kind of battle? "

"What do you know? The eldest disciples who came this time are not the same. It is said that the cultivation of martial arts and Taoism has directly reached the master of half step! "

"What?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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