Mr. Le took a deep breath and said with difficulty: "master Chen, a month ago, Xing Zhifei arrived in Shenchuan and gave a woman a vicious bloody palm. Blood swallowing palm is a unique skill of blood phagocytes hundreds of years ago. As long as one palm is hit, all the blood, periosteum and even the internal organs of the body will be slowly swallowed up and eroded, and finally become a skeleton. His purpose is to lead you out... "

Hearing this, Zhang Yiping's eyes were empty, his whole body was paralyzed on the ground, and the whole person was in a daze. He murmured to himself: "how could How could this happen... "

Chen Feng took a deep breath. His eyes were full of opportunities. The cold light was like the starlight. It was like a sharp blade of cold wind. No one could get close to it.

"And then?"

"During this period, Xing Zhifei openly challenged all the warriors below the master in the south at the window of the world. He won 18 battles and won a total victory. Now he has been given a title in the south, and there is no enemy under the master." Said Mr. le.

Xu Mingzhi said quickly, "Mr. Chen, at that time, you told everyone not to go up and disturb you. We didn't dare to go up the mountain..."

Chen Feng tries to calm down her mood.

What Chen Feng didn't expect was that Xing Zhifei would force himself by such means!

Unknowingly, Chen Feng's eyes deep, even flash a trace of blue light.

"Xing Zhifei, you can move me, but you still hurt my friend! I don't want to kill you, I write two words backwards! Mr. Le, tell me to go out and let someone prepare to collect Xing Zhifei's body! "

As soon as this saying appears, it's just like a sharp blade coming out of its scabbard. It's full of sword spirit and proud clothes.

Chen Feng helped Zhang Yiping to Ali, and promised in a deep voice: "Uncle Zhang, Qiuyi has risen because of me. I will keep her life for you."

Zhang Yiping was stunned. His eyes were full of tears and blood. He murmured, "really?"

Chen Feng nodded, looked at Su Sheng and said in a deep voice, "set off for Shenchuan immediately!"

"I'll arrange the helicopter!" Xu Mingzhi said

A few hours later, Shenchuan people's hospital.

This is the best modern general hospital in Shenchuan.

By this time, outside the ICU ward, all the doctors were already waiting.

After a while, a group of people came along. Zhang Yiping, the leader, led the way ahead. Chen Feng, Xu Mingzhi, Su Sheng, fan Zhihong and Gao Zhaojie followed closely. Mr. Le went according to Chen Feng's instructions.

"How is it going?" As soon as Zhang Yiping arrived, he asked anxiously.

The Dean came over, shook his head and said, "Zhang Bureau, we have tried our best. You'd better go to see Miss Zhang for the last time."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Yiping nearly fell to the ground with the help of a doctor.

"Doctor, is there really nothing I can do? Even if the life of Qiu Yi can be extended! " Zhang Yiping wailed and grabbed the dean's hand.

All the doctors bowed their heads in silence and did not dare to see Zhang Yiping.

As they know, these days, Zhang Yiping has been running around looking for famous doctors and professors, but it has not helped.

On the contrary, a man of political age has become so embarrassed and haggard that people are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts.

Those doctors who are parents do not understand Zhang Yiping's mood at this time?

That's my own heart!

However, for them, the so-called death, although they have looked down on the situation, numb, but every time they encounter this kind of family members' heartrending performance, they still feel sad.

Then they saw a young figure coming in.

"Young man, you can't The patients inside are about to... " A doctor found Chen Feng and immediately stopped him.

Chen Feng turned back, a pair of clear as ink eyes, like stars, and then a sonorous and powerful words sounded -

"only I can save her!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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