I saw a figure is toward the front of the past.

Wearing a long white shirt, he looks like an ancient chivalrous man.

With his hands on his back, he was also very beautiful, but he walked leisurely in front of the "fountains of four continents" in Europe, seemingly waiting for something.

As soon as this man appeared, all the martial arts practitioners around him exclaimed one after another --

"this man is Xing Zhifei!"

The venue was a sensation for a time.

They are hundreds of meters away, but still feel that the person has some extraordinary temperament.

This kind of temperament can not be possessed by ordinary people at all.

Even Zeng Ping, when they saw the appearance of this man, they were slightly moved.

They are rich children, have seen the most, of course, is the head of the face and status of the people.

These people are all covering the sky, or they are condescending, that kind of temperament, are big people.

However, this man, like Gu song, has the calm temperament that can be exploded in an instant, which is written on his face to give them the illusion that he is really a modern man?

That kind of scene that seems to bring their own BGM immediately appeared in these young people.

"He is Xing Zhifei! Master banbu A middle-aged man took a deep breath.

Master Wudao is respected by people. Similarly, master banbu is also a terrifying existence.

Zeng Ping and his colleagues heard uncle Xia's bragging words just now. Now when they associate with this person, they can't get on with each other at all.

"See? He is master banbu, the first disciple of shaohefeng, one of the three great masters of the overseas youth gang. " Said uncle Xia.

"Overseas Youth Gang?" Dai Hua and several people were shocked.

Of course, they have heard of the overseas youth gang. It was one of the three major organizations in the Ming and Qing Dynasties!

It's just that all of them came to bay island.

"Grandfather, shaohefeng, as you said just now, is a great master. Is he very good?" Cai Bingyan asked again.

"Ha ha," said uncle Xia, with fascination, respect and emotion in his eyes, "it's not only powerful, it's invulnerable. With the power of one hand, you can break a sea ship. Do you think it's terrible?"

Song Yuwen, Su Rou, Dai Hua, Cai Bingyan and Shen Hao were all taken aback.

"This is a god man! One hand breaks a ship? You're not bragging, are you, grandfather Cai Bingyan finally said the bottom of his heart.

Even Shen Hao felt incredible.

He had seen the scene of Chen Feng shattering the arena with one hand. In his opinion, it was shocking enough, almost shocking to the world.

Now there are people who can break the ship with one hand?

Is this still human?

Zeng Ping finally couldn't help but sneer again: "old man, there must be a limit to boasting! This is modern, not mythical. "

Uncle Xia has long ignored this guy and said faintly: "you don't know what strength is. When you really know it, you will find how small you are."

In the eyes of Uncle Xia, they are no different from ants that can be easily crushed to death. If someone had contradicted him so much when he was young, he would have started fighting.

Song Yuwen quickly asked, "grandfather, how do they compete in martial arts? Is it here? "

"I don't know. This site was chosen by Xing Zhifei himself, but don't underestimate here. The buildings that are simulated and scaled down here can't bear their attack at all. This scenic spot in Europe should be a ruin."

Of course, they don't believe it. Even walls can be broken?

Is that a human piling machine?

"So far? It's the size of a pea. What do you think? " Cai Bingyan muttered.

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